

She gripped the bottom of my shaft hard as her tongue lashed my helmet from inside her mouth. I watched her rub herself furiously, her eyes were fluttering between being open and closed. I had a sense that she was close to making herself climax, but then I knew I was close so it was likely I was just hoping she was too.

She moaned and gasped before going rigid, my cock popped out her mouth and I finished the job, jerking it as hard and as fast as I could before firing my load.

The first shot went across her face, she opened her mouth and took hold of me in time for the second wave, firing it into her mouth, the third quickly followed and went straight between her lips. She looked up at me as she slowly jerked out the last few drops, they oozed out across her upper lip but weren't there for too long, as her tongue swept across her lip line and took what was left.

She looked into my eyes, and though some may say that cumming on someone's face is degrading, I looked into my Mothers eyes and knew that she had never looked more beautiful.

I leaned over and grabbed her by the head, kissing her hard on the mouth. Nothing else seemed to matter, our tongues moved over one another's as if in synch.

''God, I fucking love you.'' she whispered.

''I love you too, Mom.'' I replied. I dropped to my knees and we were locked in an embrace over the edge of the bathtub. ''I'd better take a shower,'' she said, smiling. ''I'll scrub your back if you like.'' I suggested playfully.

''I think you and I both know, you'd be scrubbing more than that.'' she said. I kissed her again, and we both slipped back into a trance of staring into one another's eyes.

''You go downstairs and check on your father, I'll be right down.'' she told me, and like a programmed robot, I did as she said.

I left the bathroom and headed down stairs, Dad was still out cold in his chair and the TV was off. I went into the kitchen and opened the fridge. I pulled out a can of coke and put it down on the table. I took a seat and after a few minutes of staring at the can I put it back into the fridge. I felt a buzz against my leg and pulled my phone from my pocket, it was a text from Mom;

'Dad asleep still?' it read.

'Yeah, as always.' I replied.

I waited a few moments and stood over the kitchen table, the strange sensation of fear creeping up on me. Fear of doing something I wasn't supposed to, I told myself that it wasn't fear, it was anticipation. My phone then buzzed and Mom's reply appeared;

'It's bedtime. Come and say goodnight.'

I shot up the stairs like the Flash, everything was a visual blur as I stopped outside of my Mom's bedroom door. I paused for a moment, my cock was already erect, I wasn't even sure if it ever dropped. I reached for the door handle and twisted it to the left, the door slowly opened and I saw Mom standing at the edge of her bed, with nothing but a towel wrapped around her.

The dim light from the bedside lamp was reflected off her damp skin. Beads of water still ran down her arm as I took a couple of steps forward. I pulled my t-shirt over my head and tossed it to the floor, then unfastened my trousers and let them drop to the floor. I took another step forward and dropped my boxers, my cock stood on end and my Mothers eyes dropped to it.

It was almost seven inches, the last time I measured. I wasn't sure if it was still growing or I'd reached the point where it stopped. But it was outstretched right now, as if reaching for her. She brought a hand up to her towel, and pulled it off.

It silently dropped to the floor and she stood there completely naked, we both stood for a moment and looked at one another. She was perfect. Her breasts were a perfect D-cup, her vagina was shaved but for a landing strip, there were no blemishes on her skin and no sign of age. My eyes finally met hers, and we both moved toward one another, our mouths were first to connect.

My hands slid around to her back and ran up and down her body, eventually falling on her ass and grabbing both cheeks with a firm grip. Her hands slide down to mine, before sliding up my back and to my hair.

I couldn't wait any longer, foreplay was going to have to wait for a rainy day as I threw her down on the bed and crawled over her. She brought her knees up and spread herself apart as I moved into position, my cock was millimeters from her warm haven.

I took a long look into her eyes, my hand cupped one of her breasts as I leaned in and took her nipple in my mouth. With my free hand I guided my penis between her labia walls. She sucked in a deep breath as I pushed my way inside of her, she let out a loud and short moan as she pulled me into her, her arms wrapped around me while she buried her face into my shoulder. Her legs went straight before her knees bent around me, I pushed into her before pulling back a little and allowing her a moment.

But she pulled me in again, and this time I slid deeper inside of her. I began building up a thrusting motion, she held on to me as tight as she could as I felt my balls slap against her ass. I kissed her neck and she moaned out loud once again, our mouths met and our tongues now escaped our mouths and wrestled freely.

I found myself holding my breath as I slammed in and out of her with everything I had, she grabbed a pillow and bit into it to stop herself from crying out. Her body soon went rigid again, and she then somehow pulled me down into the bed and worked her way into the top position. I was laid out staring up at her as she slowly began riding me. Her hands were on my chest and her arms were pushing her breasts together, I ran a hand up her leg and reached around to her ass, bringing myself up to take her nipple into my mouth.

She began raising me a little harder, and her movements got faster. She worked me up to the point of climax, and I didn't need to tell her I was about to cum because she read the expression on my face. I dropped back into the mattress as I shot waves of semen into my Mother. She tilted her head back and let out a long and controlled moan before falling forward, she led on top of me as we both struggled for breath. Our hearts were doing somersaults inside our chests.

I led there thinking that I had just had the greatest night of my life, and as she struggled to catch her breath, I had the feeling she had enjoyed it just as much as me.

Neither one of us spoke for at least two minutes, but we both looked into each other's eyes. She had a smile on her face, it was a good smile and made me return it.

''My little man is such a stud.'' she whispered.

I slid my hands down her back and to her ass, holding both cheeks. I took another squeeze and kissed her on the neck. I could feel my cock beginning to soften, it twitched a little and made Mom jolt a little. ''I haven't cum like that for quite a while, Doc.'' she told me.

''I came inside you,'' I told her, ''I know you did, I wanted you to.'' she replied. ''Why?'' I asked her, I swept her fringe out of her face and tucked it behind her ear.

''Because it felt right.'' she answered, she leaned in and kissed me on the lips as my hands released her ass and slid up her back.

''You're so beautiful.'' I whispered to her, ''I really can't believe what we just done.'' I told her, and the truth was, I really couldn't. A week ago I was obsessed with Faye and my family was nothing to me but boring. My thoughts towards my Mother were the simplest of thoughts, she was my Mother and that was it. But now she was the love of my life, and maybe that's how it should be. The love shared between a Mother and Son is something special, but sometimes, it can be made even more so. It can be made into something stronger, something intangible.

''I want you to be mine.'' I said, she smiled and pecked me on the lips again.

''I'm your Mother, I'll always be yours.''