
Shards of Fire

Darkness enveloped the world, mysterious creatures started showing up. How many days will this madness last? May God help us all because if nothing good happens we will all perish in this darkness.

Martin_Newell · Horror
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7 Chs

Day 6

Looking at the book that Belial wrote, me and Ice thought about the reason that all of this was happening. We examined the altar more to see if we could find anything else that could be helpful in our journey. Looking through the debris and the flesh, we found an interesting book.

The book was about the experiments and the types of monsters that are roaming the world. There was a note about the monster that we encountered; it was called "The Mimic". The explanation of the monster was that it can imitate human sounds and voices as well as those of other animals.

In the book, there are explanations for even more creatures that we have never seen.

After we finished exploring the altar, me and my friend Ice decided to pack our things and head out to a mountain that I used to learn about. It was situated in Canada, and the mountain was called Mount Belial.

That place was said to be sacred ground to demons themselves, and to honor them, they named the mountains in that area with the names of the strongest and scariest devils that exist.

Before we would start walking in that direction, I asked my friend if we could try something. I wanted to see the extent of my powers. I asked my friend to grab my hand as tight as possible as I was preparing to jump as high as I could.

Ice grabbed my hand as I started flexing my leg muscles as hard as I could. The ground started cracking around us, and my jeans started ripping as my leg muscles protruded.

Then I jumped as high as I could in the direction of the mountains while my friend was holding onto my arm. Since we were in the US, I thought to myself that it would be a miracle if we could even jump at least 50 miles away from the current location.

While I was thinking all of that, I noticed that we were getting higher and higher into the sky, so high in fact that we could see the entire country region. That's where I started laughing as we jumped from one country to another. I told my friend to grab on tight, as with the next jump I would use my entire strength to jump. As we were falling down, I got into the jumping position so I could repel from the ground as fast as possible. As I did, the entire area that I jumped off from sank into the ground as we started flying so fast that I could see the effect of the sound barrier breaking around us. We were flying for a while until we landed directly in the middle of the Ape Lake. As we landed in the middle of the lake, the splash was so high that almost half of the lake was left without water.

The water was calming down as me and my friend were floating on our backs in the middle of the lake, and we started laughing.

Ice: "That is some ridiculous power you've got!"

I laughed and said that I was happy that I didn't slack off in school when it came to the geography subject because it would take us a long time to figure out where this place was since Ice wasn't really familiar with Canada at all.

But now that fun time is over, we got serious and started swimming towards the land. As we got to the land, we noticed huge gates below the mountain of Belial, and on each gate there were two big demons guarding them.

We decided to start walking towards the first gate, as we were prepared to fight the demons if we needed to. We got in front of the gates and noticed that the demons didn't even look in our direction, as if we didn't even exist. Looking at their faces, we realized how disfigured and scary the faces looked. It was nothing close to what was described in the holy books; these things looked utterly terrifying.

I tried asking them a question; they didn't even respond. Looking at them and realizing that this wasn't going to lead to anything, we decided to try and open the gates. We pushed on them as hard as we could, but the gates didn't budge, not even a little. We got out of breath, surprised that we weren't strong enough to push the gates. They looked like they were made of metal, but they felt heavier than any metal that exists. I thought to myself, "If I can't push the gate open, why not jump over it?"

Ice agreed with my plan, and as we tried to jump over the gate, the demons that didn't even acknowledge our existence turned immediately towards us to strike us down, so we couldn't jump over the gate.

As we came to our senses, we heard a voice that said, "You can only pass through the gate if you can open it." We looked at the demons, and they were laughing as one of them said that. We thought to ourselves about how we could push the gates open, but we couldn't think of anything.

As one of the demons saw us trying to think of a solution, the demon gave us an apple each. The apple didn't look like your normal apple; it had weird symbols on it, and the little stem was a chain made out of metal instead.

We asked what this was, and the demon replied by saying, "The forbidden tree bears many fruits."

We couldn't understand what that meant, but we decided to eat the apple anyway because we thought that it might help us open the gate.

As we ate the apples, we fell to the ground in an instant. It was a heavy feeling, like our bodies weighed a ton; we couldn't even lift our heads. The demons saw us on the ground, and they started laughing.

I mustered all of the strength I had to manage and stand up while looking at the demon that gave us apples. When the demon saw me standing up, he said "Now this little human is interesting.".

I looked in the direction of my friend to check if he was doing all right. I saw him sweating as he managed to sit up from the lying position he was in. I turned to the demons and asked "What have you done to us?!", They smiled and said, "A little sapling thought it was strong until a beaver split a log. The little sapling felt really scared until it grew high. High into the air."

Me and Ice understood what the demon said with a cynical smile.

We understood that we needed to get stronger in order to push the gates open.

We looked into the distance and looked at the gate as we saw six more gates, one behind the other and one bigger than the other.

We need to find Belial; he is the only clue to what the book was talking about, and these gates are standing in our way.

It's time to break the gates open.