

In Red City, two deaths occur and the Luna, Luciana is darn serious about finding out who’d done it. The ALL ALPHA, who's their supreme Alpha, sents a detective who's his beta to find out who is in charge of the deaths. More mysteries unfold in Red City and Luna Luciana cannot trust anyone.. including herself. WHO KILLED JULIETTA; HER OLDER SISTER? “Could it be the man standing in my front? Or...?”

Royal_Red1 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter Five: Luciana and Derex

Chapter Five: Luciana and Derex

Luciana was on her bed rolling carelessly. She was supposed to be with her visitor, Derex, but bad dreams overwhelmed her.

Out of so many, this was one of them:


"Don't cheat, okay?" Her older sister, Julietta told her when they were younger.

"Seven, six, five, four.." Luciana counted with her palms over her face whilst her sister speedily ran out of the room. When Luciana had reached the number one, she shouted, "Ready or not, here I come!"

With a cheapish smile on her face, which exposed her broken square-shaped teeth, she frailed to go meet her sister but an anomaly occured.

She was running but soon morphed into her adult form and this made Luciana offer a bewildering look at herself.

They were in their former house.

However, Luciana advanced forward but soon started seeing weird dark shadows hurriedly passing corners.

She smiled cause she thought it was her sister. "Julietta! Julietta!" She kept on running in fast paces but was suddenly forced against a wall by this dark figure. Luciana soon saw that this shadow-like creature was a person all along.

It possessed long dark claws though that fondled her cheeks. Luciana was scared of this action but was too surprised to react. Plus, she was caged in his grasps.

The person's lips soon touched with hers and it kissed her, offering her his tongue and her heart beat faster than ever and her eyes dilated showing utter suprise.

This was all too sudddn to take in. She compelled herself into lifting the being's head in an aggressive manner.

She knew it was male and it's intensified werewolf's smell hit her nose telling her it was a powerful one. Luciana could only see the black tousled hair of the person giving her an unpermitted open mouth-to-mouth kiss.

Curiously, she dragged the person's hair disconnecting her from it's lips inorder to see the face clearly and it turned out to be—



Loud gasps fled the Luna's mouth as she awoken. Apart from the gasps, she had managed not to scream but the figure by her bed would've been enough reason to do that—

It was silver haired lady Denna creepily sitting on her open door frame with cuddled legs.

—but she didn't.

Luciana rolled her eyes in exasperation.

"What are you doing in here?"

Wendy was also by her side. She walked towards the Luna and offered her an envelope with stylishly designed fonts. "The invitation," said Wendy. "the Alpha isn't joking about the gala. I'm sure you heard him"

Luciana, still on her bed, had a flashback on what happened.


Retrieving her axe from him, she yelled. "Isn't it obvious?! I'm making a coffin."

She went on to smash the wood then swiped sweat off her forehead.

"I see you're mourning but you have greater matters at hand,"

"Like what?"

There was a pause in-between but Derex finally announced, "A gala."

Greater silence followed and Luciana granted a loud eccentric laugh.

*End Of Flashback

"Why will I go to a gala when there's clearly a killer in my town? And I'm not talking about just that detective."

Wendy wore a sleeveless jacket that revealed her muscles and black leather pants. She stood like an officer.


"Don't Lucy me." Luciana's palm was raised against Wendy. Her anger shooted. "And what are you here Denna?"

"Sir Derex says he wants to see you."

"And you came hopping all the way just for that." Wendy noticed there was something wrong with Luciana. "Even calling him Sir. Well tell your Sir he could go to whatever shitty event himself."

"—Or you could tell him yourself." Bewilderment spun in the air and she couldn't comprehend the owner of the thick voice she had heard in her room.

It happened to obviously be from tall Derex who annoyingly took more steps forward into her room satisfied by the furious face in his front.

It pleased him to see her angry and he leered, knowing fully well she was angry because he was walking into her room.

It was like a loud bell dinged on her head and they both shared locked gazes. Luciana rose speedily and took a pair of scissors on her desk as a weapon and Derex walked in closer with a face that showed he was ready to bring down hell.

"Since I came here, I have been disrespected and to think I have been kind. If my position doesn't compell respect from you, then perhaps my actions will." His eyes showed power.

"Madam," he bowed. "I have up to ten men outside this room and if you're not ready to go out, perhaps they'll help. Would've done it myself but, wouldn't want to ruin your fancy dress."

All this while, Luna had been looking at him and adour gleamed her eyes. Passion and excitement just from staring at him. She adored how he was so tough and bent on having what he wanted.

She gave her signature side smirk. "Hmmm, since the All Alpha is seriously captivated by my town," Luna said. "Then I might as well obey his call. It seems there's something special he wants to talk about and I want to ask him myself why he chose to send his right-hand, or is it left-hand man?

She snuck to his back and held him. "Can't tell the difference. I wanna know who's thinking for him right now, you know, telling him what to do."

Derex was confused. "I don't understand."

"You're his Beta."

"I never tell him what to do. Miss, it's called advise."

"Oh," she sang.

She smiled as she turned the other way around whilst stripping off her clothes. She then spoke, noticing he was still there, "I don't mind you enjoying the show but I'm about to get ready."

Derex' s now understood why she was taking her clothes off and arrogantly turned the opposite direction and she laughed.


After a while she emerged from her room looking smoky as ever. Derex eyes parted at her as he was lost for a while but soon connected back with reality.

He grinned. "I couldn't tell which you'd pick. All your clothes look like they're made for a gala."

The advisor to the supreme Alpha, Derex, was clad in a black exquisite suit that screamed money! She was dressed in red—obviosly, and her beauty was outstanding.

Her makeup was mild but natural beauty over took it all.

Derex gave a few glances at her but didn't say a word. Her magnificent walking style was presented in front of him as she was ahead.

They were now heading towards a clean black Mercedes that matched the event. Derex wiggled the keys in his finger but soon noticed an anomaly.

He noticed Luciana walk pass it.

He rushed to her front, "Highly-esteemed Luna, I politely inform you that's our ride."

Luciana folded her arms and spoke, "No," Derex got annoyed and tapped his foot on the ground.

'What have I done to offend this woman again?'

He patiently walked towards the lady again to ask, "Then what's the problem?"

She gaped at him like he was supposed to be a mind-reader. "Are you blind?" she went ahead to inform, "I can't go in the car if it's not red!"

Ohh gawd!! Derex held his forehead in distress.


They entered the car and Luciana saw fit to rest her head on the window. Derex gazed at her as he was in front; driving.

He was crazy enough to think she was joking. He did get a red car for her to enter. The Luna may sound silly, but her theory was that if she was called by the All Alpha himself, she needed to be comfortable even showered with special treatment. She was important after all.

She was leaving her town for him. It wasn't easy seeing the things happening in her territory.

Derex's eyes rested on her but mouth couldn't move. Perhaps he would've asked her what was wrong.

"So this is the air outside my place?" her beautiful face remained resting on the glass.

They soon reached the front of the place where the gala was to hold.

Luciana Dubrev's face brightened as she let out, "Hah.." she catwalked outside the car she requested for dressed in a long red dress that revealed her curves and a floffy red shoulder-shawl.

Derex's strechted out his palm towards her but she placed her purse on it instead fuelling his anger.

Walking on the wide stairs, she screamed, "I can't wait to see this All Alpha!"