

In Red City, two deaths occur and the Luna, Luciana is darn serious about finding out who’d done it. The ALL ALPHA, who's their supreme Alpha, sents a detective who's his beta to find out who is in charge of the deaths. More mysteries unfold in Red City and Luna Luciana cannot trust anyone.. including herself. WHO KILLED JULIETTA; HER OLDER SISTER? “Could it be the man standing in my front? Or...?”

Royal_Red1 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter Four: Luciana

Chapter Four: Luciana

"Time to move, lover boy."

Derex's eyes split.

Luciana covered his view completely and her dominant attitude compelled him to rise.


Everywhere in Redcity was lovely. It was as though the place shun more at night. Luciana and Derex ambled by each other's side and it was so quiet that the only thing that could be heard in the evening was the clacking sound of their shoes.

Derex shoved his hands down his pockets and breathed in cold air.

"Got any lead?" this was asked by Luciana. She walked further with her outrageous outfit showcasing itself.

"I'm sure very soon I will," Derex replied. There was no other person in the route they followed. He soon stoped walking and asked, "What's your problem?"

"My problem?"

"It seems you're not ready to solve this case. Eversince I came you've acted so unwelcoming and cold."

"No one said anything about me being warm and fuzzy. That's cuz you're not supposed to be here!" There was silence before she heaved a sigh. She walked few steps away and turned to the other side with clenched fingers. "Give your eyes to my city, they're my people and I watch over them. There's no time I don't think about them and to have the supreme Alpha send you here to insult me. My people will never kill their own. The answers you're looking for isn't in here."

She looked at her beautiful City.

Luciana's claws came out and she clenched her fists so hard giving away the pain she felt inside. It was tight that she began to bleed.

"Stop it! You'll hurt yourself," Derex went forward to her but this action surprised the Luna.

Her eyes grew bigger. "Showing care." She then scoffed. "I don't know anything about you but sooner or later I'll be able to tell the real reason you're here in my town." She knew there was no reason for him to worry since she'll still heal quickly.

Derex disheveled his hair with his fingers and puffed out breath out his mouth as the situation from earlier made him confused.

He rushed to confront her with his wolf speed, and spoke words only from the heart. "It'll tear you apart to one day witness the people you care so much about betray your trust."

Luciana was surprised and angry. He was so close to her and her eyes gleamed with rage. Her chest rose and claws were almost about striking him but he held her wrist and turned her the other way; causing her back to face his front.

Since she wanted tough, he'd give her tough. His breath pierced through her pores. "How are you so sure the murders didn't take place in your town, done by one of your people?"

Luciana's eyes were filled with so much emotions and just when she wanted to react, showcasing her strength, a loud blasting yell deviated her.


Their both necks snapped and eyes saw a girl falling down from a high bridge landing with a smacking sound.

No one would've been able to survive that fall.

In the speed of light, Luciana ran in her wolf form to the scene but it was already too late. Derex followed behind her and the place was already flooding with so much persons.

"Calm down, calm down," this was from Wendy. She had ran with her wolf's powers too as soon as she heard the noise. Her and the others were blocking the other city dwellers from coming close to the body. "The Luna's handling it."

A weird classical music soon starts playing loudly from the closeby entertainment center and the queen catwalked towards the female on the floor.

Luciana's face was stiff as she bent down to touch the broken neck of the victim. She rose up quickly and in a blunt tone, she pronounced, "She's dead."

She quickly made her way out the scene and gasps could be heard.

"Wendy," She called. "Make sure the security's tight and set up a curfew. No one should be outside as soon as the closck strikes six. Infact, there shall be a lockdown."

The authoritative pigtailed-stalwart nodded her head in obedience.

Luciana's eyes devoid feelings as she naturally catwalked out of sight. Still in the process of doing so, large arms held her shoulder and the annoying voice boomed suddenly, "You have been with me since I came here. You're sure you people aren't capable?"

Her heart sparked up but when she got to the front door of her hotel room, she finally let all hell out by bursting her door open.

She caused the innocent door to fly out of position and anger filled her heart so much.

"It'll tear you apart to one day witness the people you care so much about betray your trust."

"How are you so sure the murders didn't take place in your town, done by one of your people?"

Flashes of these words run pass her mind and she did not know when she fell on her knees. Her palms clenched together and head bowed. Nobody was here, she thought.

Wendy soon made her self known, resting her body on the broken door's frame with folded arms. "Are you okay, my Luna?"

After a fat teardrop slid down Luciana's ocean blue eye, she let out, "I am."

Wendy understood. She shook her head then exit the room camly.


It was the next day, the Luna found herself in the forest cleaving woods with an axe. She kept on cleaving it with outshone rage.

She bellowed as she transfered her fury towards the woods and shouted like a mad person, sweating profusely.

She was panting; trying to regain her strength when black crows flew away from her because of her defeaning screams. After the scene of the petrified birds flying off, the Beta standing there was finally revealed.

"You're gonna kill yourself," Following this, was the axe flying towards his direction due to his statement—but he was lucky he caught the axe which was closely near his face.

Derex's pupils distended as his muscular arm prevented him from having a scar.

His eyes shifted and met Luciana's death scowl. His eyes calmed down and they shared a gaze for a while. Luciana soon disconnected from it.

"What the hell are you doing here?" She continued gathering the timbers and spoke in a ragged breath, "here to shove it in my face that you were right?"

The tall man's face rumpled in confusion. His arms were folded as he monitored her. "I was going to ask you the same question. What're you doing?"

She continued like no one was here.

Derex thought yesterday he may have seen a side of her she never usually showed, but it seemed she just returned to pretending like the whole situation didn't touch her a bit. Not even the air if it.

"You don't have to pretend, Luna!" Derex blurted.

Luciana's attention was earned and she angrily snapped her neck backwards. "Pretend?! You! Aren't you supposed to be looking for a murderer or God knows, murderers?!"

She quickly marched to him to take her axe back. Luciana wasn't looking too good. She was dressed in oversized casual clothes and one could tell she had a tight night.

Her fashion sense was unkept and poor today.

Retrieving her axe from him, she yelled, "Isn't it obvious?!
















" I'm making a coffin."