
Shards of Fire

Darkness enveloped the world, mysterious creatures started showing up. How many days will this madness last? May God help us all because if nothing good happens we will all perish in this darkness.

Martin_Newell · Horror
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7 Chs

Day 4

Mysterious person: "The heavens don't exist, 365."

I got pushed by the mysterious person into the bottomless abyss.

I woke up sweating profusely. "What was that dream, and who was that person?"

I stood up, looking around myself to find my friend Ice. I looked everywhere in the house, but I couldn't find him. Remembering that he was in the cellar the other day, I decided to go and see if he was there. As I was descending down the stairs, I noticed that the ghoul's body was nowhere to be found. I reached the cellar door, where I instantly noticed a dark purple light coming out of the cracks in the old cellar door. At first, I was hesitant, but I grabbed the door handle and opened the cellar door to see what was happening. I opened the door to my friend Ice levitating in the middle of a satanic pentagram where there were bits and pieces of the ghoul spread around each symbol in the pentagram. He was talking in a language that could not be understood, and as I was listening to that language, I started to feel like I wanted to vomit. I tried calling out to my friend, but he didn't even respond. I noticed his eyes were completely black, and dark purple light was coming from the 14 candles that were lit around the pentagram. As I was looking at the sight speechless, the dismembered head of the ghoul that was in the center of the satanic pentagram faced me, and it opened its eyes to look at me. The head started speaking in the same language in sync with my friend Ice, and as the words in sync started to reach my brain, the burn scar that was on my arm started burning in dark flames. I screamed in pain as the entire side of my shirt completely burned in an instant, not even leaving dust behind. "ICE, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I screamed out, as I was in pain. My friend didn't even respond, and as the time passed, the fire started spreading all over my body, where the pain got so unbearable that I completely passed out. Fading into darkness, I appeared in a room filled with chains, gates, and barriers. Everywhere I looked, it said, "Do not approach." As I was looking around, I heard a voice coming out of the darkest place in the huge room. Mysterious voice: "Come over here; I want to talk with you." The voice started laughing playfully. I was already hesitant, but before I could even decide for myself what to do, in the blink of an eye, I got right in front of the cell where the voice was coming from. Trying to understand what was happening, a chained arm reached out to me in the gesture of a handshake. I still couldn't see the face of the mysterious person, but based on the way their hand looked, I understood that this wasn't a human. I mustered the courage to shake the creature's hand, and as I did, I looked at my right arm, where mysterious marks and tattoos started to appear and they covered my right arm completely. I tried to move away and release my hand from the handshake, but the creature held it so tight that I couldn't escape. Mysterious voice: "They regard me as the damned one," said the creature while laughing cynically. I asked the creature "Who are you and what did you just do to me?".

Mysterious voice: "Foolish little human, you should've never escaped the abyss."

As I heard those words, I snapped out of it and woke up into the real world. My friend Ice was holding me, and he asked me who I had met in the vision. I really couldn't tell who it was, so I told him that I didn't know. Ice looked up while trying to understand what that meant, and as he was thinking, he glanced down and looked at the marks on my right hand.

As he looked at the tattoo and the writing on my arm, he became pale. I told him that in the vision I shook the hand of the creature and that after the handshake, the symbols and the tattoos started appearing. My friend held me, and he told me that one of the tattoos read out a name. I asked him what was the name.

Ice: "It reads Lucifer..."