
She Fell For Her.. (GL)

Yusun_Park · LGBT+
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16 Chs

It's just 10:45


Summary Of: His Feelings..

Raven, Grace, and Mark arrived at a charming cafe with a fairy-tale-like ambiance. The cafe's whimsical decor and enchanting atmosphere captivated Mark as he watched Raven place their orders. While enjoying coffee and pastries, playful banter ensued, and Raven suggested a new adventure. Mark and Grace eagerly embraced the idea, creating an infectious joy within the cozy cafe as they looked forward to what lay ahead.


It's just 10:45

As the waiter approached their table with a tray of freshly served coffees, his eyes were irresistibly drawn to Raven, who exuded an aura of confidence and charm. He couldn't resist the opportunity to add a touch of flirtation to the moment

"Coffee for the enchanting lady," the waiter said with a seductive grin. "If you ever find yourself needing a refill of anything else—whether it's coffee or conversation—don't hesitate to beckon me. I'm at your service."

His suggestive tone left a hint of intrigue hanging in the air as he departed, leaving Raven entertained expression but her focus remained on her companions, Mark and Grace. 

Mark was taken aback by the realisation that there might be numerous contenders vying for Raven's attention, and perhaps even her affection. This thought weighed on his mind as they continued to enjoy their time at the café.

Raven smiled mischievously as she spoke, "After we finish these, I'll take you to the place you'd die for." They all sipped their coffees, delving into a lively conversation. Time flowed swiftly, and they eventually drained their cups.

Suddenly, Grace's phone rang, and she swiftly answered it, saying, "Hello?"

Her sister's voice crackled through the phone, carrying an unexpected urgency. "Hey, where are you?"

Grace's eyebrows furrowed in surprise. "It's just 10:45, how come you're so early?"

On the other end of the line, her sister sighed, and her explanation sounded rushed, "Long story, I need the keys to get in, so please come fast."

Concern instantly washed over Grace's features as she ended the call, her voice barely above a whisper as she confided in Raven, "I have to go, she's back."

Raven's concern deepened as she questioned Grace, "So early...?"

Grace nodded with a worried expression, affirming the unexpected situation. "Yeah..."

Raven turned to Mark, her expression regretful as she informed him, "Mark, I don't think we'll be going to the place I mentioned before. Grace has to head back home."

Mark, recognizing the reality of their busy lives, responded with understanding, "Sure, some…..."

However, within the depths of his thoughts, he acknowledged a hint of scepticism about the possibility of a future meeting. "I don't think I should get my hopes up for meeting them sometime later," he mused to himself, contemplating the unpredictability of their respective schedules.

Returning to the conversation, he voiced his situation, "Even I have to leave at some point." It was a gentle reminder of the transient nature of the moment, subtly suggesting that opportunities to meet might be scarce. Raven acknowledged his words with a nod, the understanding between them unspoken but present.

Raven, with a warm smile, acknowledged their current situation. "Okay then, some other time," she replied, indicating her openness to future plans as she and Grace prepared to leave.

As they made their way towards the exit, Mark, with a sudden realization, couldn't help but feel a surge of joy. "Did she just say… 'some other day'? Yes!" he thought to himself, his excitement palpable.

Unable to contain his happiness, Mark exclaimed, "She made my day! Or I suppose my night!" It was evident that the prospect of a future meeting with Raven had brightened his night.

Raven and Grace exchanged friendly waves with Mark as they made their way out of the cozy coffee shop, leaving him behind. Mark watched them go with a smile on his face cherishing the moments they had shared.

Mark stepped out of the cafe, his thoughts a whirlwind of emotions. His eyes landed on his bike, and for a moment, he was lost in contemplation. The moon hung in the night sky, a silent witness to his musings.

In a soft, almost wistful voice, Mark murmured, "I wonder if she will ever tell 'the moon looks beautiful' to someone... or if I might get a chance to tell her that...."

A sigh escaped him, his heart weighed down by unspoken feelings and the uncertainty of what lay ahead.

"I sometimes wonder if she is dating someone secretly…" Mark whispered to himself his voice trembled slightly with a blend of curiosity and unease as he leaned against his bike, staring into the distance. He wore an expression of hope intertwined with uncertainty, like a man searching for a lost treasure in the depths of his emotions.

"Will I ever have a chance with her?" he asked, casting his eyes skyward, the moon above serving as a silent witness to his inner turmoil. The night held the secrets of his unspoken desires, and Mark couldn't help but wonder if fate would ever grant him the opportunity to reveal his feelings for the enigmatic Raven.

Mark revs up his bike and, with a final glance at the moonlit sky, he decides to head home. The engine's rumble blends with the night's quiet, carrying him away from the café and his contemplative moments.

Meanwhile, Raven navigates the city streets on her motorcycle with Grace sitting behind her, the wind rushing past them. Grace leans closer, breaking the silence that enveloped them.


keep reading to find out. 

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