

I'd never been that big a fan of the Narnia films, but they were family orientated and had enough action to keep me from being bored out of my box. I was sitting in the middle of the couch with Bobbie on one side of me and Mom on the other. Dad was sitting in his arm chair knocking back beer bottles like they were shot glasses filled with water.

Bobbie had curled up against the arm of the chair, from the corner of my eye I could see the pink flesh of her ass sticking out from under her nightie, and on my left I could see a partial bra from my Mom's unbuttoned shirt. Narnia may have had their attention, but not mine.

I reached under Bobbie and pulled her close, her head now rested below my chest and my hand now rested on her upper thigh. She didn't complain, nor seem to mind.

''It's nice seeing you two so close.'' Mom whispered to me.

''It's nice being close to you too.'' I whispered back at her.

Mom changed her position and was now swinging her legs over the arm of the couch, her upper back and shoulders resting against my side as I raised my arm and draped it over her, my hand coming to rest on her stomach.

''Hey boy,'' Dad said, ''One day you'll get that close to a girl who ain't your blood.''

And maybe one day you'll appreciate the fine woman you got, I thought to myself. He continued knocking the beers back, I don't even think they were in the fridge long enough to chill, but eventually he began getting drowsy and started mumbling under his breath. I watched his head get heavier. The struggle he faced in trying to keep it up was amusing.

My right hand was resting pretty on Bobbie's ass, the same cheek that had taken a slap earlier. She didn't seem to mind, I guess she was still pretty innocent when it came to inappropriate things like this.

''Bobbie, your hair is almost brown. You're supposed to be blonde, why didn't you wash it when you had a bath earlier?'' I asked her.

''Water was too cold, I'll wash it tomorrow.'' she said adjusting her position and making herself more comfortable. My hand remained on her ass and I gave it an ever so slight squeeze. I felt her cheeks go wide against my chest and knew she was smiling.

With my other hand I began stroking Mom's stomach. She kept watching the movie and occasionally would turn her head slightly in the direction of Dad, but with his head bowed down I knew that he was gone.

I began unfastening the buttons on Mom's shirt, there were only four to do and pretty quickly her shirt was wide open. She cast a quick look in Dads direction, but he was out of it. I looked at her beautifully cupped cleavage and ran my hand over her bra before sliding my hand inside and taking a handful of her left breast. It felt incredible.

Her eyes were now firmly on what I was doing, and when I had enough of her breast, I pulled my hand out and slid it down her stomach, reaching the waistband of her yoga pants, and without a second thought, I pushed my hand underneath the fabric.

I quickly realized she wasn't wearing underwear under her pants, and I wasted a second thinking about that. I pushed my hand down further and felt the landing strip that I caught a glance of before. My middle finger slowly followed the strip and reached the tip of her vagina.

I slowly began to massage it, bringing my finger around in a circular motion as my Mom began to squirm. My cock was harder than I ever remember it being, I fought the urge to pull it out, mostly because at this point it would be poking Bobbie in the eye, and I wasn't sure that she'd appreciate that. But then, you do some pretty crazy things when you're this turned on.

My finger dropped about an inch down my Mom's clitoris, and I felt just how wet she was. I scooped up a finger-full and rubbed it back where I had started, this drove her a little insane, as she brought her head back and stared me right in the eye. I brought my head down and our mouths met as I picked up the pace with my finger. She bit down on my bottom lip as her hips thrust upward, they dropped again slightly before coming back up and she brought her arm up to grab my head to pull me in, her mouth was open and our tongues wrestled for a moment or two.

She grunted and gasped into my mouth, and I knew that she had climaxed. I was willing to bet that she wanted to blow the roof off the house with an ecstatic scream, but the fact that she couldn't made the moment that much hotter. Probably for the both of us.

It took me a minute to realize it, but my grip on Bobby's backside had greatly increased. I quickly released her ass. I thought it was weird that she remained unchanged in my arms and her head didn't move. I thought for a moment that she had fallen asleep, but her head moved when Mom got up from the couch and went into the kitchen.

''What did you do to Mommy?'' she whispered to me.

''I was tickling her,'' I lied. Bobbie nodded slightly, and then went back to watching the film, ''I wish you'd tickle me like that.'' she told me.

Mom didn't come back into the lounge for the remainder of the movie, which wasn't that long. But she still seemed suspicious to me because of her absence. When the credits began rolling I went into the kitchen and found her by the back door, I slid my arms around her waist as she finished her last puff of a cigarette.

''When did you start smoking again?'' I asked her, she smoked for a while when I was younger and don't remember too much about it. But the pieces of the puzzle began to fall in place after I found out that my Father had cheated on her with my babysitter, Julia.

''I don't know,'' she replied, ''I think it was when your Father and I lost interest in one another, and I became interested in my fifteen year old son.'' she told me.

I squeezed her a little tighter, ''Then I think I'd better have a puff of one of those too then.'' I joked. The night sky had fallen in and the smell of winter was in the air, school would soon be over for the term and Bobbie will be turning ten.

Bobbie then came into the kitchen and I discreetly broke away from Mom, ''Time for bed now sweetie,'' Mom told her, ''Doc will take you up if you want.'' Bobbie nodded in agreement and I followed my sister out of the kitchen and up the stairs.