

In Red City, two deaths occur and the Luna, Luciana is darn serious about finding out who’d done it. The ALL ALPHA, who's their supreme Alpha, sents a detective who's his beta to find out who is in charge of the deaths. More mysteries unfold in Red City and Luna Luciana cannot trust anyone.. including herself. WHO KILLED JULIETTA; HER OLDER SISTER? “Could it be the man standing in my front? Or...?”

Royal_Red1 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter Six: Luciana, Derex and —?

There was a line of black cars which followed them at their back. Luciana and Derex were inside a strawberry red car.

Their vehicle was parked in front of a white wide stairs and there were alot of blinding cameras and people at the event center. 

The Queen's leg was the first part of her body to come out, revealing her tall shoes. Of course, Derex was out by now.

 Luciana Dubrev's face brightened as she let out, "Hah.." she catwalked outside the car she requested for dressed in a long red dress that revealed her curves and a floffy red shoulder-shawl.

 Derex's strechted out his palm towards her but she placed her purse on it instead fuelling his anger.

 Walking on the wide stairs, she screamed, "I can't wait to see this All Alpha!"

Chapter Six: Luciana, Derex and—?

Luciana walked into the event center like she was the center of attraction; which she was.

It was a gala. Everything was lit.

There were cameras all around, reporters exposing their nose for news, outrageous dresses. Outside the place, there were so many expensive cars lined up just to show the kind of classy persons who were invited.

Luciana didn't know if this gala was an annual one, but she was darn sure this one was made for her.

"Not that bad fashion sense," Luciana complimented, observing her environment. One would think she was praising the beautiful high-class men and women in sight, but she actually just looked at a vertical glass reflecting her image.

She made her way on the stairs and slowly, but surely all eyes rested on her.

Of course they hadn't seen the Luna before, but her presence spoke before her.

She absorbed the attention and sashayed in as though walking down an aisle towards her throne.

She glanced at everyone who looked her way, her beauty captivating and walking style was to die for. Cameras lights almost made her blind.

"Hello there!"


They called for her attention.

Luciana was loud, not just in the way she looked, sounded but in his she acted. She was obviously confident and joyously sat on the throne made for a star; she was the star.

Her perfume danced around like magic and so much attention was on her. Derex was now like some invisible sidekick.

There were many people present at this event.

The Luna took a pause at the entrance of the hall, she leered, then walked inside in the most elegant way ever. She was clearly enjoying the admiration. She showcased her overly cocky attitude.

Luciana took a glass of wine in her hands and sipped. Derex also made his way to her.

"Don't go too far away from me." the Beta instructed.

"Oh, why's that?" she enjoyed torturing him. Derex's reason for saying this was because he knew Luciana and how she loved having her way in any situation. God knows, she could do whatever she liked here.

She was the ruler of the entire world.

Going back to the moment Luciana walked through the entrance, the Queen's ocean blue eyes observed everyone stare at her.

Her presence screamed attention and she indeed noticed something weird.

Everyone clearly had different thoughts reflecting through their eyes, like…

"Could she actually be the Luna everyone's talked about?"

"Oh my, she actually left her territory."

"No one ever thought she'd come."

"She's here in real life."

"It's fake, the powerful Luna will never leave her town."

"I heard she's fearless…"

The masculine man beside her gave out that they were together. Rumours had spread indeed.

It crossed Derex's mind to hold her hand but he knew she'd not agree.

"Where's the All Alpha?" She impatiently asked, mixing the drink with a straw attached to a grape. She later ate the grape now inside the hall.

"Be patient." Derex was beside her, speaking in a calmed tone. "Come meet the Luna of RedCity pack," he directed a few men.

Luna Luciana wasn't paying attention. She soon stopped observing every other thing and focused her attention on the way people stared at her. They were obviously jealous and some had hatred in their eyes. She smelled it. 

Luciana thought she was the esteemed guest of honor.

Her vision soon alighted on a group of women talking and one offered her a disdainful kind of look. This got Luciana's attention.

She looked around her environment and soon had this clear feeling that she wasn't really welcome by everyone—more like an outcast.

She cared less about pleasing any one by exchanging greetings. She peacefully walked to a chair and Derex landed an eye on her.

She yawned into her palm. Her and Derex were seated on a round table alongside other esteemed guests secluded from the other lower table. "Where the hell is the All Alpha!?" she yelled not caring a damn. Her eyes scanned the place, seemingly bored. "And this party is exhausting! Perhaps we landed in a cemetery!"

"Lu—" Derex tried to calm her down.

She suddenly started making weird annoying noises just to piss Derex off.

"You're embarrassing yourself." Derex made known.

She seemed to not mind.

She shoved her head into her palm showing how tired and bored she was but soon a man caught her attention. He seemed to stare at her misbehaving.

"Now you," she smiled. "eversince I stepped through that door you've had my attention! You look like one of those men who think they're superior over all, but to me, you look like a shit I stepped on by accident— which is this place. Perhaps a fat Santa Claus who missed his way, forgetting this isn't December."

Mutters encompassed and some people started snickering at her uncivilized behaviour.

The man just froze in shock.

Luna Luciana's eyes noticed the lady who looked at her disdainfully earlier, laughing too. "Now that lady, with the feather thing on her head makes it looked like she was pooped out by a duck!"

"Is this how women from your pack behave?" The lady retorted.

Luciana warned, "Ask me that one more time." Her fangs were visible and claws almost coming out. She was on her feet, vexed, and about striking when Derex pushed her far away with his wolf's speed.

"What is wrong with you Luciana?!" Bellowed Derex. They were out in a private place. He restrained her, who kept on fighting until she unwillingly quit.

"I'm fine." She came out of his restrain and brought out a cigar. 

Derex soon noticed she had beats of perspiration on her body and hands were trembling. 

She inhaled smoke. "Just not used to being around so much men. Feel like chopping their heads off with my claws." She had noticed there were more of men in the event and they seemed to have more power. The women beside them seemed like beautiful accessories to her.

They were in a place with fancy rails and Luciana rested her arms on it. "Never been outside Red City, you see," she disheveled her hair with her fingers.

Derex was shocked. Silence twirled in the air and Derex was a bit reluctant before speaking, "Lu—" it was as though cat got his tongue. His face rumpled with closed eyes showing how hard it was for him to release this statement, "I understand what you're going through. I've somehow been in your shoes before. Not knowing who to trust, having your trusted 'stalwarts' betray you, thinking for a moment if you're the bad person for changing even being scared of who you have become. You want to do everything right yet the burden of leadership defiles that sometimes," His fingers presses the rails, now near Luciana.

"You become cold, harsh, strict and sometimes even fear yourself for making some decisions. But that's who—" He turns to face her, who has an attentive look on her face and they share a gaze.

Derex clears his throat and disconnects.

"Do make sure you quench that light properly before going inside," He made his way back inside after speaking in a strict tone.

Luciana continued smoking but this didn't go on for too long. She quenched the light but on the verge of doing so she heard an echoe of her name and saw a person scurrying off.

Her focus was on the continuous echoing of voice through corners and she quickly followed the voice in a curious and fierce manner.

'Why does that voice sound so familiar?' she questioned, mentally.

She wasn't scared and didn't hesitate to follow.

She soon got the shock of her life when she met the face of, "Damon."

He sped up to her, pressing her against the wall and her nightmare soon flashed through her mind.