

Faye stopped the recording, I was in shock as I struggled to understand what I had heard. ''They made a deal, Doc,'' she said, ''A sick, twisted daughter exchange.''

''We have to do something,'' I told her, ''We need to go to the police or something.'' I said, I felt sick inside. The thought of her Dad going after my sister made me want to puke. What would Mom say?

''We're going to burrn them.'' she told me.

For the longest time she had carried the weight of the world on her shoulders, after finding the video camera footage of her Mom and Dad drugging and abusing her, everything was on her. But now it seemed that karma was taking something from me too. Because while I have been somewhat innocent in this whole mess, she would never have known any of it was going on if I hadn't planted the camera in the first place. And now Bobbie was in the line of fire too. Prey to a sexual predator that bargained his own daughter for another mans.

Part of me wishes that I had ended it last night when my drunken father stumbled into the back yard. I wanted him to go away for good, to be out of our lives. I could have killed him, and now I wish I had. But that was before I knew what he had done and what he was planning to do.

Faye was a hacker, she could do anything when it came to the media we had. The video and now the voice recording all combined together would be a damning package to anyone.

''What are you thinking?'' I asked her.

She took a step towards me and without warning she kissed me. The lips I had spent what felt like an eternity desiring were know locked with mine. My hand came up to touch her but I resisted the urge. I wanted this to be what it was, a longing romance that had finally broken into intimacy.

Her lips tasted of blueberry and her perfume filled my nostrils, my blood began warming up. The kiss seemed to come with it's own pheromones.

She broke away and smiled, ''I've wanted to do that for a while.'' she told me. I returned the smile, though it felt more like a goofy grin, ''You and me both.'' I told her.

''I suppose I really should of thanked you sooner,'' she said.

''Thanked me for what?'' I asked.

''For putting your Nanny-cam in my room.'' she answered.

I was almost shell shocked as I stood opposite her. She'd given me the kiss that I had been mentally envisioning for years, and no sooner had her lips left mine, she had sent chills running up and down my spine.

''How did you know?'' I asked her.

''I'm a hacker, Doc,'' she replied smiling, ''I recovered the other videos. I even managed to restore the corrupted one. Everything made sense the moment I saw your babysitter choking on your Dad's dick.''

How could I have been so stupid to forget, the first time I went to her house she had told me about hacking. She had been the one who uploaded Miss Whittle's home made porn for Christ's sake.

''I'm sorry,'' I told her, ''I saw something one night that I probably shouldn't have seen. And I wanted to find out more before I told you anything.'' I explained. I figured that no matter what I said at this point she would still probably see me as the creepy pervert that she had initially thought I was. And she would be right to.

''It's okay,'' she said softly, ''Like is aid, everything made sense after a while. And to be honest, it's hardly the most fucked up thing in my life right now.''

I was getting a free pass? I couldn't believe it, I smiled at her and for an awkward moment almost went to kiss her.

''So the question now is, we have the video of me being drugged and the voice recording of our fathers plotting something darker, what do we do now? I don't want to drag your innocent sister into all of this, she shouldn't have to know.'' she told me.

It seemed almost funny that I should think of Bobbie as innocent, but Faye was right, she shouldn't be dragged into this. We needed to put this all to bed as quickly as we could. I tried to think of how we could do it, but before I could get passed the thought of her kissing me a light-bulb seemed to appear above her head.

''I think,'' she began, ''I think I know what to do.''

''What?'' I demanded.

''You have to trust me, but I think I need to be at home tonight.''

''You're kidding right? Your Dad will get suspicious and end up calling the whole thing off when you don't accept whatever drink he makes you next.''

''That's the point,'' she said, ''I'm going to accept the drink, and whatever follows. We nail them in the act.''

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, she was going to sacrifice herself and let my Dad fuck her? No way, not a chance, I told myself. And she saw it in my eyes, she knew that there was no way I was going to let her do it.

''We use the camera, you have the live feed. You can call the cops the moment it starts. You can tell them that something is not right, you tell them that your girlfriend has been drugged and is now being raped.''

''I don't like it,'' I told her, ''It's too risky.''

''Risk? You want to talk about risk? No shit there's a risk. I don't want to be drugged and I sure as hell don't want to be raped by your Dad.'' she yelled, I was just now realising how sexy she was when she yelled.