
Shards of Fire

Darkness enveloped the world, mysterious creatures started showing up. How many days will this madness last? May God help us all because if nothing good happens we will all perish in this darkness.

Martin_Newell · Horror
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7 Chs

Day 5


The being that was damned by God himself The angel that fell and turned into a devil The all-good that became evil.

As I was thinking about the reason why the name was inscribed on my arm, a sudden sense of grief and sadness enveloped me. It's as if I could feel the emotions of someone else.

I am sitting down on a chair with my friend sitting across the room, both of us consumed by the mysteries and questions that we want to uncover and get answered.

I looked in the direction of my friend and asked what that ritual was about.

Ice looked up and said that the ritual was the knowledge that he had gained from destroying ghouls, and the ritual itself was used to pass on knowledge, but instead something went wrong with the ritual. Apparently, Ice didn't remember anything except the beginning of the ritual and the huge black flame that was consuming me. That alone sent chills up our spines because we felt that we knocked on the wrong door and it got opened.

While looking at my friend Ice, I noticed that I could see perfectly even though the room wasn't lit up with any light whatsoever; in other words, I could see in the dark.

I thought about everything that has happened to me up until now and decided that the best thing for us to do is to leave this place and find out about every mystery and get every question answered. I told Ice about my decision, and he agreed that it was for the best.

Filled with grief, sadness, and anger, we packed our things and headed out in search of the real truth. After leaving the house, I glanced back towards it to see it one last time because I didn't know when I would see it again.

As soon as me and Ice walked out of the house, we could hear the ghouls running towards us. For some reason, I didn't feel any fear anymore.

Ice told me to stand behind him as he took both of his hands and stuck them into the ground. The ghouls were approaching us closer and closer.

I started noticing the lamentable flames starting to burst from different parts of the ground around us.

Ice yelled, "Burn their souls until there is nothing left."

As he said, you could hear the ground itself boiling. The flames burst out of the ground and burned every ghoul around us until there was nothing left of them.

After Ice burned all of the ghouls, we continued walking forward.

It felt like we walked for a long time, until we found a huge altar, which didn't make sense; the altar was made all out of bones and human flesh.

We decided to investigate it; maybe it could hold some answers to the questions that we have.

As we were walking closer towards the altar, we heard a strange noise coming from the left side of us. As we looked in that direction, something hit us from the opposite side so hard that we started flying away from the altar.

I crashed somewhere in the middle of the forest. Ice wasn't near me, so I was all alone.

I stood up and noticed that I didn't even get hurt by being thrown so far away; a normal human would die from this fall.

As I was coming to my senses, I heard the same noise, but this time I saw what it was: a creature that had three big mouths on it and could mimic the talk of humans. Above it were huge arms that looked as if they were rotting.

For some reason, I didn't feel scared at all; I actually smiled and faced the creature.

Before I was about to start charging at the creature, something deep in my mind told me to place my arm, which had the marks on it, on the creature.

I approached the creature, and I was dodging the attacks as I got close to it. When I got right in front of the creature, I placed my arm on it. As soon as I placed my arm on it, I heard Ice yelling from the distance, "Get away from that thing; you don't have any powers yet; you will die." I turned towards Ice and smiled as the creature got crushed to nothingness.

Ice was speechless as he was looking at what I managed to do, and his face lit up as he started laughing because he was happy that I had powers now as well.

Ice: "Now I'm not the only one that can fight off those creatures; I guess the ritual worked in a different way." You gained something, that's for sure, but we still don't know the extent of your power, so be careful how you use it."

I started thinking to myself that I was never this brave or strong in any way. Something happened while I shook hands with that chained-up creature.

I nodded to Ice and said that I would be careful from now on.

After the creature was defeated, we started heading back towards the altar to examine it.

We got to the altar, and after looking around, we found some books with human skin as covers. That would freak out any normal human, but since we had seen and experienced so many things up until now, it didn't really surprise us much.

We decided to open one of the books that kind of stood out because it had one of the symbols that was on my hand, inscribed on the cover of the book.

As we opened the book we found something that would completely change our lives forever.

The book was about the apocalypse, and apparently it was the craft of the devils themselves.

What is the meaning of all of this? In the end, we understood that God has forsaken all of us.

The last page read, "Heaven doesn't exist."

Why would the devils write such a book when there are almost no humans left on this world to read about it? Is this a message?

We were filled with more questions than answers, but we understood one thing: we needed to find the devil who wrote this book, and his name was Belial.