

I saw her sitting on the edge of the bed, she was facing me with a wicked smile on her face. She was wearing nothing except for a pair of thick knee high socks.

''I was starting to think you weren't going to finish early after all.'' she said. I moved into the room and dropped my tie on the floor, I dropped down to my knees as she bit her lower lip smiling.

''Well I wasn't going to turn down the chance to say goodbye.'' I told her as I slowly crawled towards her.

As I edged closer I saw a shy smile appear on her face, I knew what she was thinking and I silently agreed, all of this was still very unbelievable to me too.

She parted her legs and gave me full access as I got closer to her, my hands ran up her thighs as my mouth opened, my tongue rolled out of my mouth and began lashing against her slit. Instant moans of pleasure began escaping from my Mom, her head tilted backward as she leaked sweet feminine nectar onto my tongue.

''Oh my god, Doc, please, don't stop.'' she moaned as my tongue pushed a little deeper. She gripped the duvet with both hands as her back began to arch, as my tongue muscles went to work she could no longer hold herself up and she fell backward, bringing her knees up and giving me a chance to slip my tongue even deeper into her leaking vagina.

I held her legs together at her ankles as I tongue tickled her pussy, I got to my feet and took one of her toes in my mouth. I worshipped everything about her, and though she initially looked surprised to see me sucking on her toe, she quickly began biting her lower lip in anticipation of what was to come.

I rolled her over onto her front, bringing her ass up to me. I continued licking the juicy hole of my Mother until a new urge hit me. Without giving her any warning or idea, I dragged my tongue along her anus.

A shiver ran through her and she quivered a little, I knew that it was a new sensation for her and before she could say anything I licked it again.

Again a shiver ran up her back, I began licking it as though I was trying to wear down an ever-lasting gob-stopper. Her toes began curling as she arched her back and buried her face into the duvet, she didn't want to let me know how much she was enjoying it, but sometimes saying nothing is enough.

I unfastened my belt and let my pants drop to the floor, I knew that I needed no lubrication but it was fun to drop spit onto my Mom's ass and let it slip between her cheeks. She looked back at me and wiggled her ass, she was as ready I was and without any further pause, I pushed my cock into her.

Her mouth dropped open as her grip on the duvet tightened, she brought herself back against me taking me all the way. She was getting used to my length now and knew that my helmet would be slamming against her cervix in no time at all.

I propped my foot up onto the bed and held her hips, thrusting in to her as hard and fast as I could. She cried out and soon started bucking, I felt her walls get tighter as her orgasm swept over her. I would have cum right there with her, but I was selfish and wanted to see her incredible breasts dance for me.

I turned her back over and ran a hand up her body, her nipples were brown and hard, each milk spot on her areola had risen up, I held her by the throat as my cock slipped back inside of her. I began thrusting and just like I had wanted; her breasts bounced up and down as her face held the true expression of passion.

Despite holding her by the throat, she fought my hand away and brought herself up to me, her legs wrapped around my waist and I was now carrying her across her bedroom. She hit the wall and began kissing me, I nibbled her lip and caught her tongue in my teeth as she moaned and began entering her second orgasm.

There was no holding me back now and I too was feeling my own creep up on me. I didn't want it to be over but there was no delaying it, I released my stream of hot semen into her womb causing her to cum harder than she had previous.

A few seconds passed before she caught her breath, I slowly lowered her to the floor and she held on to my shoulders while she allowed the feeling to come back into her legs.

''It's almost criminal how delicious you are.'' she told me, I couldn't help but smile as she made her way over to the bed, ''Mom,'' I said, ''It IS criminal.'' I reminded her. She smiled and looked back at me, just looking into her eyes was enough for me to want to fuck her again.

''I need to get ready, god I'm going to need to shower again.'' she stated, ''No you don't.'' I replied smiling.

''So I'm going to be sitting with my sister and all the while I have your cum drying up between my legs?'' she asked. ''Why not? I ate breakfast this morning while my cum dried in between my sisters legs.'' I replied.

''But Layla is different, she's prudish and will know when I'm thinking about other things. She has to have the attention on her.'' she said as she pulled out some clean underwear from a drawer, ''She'll probably notice the change in me anyway.''

''How do you mean?'' I asked. She pulled a pair of sky blue panties up over her thighs and reached for her bra, ''Well, because I have something to smile about now.''

It took Mom about five minutes to leave the house, I couldn't help but hold her hostage for a long passionate kiss against the front door. I knew that I needed to be more careful this close to the outside world, but regardless of whatever was going on outside of the house, I knew that inside this home was nothing but love and passion.

For a brief moment I wondered if it would ever dwindle, like the majority of relationships. Hell, even Mom and Dad were probably this involved at some point. I hoped that our relationship would not follow the same path.

Thinking about the two of them put me back in the mindset I needed to be in. the mindset that Faye needed me to be in. tonight I was going to end it, I was going to catch her pimp of a father drug her and toss her to the disgusting wolf that was my father.

Not only was I going to catch them, but so were the police, and before anything could ever happen to Bobbie.

I thought about the pair of them tossing Faye aside and then setting their sights on my sister, I knew that Dad would have to be the one to drug her. He'd slip her something and then feed her to Fayes Dad.

Bobbie was only just starting to become a woman, and if last night was anything to go by, she was well on her way to being just as alluring as her Mother. Not to mention her performance this morning.