
Shameless: Growing Up As Carl Gallagher

He died and Unknown man in his world, just to wake up in the body of Carl Gallagher. Follow him on his journey as he experiences family and being a teenager again....while also living his life how he always wanted to. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ buymeacoffee.com/flaminglines

Flaming_Lines · TV
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55 Chs

Chapter 44): But At Last Came A Knock (2)

Chapter 44): But At Last Came A Knock (2)

(Aged Carl just for some more believable things, everyone else is the same though)

{I own nothing but my own ideas and OC characters.}

[20+ Advanced Chapters ahead on Buy-meacoffee/Flaminglines]


"I wanna be, I wanna be, I wanna be famous.." Carl whistled as he sat working on his laptop, Debbie was in a better mood then what he left her so he wasn't as worried about her anymore.

"Wow, you are such a loser." Sophia said making Carl look up as she walked down the stairs, she was in a big puffy black coat.

Carl scoffed as he went back to what he was doing, "I must not be to big of a loser, I mean you clearly still hang out with me. Actually what does that say about you?"

"That I am willing to work with charity."

"Har Har. So what's up?"

"Oh, now I need a reason to be here? If I was Kassidi I bet you wouldn't be asking that question."

Carl paused again and looked up at her, she was taking off her coat showing she was wearing a black sweater under it, she pouted as she was doing so. He could see that it really did upset her, he shook his head as he couldn't understand these girls, he wasn't blind by their affections but he wasn't ready for anything like that, it was true girls aged faster then boys.

Their relationship didn't need to change so early as he didn't want it to, because at this point in life if they did something like that dated years then broke up they would end up no longer friends. He would rather have them as friends who harbored feelings for him then date and potentially have their whole relationship wrecked because they couldn't last.

And it made it worse ever since Kassidi and Sophia met, where Sophia use to be subtle in it she was now being active as she saw Kassidi doing that and he didnt do anything about it. She started small but was now full blown showing affection, she no longer held back from being close to him or showing the affection on her eyes, it was clear as day to see what she wanted.

He could only sigh internally, why was he so desirable to the opposite sex, he cursed whoever made him this handsome. In all seriousness he didn't know what he was going to do, this was a delicate situation at the moment, he would need to handle it with care or something bad would happen between them all, and that is the last thing he needed.

"Earth to Carl?! Are you there?" Sophia asked now in front of him, she had moved his laptop out his lap and was waving and snapping fingers in front of his face.

Carl snapped out of it smiling at her slightly, "Chill out with that Sophia. I don't treat you or Kassidi any different, and when she first asked about you I even said you are my best female best friend, because obviously Jordan is my best male best friend."

She looked into his eyes her hazel ones filled with a whole list of emotions, "I understand that but.... I don't know I figured that with you spending all this time on the Northside you would forget about me. It just feels like you have less time for me."

Carl chuckled sadly, "Says the girl who has a father that wants to send her to school with said kids. I'm pretty sure you will be closer to them soon then I ever will be."

The room was frozen after his words, they both knew his words while slightly harsh, were also true, she was closer then him when it came to who would be spending more time with the Northside kids. Carl would still be here going to the Southside schools while she would be getting the better education, didn't help that their school was still doing cutbacks, it was actually getting worse.

Sophia curled up next to him her head resting on his shoulder, "That won't change things between us Carl, we will still be best friends."

"That's what everyone says, but if you ask any adult they can tell you that you don't always stay friends with people. For some it is inevitable that they lose touch."

Again it went silent, Carl went back to what he was doing on his laptop as Sophia lent her head on his shoulder watching, she didn't say anything else as she didn't know what to say. Holding his arm she just hoped that she could convey what she was trying to say through that, it was hard to put into words how she didn't want anything to change.

Carl also didn't stop her, he had experienced before people walking away as he grew older, but this time he honestly didn't want that to happen again, which last time it was more his fault then theirs. So far his life was going good, but to keep it the way it was he needed to try harder, which is actually a reason he spent so much time with friends.

His family would always be there, and while he couldn't always rely on them they would love him. To keep truly close friends he needed to work at that, he wasn't going to be an introvert that he was in the past, because if he kept up that mind set he would end up the same as he did in the past.

The lights on his room dimmed as they were on a timer, Sophia curled into his side while watching him work throwing a small blanket over her legs, she was intrigued by what he was doing. Carl wasted no time explaining it to her, he didn't see a reason not to, though he wasn't an expert he still explained to her what he knew about animation.


"Hey Carl?" A voice whispered and a hand shook his shoulder.

Half asleep Carl popped and eye open to see Fiona standing there, "Sup Fi?" He asked slowly.

"We are all going to watch a TV show together, do you want to watch with us? And maybe your friend would like to join too?" Fiona giggled at the end.

Carl knew she was talking about Sophia who was holding his hand as she slept next to him, they had fallen asleep listening to music and just hanging out, they were just chilling. "I don't know if she is awake or not?" Carl said more awake.

"Get out!" Sophia complained kicking him towards the edge of the bed making his feet hit the cold air, he hissed, "I am trying to sleep, get out!"

Carl laughed along with Fiona as they both started to make their way out, he knew she would fall right back asleep as she moved over to where he was laying, she was using the heat in the spot. Shaking his head he walked into the kitchen and took the popcorn that Fiona handed him, he recoiled at the smell though, it was obviously burnt.

"Our microwave sucks." Fiona sighed as they walked into the living room where everyone minus Debbie who was at Shelia's was.

Carl scooted to the table and sat in front of Ethel who smiled at him as he leaned back into her legs, she spread them some allowing his back to hit the couch and sit more comfortably. As they watched the show come on she was hesitant at first but soon her fingers were playing with his hair, Carl felt his eye twitching as she did that, he didn't want her to catch feelings.

He didn't move away though as he watched some guy talk on TV, he didn't catch the name of the show but it was interesting nonetheless.

While they were relaxing the door swung open and mildly slammed, everyone watched as Debbie walked in a little panicked and worried, Carl was instantly on alert. He needed to know who hurt his sister and fast so that he could return the favor, his instincts just screamed at him to.

"Debs, what's the matter?" Fiona asked always the mother figure.

"Debs was it Frank? You just have to ignore him when he gets like that." Lip said in a sigh Ian nodding along with him.

"Why do you always blame him." Debbie said growling a little at the two.

"Okay, then who is it Debs?" Fiona asked politely if knowing that at the moment Debbie was fragile about something.

"She's over at Shelia's..." Debbie trailed off as he saw her worry.

"Who?" Fiona asked, though from the sound of her voice he knew she was thinking of someone specific, he could almost guess who.

"Monica." She said causing the whole room to freeze, everyone who knew who she was talking about held a pensive face.

Carl felt as if his world was rocked hearing that, they hadn't seen her since Liam was born almost three years ago, to hear her showing up and it to be at Shelia's..... Frank was the cause of this, even if it was just Monica showing back up he knew that it was all Franks fault Carl's fist balled up.

Fiona not announcing anything began to move to get ready, everyone else followed in her footsteps, "Who is Monica?" Steve/Jimmy asked, Fiona paused a moment looking at him.

"Our Mother." She said simply going back to getting ready.

Carl rushed to his room and threw on a sweater and his new trench coat, sliding on his boots he left the room in a hurry not seeing Sophia watching his every move, she saw he was frantic so she didn't speak.

Unaware Carl followed everyone else out to the car, Steve (he was going to stick with that) was giving them a ride to Shelia's, making the car packed, of course V had to come along just to be nosy. Ethel sat in his lap as she had to tag along, the girl blushed furiously as his arms were wrapped around her so they didn't become stiff.

When they arrived she slid off his lap and got out, Carl's nerves were fried as he stood outside the door, everyone else had already gone inside and he could hear how the yelling stopped. At this moment the old Carl's emotions were shinning through, there was a large part of him that wanted to enter and see her, but the war was also telling him to not to enter.

Monica had left to many scars, Carl while hopeful and yearning for his mother, also didn't want to see her, hell Ian had ran away just at the thought of seeing her, something he should have done. He needed to see her first though, swallowing hard and with a shaky hand he opened the door, a hand on his shoulder caused him to jump, looking to the side he saw Ethel smiling at him, "I'm here for you."

Although he was still on the fence about her he was comforted by that, "Thanks Ethel."

Walking into the house he took off his shoes, he knew Shelia was agoraphobic and didn't want to see the woman off, he knew she was okay with people being in her house but they needed to take their shoes off. "Carl.." Monica's voice washed over him as he came into view.

He stiffly nodded as he leaned against the wall, he couldn't get close to her, a part of him yearned to go to the hug she was offering, but he couldn't do it, he.....just couldn't.

"This meeting was bound to happen soon enough anyways. Frank me and Monica were going to come by and," Monica at that point was trying to stop her girlfriend Bob/Roberta from speaking but the woman continued, "talk to you about taking Liam."

"What their taking Liam!" Debbie whined looking panicked.

From there things began to spiral out of control, Carl couldn't help but feel down knowing that she was back because Frank needed her to sign papers, and the fact that she only wanted Liam. It stung bad seeing that Frank wasn't the least bit willing to fight it either, Fiona pointing out their good points didn't help boost his self esteem either, it still didn't mean his parents really cared.

"Well I'm done, your back now you can take care of them." Fiona cried as she set down the keys on a side table before walking out.

Carl's eyes went wide at that, he felt even more abandoned as she did that, she didn't even look back as she did so, he was hoping she would come back but even as ten minutes passed she still didn't return. The quiet sobs of Debbie being the only sound in the room.

Getting off the wall he put on his boots and walked out the house, grabbing his phone he dialed the first person who came to mind, "Hey, I know it might be a little late. And we have school tomorrow.....but I need you, do you mind if I come over?"