

I stood in silence for a few moments, unsure what to say to her. This was a stupid plan, my mind began racing about the rest of the evidence, and then I thought I had a valid argument;

''But if we call the cops while this is going on, then we're pretty much playing dumb about the previous video and the plan that we hear them make on the voice recorder. We should just go to the cops now with what we have.'' I told her.

''No,'' she remained adamant, ''This will trump anything else we have. What we have so far is like, the prequel or something. Even if my Dad isn't in the room when your Dad goes for me, we can plant the the voice recorder and the cops will find it, implicating him too.''

''I'm sure they can't wait to hear your boyfriend screwing the brains out of your mother.'' I fired at her, carefully dropping in the boyfriend part.

''Obviously I'm going to erase part of the audio file, thank you very much.''

''I don't like it,'' I told her again after a long silence. She looked at me and flicked her hair off of her shoulder before taking a step towards me. Her arms came up and slipped over my shoulders, pulling me a little closer and planting a kiss on my lips. They were softer than they were before, I wasn't sure if the first time had been planned but I had the feeling that she had put a little more thought into the second one.

''I can do this, we can do this.'' she affirmed. ''And afterwards, you can show me what real love feels like.''

I'm not ashamed to admit that I was hard as a rock at this point, I wanted to take her to the ground and have her right there on the school fields. The school uniform she was in was a bonus, the images of lifting her skirt and bringing her thigh up against my side while sliding into her were running rampant in my head.

''Okay,'' I murmured.

''My Mom's at Yoga, if I get home now I can slip the voice recorder into hiding.'' she broke away from me slowly, but I couldn't let her go without giving her a kiss in return, making sure that it would stay in her mind for the rest of the day I introduced my tongue to hers.

''Okay, that's enough,'' she said breaking away, ''You better get back before your friend Zak comes looking for you. And I don't want him to walk up here to find us wriggling around on the grass.'' she said smiling as she turned away and headed off through the trees and bushes.

By the time I'd found Zak the lunch hour was almost up, he stuffed a hot-dog into my hand and gave me a nod of his head. I knew that he was suspicious as to where I had been lately, it seemed that my lack of game time with him was beginning to mount up. On the flip side to that, it had only been a few days, so he needed to lighten up. My Mom had always called the pair of us an old married couple, and to a certain extent she was right. We had known each a long damn time and would probably be in each others' lives until the day one of us died.

''So,'' he began, ''Left for Dead, tonight? We need to crush the Expert level.'' he told me. I tossed the hot-dog wrapper in a trash can as we passed by, ''We've talked about this,'' I explained, ''we need two other players. There are four or five levels in a campaign, we can't get passed the second. And we're not going to either.''

I felt the familiar buzz of my phone against my leg, as I pulled my phone out of my pocket I could see Zak straining his neck to try and get a look, ''It's my Mom, calm your tits.'' I told him as I read the message;

'Hey, just to let you know I might not be home when you get back. Your Aunt Layla called, she's split up from Scott again and needs to cry on my shoulder while ignoring my advice. Hopefully home tonight for cuddles, I'll leave money for you and Bobbie to get some take-out. I love you.'

I stuffed the phone back into my pocket and glanced at Zak, Faye's master plan was being executed tonight and I was almost glad that Mom wasn't around to distract me, in the good way of course, ''Game on.'' I muttered.

The fifth period of the day soon came around, and I was in no right frame of mind for Religious Studies, so I bailed.

I headed out of the side doors and through the fence, I had one more path to cross and I was home free, I just had to silently hope that no-one happened to be looking out of the third floor window. As I crossed the path I couldn't help but glance up, thankfully the coast was clear and just fifteen minutes later I was walking in through the front door of my house.

The door being unlocked told me that Mom was still home, I made my way down the hallway and into the kitchen, she was nowhere in sight.

I dropped my bag onto the table and removed my jacket, untying my neck-tie as I slowly made my way up the stairs.

I heard a little noise coming from her bedroom, and I was certain that the creaking of the bottom stairs had already alerted her. I crossed the landing and lightly pushed the bedroom door open.