
Shallot's Dragon Ball

A normal guy from Earth got transmigrated as a Saiyan from universe 6, what's he to do when he knows that universe 7 will aventually lose the tournament of power? This is the story of Shallot, as he train to become the strongest mortal and beyond.

Nob7 · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Busy Month Part 1

We got to the same tavern from yesterday and entered, we decided that we should start training today, both ourselves and the twenty Saiyans Caulifla picked to become commanders.

There were quite a lot of people in the tavern just like yesterday, me and Kale waited next to the door as Caulifla told those she picked to follow her.

There were more females then males in the group she picked for commanders, but that was understandable as Caulifla said that she picked those that she trained.

We left the tavern soon after, the twenty followed us, "You twenty follow us, we'll explain everything soon", Caulifla said as we began to fly to the same place me and her spared yesterday.

We reached the place in just a couple of minutes, the Saiyans looked quite confused so Caulifla began to explain the situation.

"Alright, I wouldn't repeat myself so listen carefully, the twenty of you will be trained by us", she pointed towards me and her, "You will get stronger, and once we deemed you fit enough, each of you will become a commander".

"I decided that I should change things up a little", Caulifla said with a smirk on her face, "All twenty of you will personally teach ten Saiyans once you are ready to become commanders, you will govern them and once you deem them ready, all twenty of you will pick a squad leader for the ten you have trained, and they will become a squad".

"You see, I know personally each of you for years, so I trust you the most and that's why I picked you, I want to expand my territory and for that I need to strengthen our gang, I can't personally train two-hundred people, but I can train other people to do that for me".

"Once we recruit more people to our ranks, your job will be to train at least ten Saiyans, you will teach them everything we teach you, and you will create squad after squad, you will train Saiyan after Saiyan in order to strengthen my gang, do you understand?"

They all nodded their head, a very serious look on their face as they understood the importance of the situation.

I nodded my head, "Good, now we should begin, Kale, Caulifla join them and all of you sit in meditative position on the ground".

I sat on the ground and they all follow my lead, the Saiyans looked quite confused on why Caulifla join them to the lesson but they didn't question it.

"My name's Shallot, your new superior if you will", I gave them a grin and continue with the lesson, "I will teach all of you a couple of new skills with Ki, I personally did not have a teacher to teach me those skills and it took me a week to learn them so I expect better from all of you".

I looked at Caulifla as I said that and she understood the challenge, she gave me a shit eating grin, as if to say she can learn them by herself with half the time.. Yea right.

"All of you have scouters right?", I asked and they all nodded their head. "Good, point it to me and watch".

They all pointed the scouters on me, "Tell me, what's by power level", one of them, a woman Saiyan, raised her hand, I nodded my head to her direction.

"The name's Celleri sir, your power level is 6,000", I nodded and began raising it, all of their faces turned to shock as they witness it raises.

"It's over 9,000!", someone in the back yelled.

I stopped once it reached 18,022, 'Huh looks like I got a little stronger, maybe from our fight yesterday?'

"This skill is called Ki suppression, all of you will learn it along side Ki sense, Ki sense is the ability to sense other people's Ki signature, it took me a week to master those techniques, so again.. I expect better from all of you".

They all nodded so I continued, "We will train every day for a whole month, every morning we will start with Ki suppression and Ki sense training, then we will start training our body and once we finish training our bodies, I will show you a couple of other useful techniques".

"I expect everyone to master Ki suppression and Ki sense in a week at most, don't disappoint me. Kale, you and I will personally have another session of Ki suppression and control everyday, do you understand?".

She nodded her head, good. I don't want you to go crazy on me until I'm strong enough to not accidentally die.

We began the Ki suppression and Ki sense training soon after, it's seems like me saying I didn't have a teacher and still got it down in a week motivated all of them.

Caulifla already somewhat knew about Ki sense and suppression so it took her much more quicker, she still needed to train on those skiils to actually master them though cause I'm still much better.

After an hour we began to train our bodies.

"Now that we finished the first stage of our training, I will active a technique I know in order to help us in stage two".

I activated telekinesis and made the whole area around us have two times gravity, I can't make the gravity higher yet as that takes way more off of me.

Everyone instantly recognized what's going on as the gravity was higher and they felt it.

"This technique is called telekinesis, I can do much more with it than just increase gravity!", as I said that I raised my hand and a whole ass mountain was raised off of the ground infornt of the whole group.

I returned the mountain to the ground and all of them had stars in thier eyes. "This is one of the techniques you will learn but for now, let's begin training!".

We trained for about 5 hours, they simply couldn't keep up with me as they weren't training with an actual gravity multiplier, only Kale and Caulifla could continue but there was no point in continuing.

I gave them a break of thirty minutes to rest, and we continued from there.

"Ok this is the last stage of training for the day, this is actual Ki attacks and techniques!".

"I have a couple of techniques I want you to learn and to eventually teach", I brought my hands up to my head and yelled; "Solar Flare!".

Caulifla already knew what was coming so she closed her eye and raised her hand to cover Kale's, but everyone else were blinded.

Once they got their vision back I began explaining. "This technique will help you to catch your opponent off guard and will give you an opening to go for the kill, so it's important for you to learn it".

I also showed them techniques like the Death Beam and Destructo Disc which will help them quite a bit.

We trained for a couple of hours but everyone we're already tired for the day so they all left, me, Kale and Caulifla were the only ones left.

They already had gotten down the Death Beam down so I let them off for the day.

"So Caulifla, want to begin training the Max Power form?", I asked and she nodded her head so fast almost like all of her energy returned after the long day of training.

"Basically, every person that can use Ki and control it, have a larger Ki reserve that they don't have access to in their cells, with enough Ki control and Ki suppression you can access it with the Max Power form", as I explained I buffed up, raising my Power level from 18,022 to 27,033.

"You need to master both Ki suppression and Ki sense to even begin training for this form, but it only took me like four days to achieve so I'll say you will need like one week to get it down".

"Alright!, I'll get it faster just you wait!", She began to meditate soon after, leaving only me and Kale.

"Alright Kale, you have a much larger Ki reserve than me and Caulifla so I need you to have another session with me every night after training ok?, I think you will have a harder time controling your Ki".

She looked down, looking quite sad as she said, "Are you sure it's not because I'm just not as good at it as everyone else?".

I sighed, putting my hand on her shoulder. "Kale, it's not that, you don't need to be good at every single thing, you having a far larger Ki reserve and a violent type of Ki doesn't mean you're not as good as them, it simply means that you need to train more at controling it".

'I can't tell her that she's the goddam once every thousand years Legendary Saiyan yet, not with her confidence problems'.

She nodded her head a small smile was present on her face, "Thank you Shallot", she said.

"Don't worry about it Kale, that's why I offered you extra training!, come on let's get to it you don't want Caulifla surpassing you!"


Author notes:

This is by far my favourite chapter, no idea why I just like it lol, what do you think about it?

I need to ask you something important, I still am not sure about the FML so if I end up choosing Vados, Kale and Caulifla, would it ruin the story for the people that voted only for Kale and Caulifla?, or the people that voted only for Caulifla?

Please tell me that do you think, will it completely destroy the fanfic for you or what cuz I genuinely want everyone to be happy with the FML decision, and please don't pick Vados just because of the smut, this is not a smut fanfic even though I will eventually write 18+..

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