
She Fell For Her.. (GL)

Yusun_Park · LGBT+
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16 Chs

His Feelings..


Summary Of: Damn, you're loaded!!

Raven and Grace playfully confronted Mark about their unprepared coffee plans. Mark, initially taken aback, agreed to go for coffee. Their laughter filled the air as they left the bar and headed towards Mark's impressive Kawasaki bike. Raven teased Mark about his bike, and Grace injected enthusiasm into their plans. Raven invited Mark to follow her for their casual coffee outing, turning an unexpected encounter into a lighthearted adventure none of them had anticipated.


His Feelings..

Raven started her bike, the engine purring to life with a familiar comforting hum. Grace hopped on behind her, securing herself tightly. Her eyes twinkled mischievously as she glanced at Mark, playfully smirking. Mark, watching them ride off with a tinge of envy, sighed wistfully.

"How I wish I could ride with her...Wishful thinking will get the best of me…" he murmured to himself.

Mark follows them, as told. As they arrived at a cafe, he realises he hadn't been to this particular place before. It seemed like a charming, fairy-tale-like spot. Raven and Grace waited for him, and together they stepped into the inviting atmosphere of the cafe, prepared for the adventure that lay ahead.

The air inside was thick with the delightful aroma of freshly brewed coffee, mingling with the soft scent of pastries.

Grace and Mark looked around, taking in the cozy atmosphere. The café resembled something out of a storybook, with ivy-covered walls, fairy lights that danced like fireflies, and vintage wooden furniture that seemed to have a tale of its own.

Meanwhile, Raven, headed to the counter to place their orders. She flashed a warm smile at the barista, who seemed to recognize her as a regular.

"Hey, the usuals, please," Raven said to the barista with a friendly tone.

With a nod, the barista got to work on their orders, expertly crafting the beverages with care and precision.

Amid the whimsical decor of the café, Mark sat in quiet contemplation, his gaze fixed on Raven. Mark couldn't help but think to himself, his heart swelling with affection as he observed Raven.

The words echoed in his mind like a love-struck melody: "What a gorgeous place to be at this hour of the night with a special someone." 

In that moment, he felt like he had fallen in love with Raven all over again, her presence casting a spell on him that made the world around them seem even more beautiful.

Mark's gaze remained transfixed on Raven as he delved into his thoughts, his admiration for her blossoming like a well-tended flower.

"She's tough and cold on the outside," he mused silently, "but there is a part of her that I have seen, the warmth, the sunshine, and all shades of bright and vibrant things. She's just a sweetheart. This is why I fell for you..."

The depths of his feelings were reflected in his eyes as he continued to watch Raven, his heart overflowing with affection for the woman who had captured his heart.

As Raven waited for the drinks, she couldn't help but notice Mark's fascination with the place.

Grace, always attuned to the dynamics between her friends, leaned in to whisper something to Mark, her words tinged with a mix of playfulness and reassurance.

Grace leaned in, her voice a soft whisper, as she teasingly remarked to Mark, "Enjoying the scenery, huh?"

Mark's gaze snapped back to reality, and he met Grace's eyes with a sheepish smile. He appreciated her ability to read him so well.

Mark responded in a hushed tone, his voice filled with a sense of wonder, "Yeah, it's quite something."

Their brief exchange was interrupted by Raven's return, bearing a tray laden with steaming mugs of coffee and a plate of delectable pastries. She set the tray down on their table. "Coffee's served," she announced, setting down the cups before her friends.

Grace leaned in curiously and asked Mark, "So, what's up?" Her tone held a hint of playfulness, sensing something intriguing in the air.

Mark responded with a light teasing tone, "Just trying to get someone's attention." His eyes remained on Raven, revealing a subtle desire to connect with her.

Raven, perhaps to keep things from getting too personal, intervened with a charming smile. "Let's not get into that now," she suggested, hinting at a topic best left untouched for the moment.

However, Raven swiftly transitioned the conversation, her gaze sparkling mischievously as she suggested a new adventure. "Hey, do you guys want to go somewhere you've never been before?" The suggestion hung in the air, an invitation to explore the unknown and embrace the excitement of the unexpected.

Grace couldn't help but tease Raven, playfully pointing out the amusing unintended implication of her words. Her laughter filled the air, and Mark joined in, recognizing the delightful humor in the situation.

Amused but slightly embarrassed by the playful banter, Raven smirked, attempting to clarify her words. "Hey, what I meant was..."

Mark, however, interjected, understanding the intended meaning perfectly. "We understood what you meant."

Raven, a touch defensive but mostly in good spirits, questioned their reaction. "Then why are you both making a big deal out of it?!" Her tone held a mix of amusement and feigned annoyance, making it clear that she didn't mind the lighthearted teasing.

As their laughter rang out, it created a delightful ambiance within the cozy cafe, drawing the attention of other staff who couldn't help but smile at the infectious joy radiating from Raven, Mark, and Grace.

Mark's excitement was palpable, and he leaned slightly closer, his eyes fixed on Raven. "So, where are you going to take us, Raven?" His tone conveyed not just curiosity but a genuine eagerness for the adventure that lay ahead.

Grace, equally intrigued, couldn't hide her interest. "Yes, I really want to know this place that we've never been to." Her words held a sense of anticipation, as if she was ready to embrace the unexpected.


keep reading to find out. 

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sorry, for the late update.. will keep this on time from now. :>