

In Red City, two deaths occur and the Luna, Luciana is darn serious about finding out who’d done it. The ALL ALPHA, who's their supreme Alpha, sents a detective who's his beta to find out who is in charge of the deaths. More mysteries unfold in Red City and Luna Luciana cannot trust anyone.. including herself. WHO KILLED JULIETTA; HER OLDER SISTER? “Could it be the man standing in my front? Or...?”

Royal_Red1 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter Seven: Luciana

Chapter Seven: Luciana

Chapter Seven: Luciana

Luciana whimpered as she saw how tensed her sister was and how she also transferred that anxiety into her. 

Julietta was drenched in sweat and her appearance terrified her.

"What's wrong?" Luciana's voice sounded not more than eight. She questioned, overly curious.

"They're coming. You need to hide."

"Who…?" Before Luciana could ask more, Julietta had already put her in the closet.

"You need to stay here, Lucy!" Julietta instructed with ragged breaths. 

Julietta had short black hair, natural ruby lips, rosy cheeks and an innocently attractive face. Her skin was so white and body shape alluring.

She was every man's dream. Her personality was tough yet loving.

Luciana's eyes glistened with tears. It was going to be the last time she would see her sister's face up so close to hers, but she didn't know yet.

"What do you want?" Asked Luciana in a manager bold voice when the men she foretold arrived.

Stubborn Luciana had respositioned herself under the bed. She could only see their legs and could tell there were about six men in the room. 

"Well you're getting nothing from me!" Blasted Julietta, fiercely.

"It dosen't have to end this way." Luciana's eyes split as she recognized that voice to be Damon's. She held her mouth and prayed only her could hear her heart thump.

It seemed her chest would explode and it hurt so much each time it beat.

Tears ran down Luciana's eyes as she saw her sister kneel. Her little nose could sense a thicker presence but it was clearly unfamiliar.

Someone was walking round the room—she could sense it.

The sound of the footsteps pacing round finally stopped.

"Little fella, rest in peace." were the last words she heard in a whisper before seeing her sister on the ground with ajar eyes and a horizontal line on her throat having blood squirt from both her mouth and throat.

"Julietta!" Luciana screamed after they had finally left the place.


Luciana continued smoking but this didn't go on for too long. She quenched the light but on the verge of doing so she heard an echoe of her name and saw a person scurry off.

Her focus was on the continuous echoing of voice through corners and she quickly followed the voice in a curious and fierce manner.

'Why does that voice sound so familiar?' she questioned, mentally.

She wasn't scared and didn't hesitate to follow.

She soon got the shock of her life when she met the face of the person, "Damon."

He sped up to her, pressing her against the wall and her nightmare soon flashed through her mind terrifying her.

"Damon," Luciana exhaled a shaky breath.

Her heart bounced against her chest. He was so close to her face yet she couldn't do anything.

"Missed me?"

This was the man that killed her sister. He was the one that bore a hole in heart and caused her to be hostile towards evey living being that looked like him.

Right here, Julietta's killer.

The Luna's heart jerked and it wasn't out of adour. She knew she desired to confront Alpha Damon someday, but that day came to quick, didn't it?

Of course her heart panted with hatred but she was overwhelmed with surprise.

She was caged in his grasps and as he spoke, his breath fanned her face alerting the hair on her body.

He smiled at her, directing his wolf's finger to her face, fondling it nicely; absolutely not caring about personal space. "So nice to see you," he spoke in a husky tone. "I've always wanted to know how the younger one ended up. You know, I thought it was a fairytale bull shit that you were in attendance of the gala, but it's true."

He didn't stop with his action. His claw danced on her face smoothly.

In a bold voice, "What're you doing here?" Luciana interrogated.

"You are so beautiful, you'll make a fine bride. You know, I could just order it."

Damon's sterling grey eyes bore into her and a part of his hair fell on his eye.

"Luciana aren't you done yet?" Interrupted Derex's voice unknowingly, "Do I have to drag you back into the hall—?" Darex paused, stunned as he met the two of them together. "Alpha Damon," were his words.

The second-ranking Alpha disconnected himself from her.

Not wasting time again with her question, she asked with emotions projecting through her voice,"What is he doing here?"

Derex: "It's a gala, dignitaries are invited."

Absorbing the praise, Alpha Damon shocased narcissism with his expression and words, "With all due respect." He was clad in plum priceless tuxedo and tie.

"Where's the All Alpha?" thundered Luciana.

Damon smiled. "Oh, so he didn't tell you. I hosted this event." Astonishment gleamed her eyes. "In fact, no one has seen the All Alpha in ages. Perhaps you should ask his High Beta."

The look on his face..the expression in Derex's eyes glinted an 'I can explain' but she wasn't cut out for that. He wanted to go closer to her but she stormed out speedily.

She made her way towards the red car and instructed the driver to go back to her town. Now in the car, she rested her head on the window.

Luciana recalled the day her sister died and the eerie nightmare she had about Damon. The terrible scene flashed through her mind, why would I dream of such?, she asked herself. She then sheered away from the thought. 

The memory she had of Julietta's last day on earth was like a drill boring continuously into her heart.



He stepped his foot on RedCity grounds and the first place his eyes rested on was the large window of Luciana's room high up a tall building.

The place he stayed was directly beside hers. He walked in during the night and removed his hat from his head. Derex's gaze alighted on her room for a while before let his feet move into his room.

Still at night, sleeping.


The supreme Beta laid on the bed he was given to like every other night but was differed today was that he felt sensational movements on his body.

He wondered what it was. Although it was uncanny, he concentrated on his dream but it seemed reality dragged his attention more.

He kept on sleeping but slowly, the soothing movements continued. His eyes opened only to see a figure on him, but what alerted him more was that it was Luciana with a knife above him.


He rejected her body instantly with a thumping sound. Luciana had gone full crazy. The dagger was directly pointing towards his blood-pumping organ.

"Are you mad??!!" He asked her on the floor.

"You lied to me!"

"But I can explain."

They kept on fighting and fighting…

"Damon was the one who killed my sister and you led me straight up to him!"

Luciana was attacking while Derex just tried avoiding her. She was fircely strong but Derex matched her.

He turned her in an opposite direction battling with her. She was damn strong. The groaning sounds made Wendy to come alongside Denna.

"What're you doing, Lucy?!"

Luciana kept on fighting him till he was left with no other choice than to attack her too. He threw her body hardly against the floor with his wolf's strength and she was about attacking him again when he held the sides of his head, having sweat all over him.

"No, no. Not again," he mumbled with his palms placed beside his head. He held his head like he was battling inwardly. He began moaning and knelt on the floor. His eyes became full white giving out he was bound to collapse.

As foretold, his naked upper body hit the ground painfully and he did not even show signs of breathing.