
We have each other

Afterer a few moments their tears started to decrease and they started to calm down. Without talking they let go of each other and started gazing one another in the eyes. While still flushed by all that crying, Erin smiled. That smile was reflected in Hiro's eyes who couldn't stop looking at her. And without knowing he smiled back.

• Wowwww, I finally saw you smile - she said happily.

• Ah.. - Hiro started blushing.

At that moment, for the first time he seemed like any other boy at his age.

• Will you really be with me ? - he said staring strait at Erin. His eyes didn't waver not one bit, so she knew how serious this question was. But in a few seconds she responded :

• Every moment from now, I'll be with you... Her respond was genuine and Hiro could feel her honesty.

• You know, let's do a Pinky promise - she said smiling while putting forward her little finger. Then Hiro putted his finger forward and catched hers.

• I promise to always be with you and like you more than anyone else in the whole world - she said.

• I promise to always stay with you and make you my bride - Hiro added.

Erin blushed and looked at the ground, then she took a peak at Hiro and he was staring at her with a soft and gentle gaze. In silence she nodded as telling him that she approves to become his bride. Happy yet embarrassed the two made the promise and let go of each other's finger, when suddenly...

Hiro putted his hands in to Erins shoulders and while seeing the reflection in each other's eyes coming closer, Hiro gave Erin a kiss.

That was a light touch in the lips for both of them but they could feel a warm feeling from head to toe. It ended after five seconds or so but to them it looked longer. Their first kiss... While Hiro was blushing but so happy, Erin could feel her lips burning and she turned bright red. She was cought by surprise but yet she felt overwhelmed with joy, so as red as a pepper she gave Hiro a big smile.

Their hearts started beating like crazy and then after that sweet moment... Erin's heart started to hurt from the joy...

Omg >•< I kind of blushed all the time while writing this one . What do you guys think ? Comment your thoughts ^^ Don't forget to rate the chapters , Thank you ~^^~ !

Tucicreators' thoughts