

In Red City, two deaths occur and the Luna, Luciana is darn serious about finding out who’d done it. The ALL ALPHA, who's their supreme Alpha, sents a detective who's his beta to find out who is in charge of the deaths. More mysteries unfold in Red City and Luna Luciana cannot trust anyone.. including herself. WHO KILLED JULIETTA; HER OLDER SISTER? “Could it be the man standing in my front? Or...?”

Royal_Red1 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter Eight: Luciana

Chapter Eight: Luciana

As foretold, his naked upper body hit the ground painfully and he did not even show signs of breathing.

Luciana and Wendy just stood there staring at him in befuddlement. 

'Is he dead?'

'It was just a small fight, how—? Why—?'

Soon, other muscular girls came to help the Beta up to a couch as he weighed alot. They later excused themselves.

Derex was lifeless. 

Wendy was so surprised and didn't know what to do. How were they going to explain to the Alpha that they didn't know how they killed his Beta?

(That is if they even knew where he was)

Derex was without his shirt and his masculine structure just laid on the black couch in the room, not even rising and falling rhythmically.

"We're screwed," Wendy let out with folded arms.

Luciana went closer to examine him, one would think out of care but the next thing she did almost deafened Wendy's ears. She blasted out a hysterical laughter that could be mistaken for a witch's cackle.

"You're laughing?"

"I'm I-I'm so sorry, but—" she continued laughing. "I didn't expect the supreme Beta to be this wea..k" her laugh blended in well with her last word.

Wendy kept a stern face but couldn't help join in too.

They were friends from the same pack after all.

"But on a serious note, Lucy, it's your fault we're in this mess. Cut the jest, are you forgetting his a private detective from the high court?" She went on lashing out, "you're being needlessly irresponsible."

"I know, I know." Luciana said now sitting on a chair with crossed legs, still possessing her mockery face. Denna was in the shadows, obviously calling for Wendy's attention. Wendy didn't want to go as she didn't trust Luciana. With an evil expression and suspicious tone, her Luna said, "Don't worry, I'll watch after him." She then strechted her legs.

"Just don't do anything crazy."She then departed.

Luna Dubrev gazed upon Derex's stomach, his well defined abs. She was able to see him clearly, something she wasn't able to do up-close eversince he came. They were now alone in the room.

He was huge alright. His heavy chest had a center parting that gave out he worked out. He's hair was tousled from the fight. Her face was so straight and strict-looking as she gazed on him.

"How long was I out?" suddenly boomed his masculine voice, still motionless in the same position.

"Not long enough to be dead." she said.

His eyes were still closed.

Wendy came in. "Luna, should we call in the doctor?"

"That wouldn't be necessary," he spoke surprising her. He curled his upper figure simultaneously, but he winced, showing he wasn't still well.

Luciana gave out a funny look on her face. "Does the Supreme Beta have a fever?"

"My Luna," this was from beautiful Denna. She revealed herself from behind the door. Her silver hair was packed to one side. "you need to see someone. We have a lead on the recent muder case."


A girl, clearly scared with shaky hands and swollen eye bags from lack of sleep sat in their front. She kept on anxiously rubbing her fingers and her lips seemed swollen and bloody from constantly biting.

She was terrified.

Lady Denna didn't like involving herself in other people's business. She didn't like trouble although beware of her sneaky habit. She tucked a few strands of her silver hair and aired, "My business here is done." then stealthy left the premises.

Derex, Wendy and Luciana fixated their stares on the terrified anxiety-filled lady in their front.

Luciana breathed shakily in an angry manner, trying to stifle her emotions. She spoke, "According to source."

Wendy said, "Denna."

"you were the only one standing on the bridge when the victim fell."

"I was… I-" the girl, Stella, croaked shakily. Luciana offered a brooding ill expression, her glare intensified with the unspoken question projecting through her eyes, 'who let you speak??'

"You will answer each questions directly and correctly," Luciana moved forward to fondle her face with her cold fingers. Her voiced pierced almost sending shivering vibes into the ambience fully. The loud beating of Stella's heart sounded like music. "What were you doing on the bridge?"

Luciana held her neck which appeared fragile. It was so soft, and Luciana's hold triggered unexplainable sensations.

The feel of her palms on her neck was so nice yet deadly as it could snap her neck—perhaps like the victim's. It was a painful-sweet feeling.

Tears ran down Stella's eyes and she could feel that her Luna loved her so much.

"I swear my Luna, I didn't push her."

"Is that what I asked you??!" Thundered Luciana and she raised her to a wall with her palm clenching the girl's neck.

The suspect's mouth was wide apart and the throttling didn't stop.

"Stop it Luciana!" Gruffed Derex.

Wendy shifted closer to hold her slightly. "He's right."

He went on, "Last time I remember, I am the detective here."

The girl fell carelessly to the ground.

In a peaceful well calculated tone, she spoke, "I really didn't know how angry I could get until you landed in my town." she directed it to 'you know whom. She paused on the verge of returning to her room. "Use your methods quickly while I'm still patient, or it'd be my turn and they'll know why I paint this town Red."

She then left.

Wendy clapped her hands when she left. "Ok! Thank you for releasing a gothic Luna." Unlike everyone else, she seem unperturbed. She then hauled Suspect Stella up and cuffed her, putting her back in a cell.

Derex proceeded into his room. He looked to his side; his exposed window and saw Luciana in the other building, in her room.

She soon noticed a presence and eyes clicked with his maintaining this gaze. They wanted to know what was going on in each other's mind. They didn't speak, but shared this connection.


Time passed and Derex was disturbed by a knock on the door. He hesitantly went to get it and eyes kissed the Luna's.

He was surprised to see her in his front at night.

Her eyes traced down to examine his nude upper body and then directed them back up.

"May I come in?"

"You're here. I should probably put my guard up." She let herself inside. "Here to have a round two? Or is it round three?" She walked in and the door closed behind. He was tensed up for some reason.

"I came to check on you. How's your health?"

It seemed like she actually cared or her voiced sounded like something close to that.

He soon recovered from the act and question. "Please…" he flopped on the bed and wiped his face with his palms in denial. "Like you really care about me."

Although she acted like someone who cared, she still managed a cocky attitude. "It was weird for you to just black out like that," her demeanor switched to a mockery one. "wonder how you'll act in a real war."

"Says someone who doesn't think properly before striking."

"At least I'm better than a weak Beta." she blatantly spat, annoying the Beta.

He gave an angry look at her. "You know, you hate me so much. That's why you blind other's eyes so they'll  feel the same way."

Luciana's unfazed look stayed the same. She crossed her legs in a cocky manner. "You don't say."

"Where's Timmy Redcliffe?" she was stunned. Derex, who was clad in just his black trousers, went closer to her with widened legs on a stool. "I smell his presence. What did you do with him?"

Luciana smirked. "What do you wanna know?"

He then imitated her by crossing his legs. "Perhaps he's out there having more fun than you, I don't know."

That words seemed to penetrate the Luna.

Derex then rose up to whisper in her ear, "Why do really hate my kind?" he then went to his bed just to bounce his body on it.  He spoke with a sly smile, "You mayn't seem bored with your life, at least don't drag others with your belief."

Words cut deep down. Luciana suddenly had a flashback of her childhood with Julietta.


She remembers it as though it was yesterday. 

It was summers day and they spent it under a tree, lying on a green field. Julietta was reading a novel. Her younger sister was bored so she encroached on her space.

"Leave me alone, Lucy!" she tried to push her little sister away from her body. Julietta was wearing a black leather jacket, white blouse and black shorts.

Lucy, as she called, was dressed in a floral dress. She went to climb her sister again and Julietta pushed her away.

With an indignant pout, Luciana folded her arms and faced the other way. Julietta then noticed her sister frown and gingerly went close to her to amuse her. She had decided dropping her book was the best option, so she snuck up on her sister and tickled her to the core.

"Stop Juliet!" Luciana couldn't help laughing. "Stop!" they both laughed and Luciana saw fit to climb over her to to rub her tickle spot.

As this was going on, a dark atmosphere surfaced when a wind came by.

Luciana stared behind her sister in quiet surprise for a while. Juliet wanted to know what made her stop, and if Luciana had a way, she wouldn't let her older sister know.. but it was too late.

It was Damon clad in the same leather jacket as her.

"Lucy," Julietta shifted the tight hold her sister had on her arm.

"Don't go Julie." Luciana whispered in a desperate tone.

Like mind control, she watched her sister rise to meet the sterling grey eyed mister who was undeniably attractive. They interlocked hands and jealously struck her heart.

Damon gave a sincere humble smile, and as she watched her sister go, he turned back to give Luciana a friendly smile that assured her that her sister would come back.

He took his head forward and with Julietta, he left— as though he stole their happy moment. It was like blood on a white fabric.


Timmy Redcliffe

He stayed in an underground tunnel that was so shadowy. He was tied to a chair and gagged. He kept on rocking himself sideways like he didn't want to stay where he sat.

Girls putting on steamy lingerie and fine masks confronted him. Their hair poured down and they had guns in their hands.

One of them aggressively detached the tape from his mouth.

Timmy Redcliffe then smiled as they turned on the lights as though it was a miracle.

"Let's party daddy!"

Loud music played while Redcliffe enjoyed the show the girls had for him. They were in a bedroom and he enjoyed himself like he had never before.

The girls sat on him and played with him.

"Daddy, isn't it time for you to go back?"

"What?! I'm never going back! This is my home!"