
She Fell For Her.. (GL)

Yusun_Park · LGBT+
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16 Chs

Such a gentleman!


Summary Of: It's just 10:45

At the café, a flirtatious waiter added a touch of charm to their coffee service, leaving Mark briefly pondering the competition for Raven's attention. Despite this distraction, Raven promised to take them to an exciting place after finishing their coffees. However, Grace received an urgent call from her sister, forcing her to leave abruptly. Raven and Mark acknowledged the unpredictable nature of their schedules, but Mark couldn't help feeling hopeful about a future meeting with Raven.

As they left the café, Mark mused about his unspoken feelings and wondered if Raven might be dating someone secretly. The night held the secrets of his desires. Mark eventually revved up his bike and headed home, while Raven and Grace rode off into the city, the wind carrying them away.


Such a gentleman! 

The motorcycle sliced through the night, wind howling around Raven and Grace as they rode through the quiet streets. Breaking the silence, Grace leaned in and asked, "Ray, have you ever thought of being more than friends?" Grace's words hung in the wind like a question waiting to be unraveled. 

Raven, usually quick-witted, was momentarily taken aback. Her raised eyebrow and playful grin was crystal clear action for the swirl of thoughts beneath the surface. "You're gay?" she teased Grace with a playful tone.

Grace laughed, the sound carrying away on the wind. "Aye, I'm not... how can I when I'm in love with BTS and K-drama?"

Raven chuckled. "Point noted. But what's up with these random questions?" 

Grace's laughter subsided, replaced by a thoughtful look. "It's just that people around you want to be with you, but you pretend like you don't get a hint."

The atmosphere shifted as Raven's expression turned more serious. "I have other things to focus on," she said, her tone indicating a weight of responsibility. "I've got to get a sports scholarship; I have to deal with a lot of other shit... Being in love is not one of them."

Grace sighed, her tone revealing her feelings.

As the motorcycle sped through the city streets, Raven's voice took on a softer tone.

"Was that a sigh of relief? Or..." she trailed off, a hint of curiosity lingering in her words.

Grace's response came with a smile, "Relief, relief that you won't leave me for a guy..."

The air filled with Raven's laughter, a genuine sound that resonated with the warmth of their friendship. "I will always be there, priorities, you know," she teased.

In response to Raven's playful comment, Grace playfully hits her. Grace's laughter bubbled in the cool night air. Raven, wearing a playful grin, issued a mock warning, "Keep doing that, and I'll leave you here in the middle of the street."

Grace's response was a hearty laugh, "I bet, you won't dare to do it", she says with full confidence in Raven. 

The night air rushed past as the motorcycle carried Raven and Grace through the streets. Their laughter echoed against the city's murmur.

"How much you betting?" Raven's mischievous tone cut through the sound of the engine.

Grace, leaning into the banter, declared boldly, "Quadrillion dollars!"

Raven chuckled, "You don't even know how many zeros are there in..."

Unfazed, Grace dismissed the concern, "Whatever, I trust you."

With a smirk, Raven considered, "Hmm, I would have done the dare, but you'd lose a lot of cash. I don't think you have that much. You'd be bankrupt, Grace. So, I won't leave you here."

The playful banter took a turn when Grace, now in mock anger, lashed out, "You ASSHOLE! BITCH!"

Amused, Raven glanced at Grace through the rearview mirror, "Hahaha, look at you getting all mad." The night continued with their laughter. 

Raven and Grace enter the apartment basement. Raven skillfully parked her motorbike in Grace's designated spot.

Raven, with a smile, comments, "There, home sweet home."

Grace, expressing gratitude, says, "I'll tell you if anything happens, bye."

Raven, casually, questions, "What's the hurry? I'm coming with you." The familiarity and ease between them is evident as they banter walking toward the elevator.

Looking puzzled, Grace questions Raven "Why though?"

Raven responds with a simple demeanour, "Will it harm you?"

"Nope." Grace says with a shrug.

Raven, matter-of-factly, concludes, "Then, I'm coming." The decision made without much ado, the two friends continue walking toward the elevator. 

Grace couldn't help but feel a warm admiration for Raven's gesture, a subtle smile playing on her lips as they strolled along the familiar path.

Grace's thoughts echoed in her mind, "Such a gentleman. If only people saw this side of her, they would be head over heels for her." The unspoken appreciation lingered in the air, a silent acknowledgment of the depth in their friendship.

As they got off the elevator and approached Grace's house, they spotted Grace's sister, Caroline, sitting next to the front door, seemingly lost in her thoughts.

Raven, always one to break the silence with her easygoing nature, called out, "Hey, Caroline. Long time no see." Her voice carried a friendly familiarity, breaking the stillness of the moment.

Caroline remained silent, her gaze as though fixed on some distant point.

Grace, concerned by her sister's uncharacteristic behavior, couldn't help but question, "What's up with the attitude, Caroline?"

Raven, always ready to defend, interjected, "Give her a break. How long are you gonna boss over your 'big sister'?"

Grace corrected with a playful smirk, "Not exactly big..."

Raven teased, "Yea, yea."

Turning her attention to Caroline, Raven called out, "Caroline, no response to your sister's banter?" 

As they reached the front door, Grace fumbled with the key, trying to unlock it while Raven made her way over to Caroline. To their surprise, Caroline was fast asleep, sitting against the door, and the distinct scent of beer lingered in the air.

Raven, wrinkling her nose, couldn't help but comment, "Damn, you reek of alcohol... which is beer. Your choices suck."

Grace, rolling her eyes at her sister's irresponsible actions, continued wrestling with the stubborn lock.

Raven softly whispered to Caroline, "Let's get you to your room and hope your sister doesn't screw you in the morning." Determination marked her words as she gently lifted Caroline off the floor and into her arms. 

Grace, still grappling with the frustration of her sister's state, couldn't help but vent, "What the heck, she deserves to be outside the house..."

Raven, in her ever-practical way, offered a reasoning, "And cause you more trouble when your mom comes home?"

Grace, realizing the potential fallout of leaving Caroline outside, sighed in reluctant agreement. "Right."

Raven carefully left Caroline on her bed, ensuring she was comfortably settled, and then rejoined Grace in the hallway.

Raven, adopting her practical demeanour, instructed, "Get her changed."

Grace, teasingly, responded with a smirk, "I know the drill."

Raven, smirking in return, remarked, "Very well, my job here is almost done."

Curious about Raven's remaining tasks, Grace inquired, "What else do you have to do?"

Injecting a playful tone, "Sober drink?" Raven suggested.

Grace laughed, "Ahh, almost forgot." realizing she almost overlooked the essential task.

Grinning, Raven declared, "Job done. Bye."

Grace, appreciative of her friend's help, began, "Bye, thank you for—"

Raven interrupted with a casual wave, "Anytime. See you the day after."

They exchanged a friendly farewell, and Raven disappeared into the night.


keep reading to find out. 

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