

The entire time we climbed the stairs my eyes were kept firmly on Bobbie's buttocks. She reached the top and went into the bathroom while I waited outside the door. She soon appeared and I followed her into her bedroom, she dived into her bed bringing her knees to her chest, her little round ass poking out from underneath her nightie once again.

''Come on squirt, under the duvet.'' I told her.

She rolled onto her back and fiddled with the blanket, her legs open and giving my eyes a view now of her little vagina.

''Doc,'' she started, ''Where did you tickle Mom?'' she asked.

She was feeling curious and I was feeling horny, it was a bad combination from the beginning. I sat down on the edge of her bed and pressed my index finger against her stomach, I then ran it down a little lower and stopped when my finger was just above her vagina.

''Here,'' I told her, I gave it a slight flick and then a little rub as she laid back with her head against her pillow. There was an angel sitting somewhere on my shoulder screaming at me to stop, but the devil inside me stroked his cock and demanded that I carry on and be the first to make her orgasm.

No, I couldn't do it.

I got up from the bed and turned towards the door, ''But I want to be tickled.'' she told me. I bowed my head a little, as the shame had started to sweep over me. I was staring down a path that I didn't want to walk down.

''Maybe another time Bobbie, get some sleep.'' I told her as I walked out of her bedroom and closed the door behind me.

I stormed into my room, muttering under my breath about how stupid I was. I sat down in my computer chair and wiggled the mouse, waking up the system. I held my head in my hands for a moment, doing whatever I could to think about something other than my Mother and sister. But the same thoughts kept coming into my head, my love for my Mother had completely dominated my obsession with Faye, and now my stupidity was starting to create something even darker with my kid sister.

I heard the sound of running water coming from the bathroom and remembered it was Mom's bath night. I took a moment to think about what I was going to do tomorrow at Fayes. The upcoming history test was based around the Industrial Revolution, and I could hardly be bothered with the subject myself, so who knows how much effort it'll be to drill it into her head.

I leaned back and opened up my email, there were two I hadn't read and one of them was from Zak. Zak was one of my best friends, we met in the early years of school through our love of the Buffy TV show.

His email was nothing more than a link to a porn video, he wrote underneath the link; 'This chick looks like Whittle.'

Miss Whittle was our Science teacher, and one of the best things about Science was sitting front and center in class so we could get a decent look at her. She was a blonde bombshell with a tight frame and even tighter shirts. But the real perk of sitting front and center was that she never wore a bra. Each and every Science class would begin with me and Zak trying to turn the room thermostat down, praying for the 'pokies' to pop out.

I followed the link and the site opened, it wasn't a site I'd seen before, as it was mostly live cams. But there were a bunch of home made videos too. The link had directed me to a video with a blonde female riding a man reverse cowgirl. The game was fixed on her ass, and admittedly, it was a beauty. But then she hopped off the cock and began sucking it, and with her fringe covering most of her face, it really did look like Whittle.

I immediately brought up the email and began writing my reply;

'Holy fuck dude, is that really her?'

I hit send and then went back to watching the video, it was a brief one as the guy soon began shooting his load, she took it all in mouth and swallowed a lot of it. She then looked into the camera and smiled, right there and then I knew it was her.

''Miss Whittle, you devil.'' I muttered under my breath, I saved it to my favorites and checked the other email. It was from somebody I'd never heard of, 'FRAM', so I left it and got to my feet. I left the bedroom and checked in on Bobbie, she was sound asleep with her ass facing me, the duvet was bunched up between her legs and she was wheezing through her nose.

Earlier I had thought about molesting her, and now I stood and watched her as she slept. Something was seriously wrong with me but when I was a teenager, I figured it was normal to think about nothing but sex. Even if it was with my Mother and sister.

I went down the stairs and saw that Mom had covered Dad with a blanket before leaving him to it. He looked fine, I fought the urge to cover his mouth and nose and switched off the light, heading back upstairs and into the bathroom.

I went straight to the toilet and began unfastening my trousers, when I saw Mom led there in the bath. The bubbles had formed a thick foam around her body, her leg was raised and her foot rested between the two taps. She slowly razored up what looked to be a perfectly smooth calf. The feeling of wanting to pee had vanished, and was replaced with a new feeling.

She looked at me with her brown eyes and it was almost as if she was waiting for me to say something, but I couldn't, I just stood there and watched her run that razor up her leg. She raised it higher and her foot was now in the air, the razor ran up to her thigh and then she slowly lowered her leg back into the water.

She put the razor on the edge of the bath and then began tying her hair back, her elbows raised and for a brief moment, her nipples raised above the water line. I saw movement under the water and heard the plug being pulled, she raised her foot out of the water to show me the chain wrapped around her toes.

My hand slid down the front of my trousers as I waited for the water to drain, I then pulled my cock out, finally freeing it, and it was the hardest I think it's ever been. If I was doing this for anyone else in any other situation I'd feel ridiculous, but standing where I was in that moment, felt right. There was nowhere else I would rather be.

The water level was dropping, her soapy nipples came into view and I wanted nothing more than to dive into that tub with her. I slowly began masturbating, Mom's hand dropped below the water and from what I could make out, was now somewhere between her legs.

She reached over toward me and grabbed me by the trouser leg, she pulled me closer to the bath and positioned her head below my throbbing cock.

She opened her mouth and came in closer, she hesitated for a moment, her eyes were locked on to mine as she brought her head forward a little more before finally capturing my penis in her mouth. I almost came right there and then, the sensation that swept over me was nothing short of euphoric. I had barely noticed that the water was now gone, and she led there rubbing herself while trying to take as much of me in her mouth as possible.