
Shadows of the Pale Emperor

Some guy dies and get another chance in life with a random system from a wheel (JoJo System). FYI : My info is form the JoJo's Bizarre Encyclopedia (https://jojowiki.com).

Lord_Touch_Me_ · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Chapter 09

As the dawn broke, casting a gentle glow upon the horizon, the first rays of light pierced through the window, illuminating the room. Wilhelm stirred from his slumber. The transformation he had undergone with donning his new glasses had left him changed, his essence shifting to embody a different persona. Gone was the vibrant energy that once emanated from him, replaced by a chilling stillness.

His roommates could tell the differences between the Wilhelm now and the one last morning. Without saying a word, Wilhelm got up from his bed and wore his uniform. Wilhelm moved with an eerie silence, his footsteps devoid of their usual vitality.

Wilhelm navigated the halls with calculated indifference. He sought solace in the cafeteria, his hunger echoing the emptiness he now projected. Over a solitary meal, he contemplated his plan—a strategic manipulation of hearts and perceptions. With a cold facade, he aimed to evoke pity and weave his way into the fabric of the other's hearts.

Wilhelm realized he was naive to believe everything would go according to his wishes. Yesterday's 'training' had opened his eyes to reality. Yes, he was a person from another world. Yes, he knew the future of this world. Yes, he could gain immortality and even travel worlds. And yet all of that meant nothing. While he couldn't breathe, he understood the power of death. He was able to realize how quickly death had taken him into its arms. The overwhelming weight on his chest was unforgettable. Death never discriminated when picking its victims, be it the old or young. They could be rich or poor, weak or strong, ready or not; death was unavoidable to all.

All accept Wilhelm. Vampires were undead creatures; their life span was limitless. And he could turn himself into a vampire in the future using the stone mask. Life was something all beings sought after. The old and powerful would kill their own family if they could regain their youth. The temptation of life was something only a few noble-hearted individuals could resist.

Becoming a vampire wasn't the only option, either. In One Piece, the Ope Ope no Mi, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit, if developed to ultimate, would allow the user to perform the Immortality Operation, making another person gain immortality at the cost of the user's remaining life. However, the immortalities would be different. The Immortality Operation would probably make it so the person couldn't die of natural causes while being a vampire came with near-perfect regeneration. The only downside of being a vampire would be the sunlight, but the benefits outweigh the cons.

Wilhelm and the others stood outside in the training yard, awaiting the instructor's instructions. Because of the accident earlier, Wilhelm was pulled aside and told to do 100 pushups, situps, and squats first. As Wilhelm stood in the training yard doing this task with due diligence, his face didn't change. He finished doing the pushups with relative ease but began slowing down at the situps and squats. After an hour had passed, Wilhelm, desperately gasping for air, finished the first part of his training. The next part used to run 100 laps around the field before lunchtime.


(Pov: Wilhelm)

As I started running, I tried and kept a study pace with rhythmic breathing. The Hamon mask was too much for me now, but I could still practice controlling my breathing without it. As time went by, the sun continued rising in the sky. I had 35 laps after 3 hours. Lunch was at noon, and I had little time to finish my running. My legs were aching, and my lungs burned with each breath. But I pushed through the pain, my determination unwavering.

'Everything I do now is for more power. I was going to be God. God wasn't afraid of pain. Pain was merely a human emotion. I wasn't human. I'm better than them.'

As I pushed my weak body to the brink of failure, I completed 50 laps. I sat on the ground, exhausted and covered in sweat. I collapsed onto the grass, gasping for breath. The journey was far from over; this was nothing compared to my final destination. I wasn't becoming stronger for some noble reason or to change this world. I was doing it for my benefit. Joining the Marines was merely because it had more advantages than becoming a pirate.

As I slowly walked into the base, I felt my burning legs aching, but I didn't care. Having a youthful body comes with more vitality than an adult body. I would naturally recover faster, being so young. Of course, training myself to failure on a daily bases would overdrive my body and even shorten my lifespan. Which I wouldn't care about. Once my body could handle the burden of wearing the mask and using Hamon, I could heal myself of all the dark injuries I was planning on inflicting on myself.

Walking to the cafeteria, I sat down by myself, eating a nutrient-decadent lunch perfect for a growing boy such as myself. After lunch, I showered and changed clothes as I needed to carry out my duties as a chore boy. The day ended fast, as I just listened to Mike's instructions. Every day I would train myself as the instructors told me to and carry out my job.

As the days went by, a month had passed since my intense training had begun, and my transformation continued. While my demeanor still carried a chilling stillness, my roommates noticed subtle changes in my interactions. I had gradually opened up to my fellow trainees, albeit in small doses. I would occasionally engage in casual conversations during meals, sharing snippets of my thoughts or cracking the occasional dry joke.

I would wake up every morning with my body literally screaming at me. My hands and legs were so sore every night, but they would have somewhat healed by morning. My best guess for that was my young body and the rich diet I consumed daily. So far, I could run 75 laps before training was over. I kept constant breathing while running for the most part. That was at least progress. I was previously trying to master Hamon without a strong body, which was my mistake. I needed at least to have the same physique as the other seaman before I attempted to master Hamon again. Based on my calculations, that would take more than a year or two since I was already training like a madman.

On the emotional side of things, I had played my cards perfectly. I was now the young marine on the base who was very dedicated during training. I was now somewhat of a boost to them as seeing a young kid working so hard; they couldn't allow themselves to be lazy. I hadn't gained the trust of any of them yet, but some admired my determination and diligence when doing my job. Which mainly consists of cleaning and mopping.

(Pov: Wilhelm ends)


Wilhelm's days at the marine base continued in a monotonous fashion. He diligently followed the instructions, pushing his body to the limits during training and carrying out his chores without complaint. The physical demands were arduous, but Wilhelm found solace in the pain. He believed that enduring the suffering would lead him to greater power and ultimately to his goal of becoming a god.

Wilhelm's interactions with his fellow trainees slowly evolved as the weeks turned into months. While he remained guarded and distant, he occasionally let down his icy facade and engaged in brief conversations. These glimpses of vulnerability and dry humor intrigued some of his peers, who saw a determined young marine in Wilhelm and found inspiration in his dedication.

Wilhelm's training regimen intensified with each passing day. He continued to run laps around the field, gradually increasing his endurance. Although his body cried out in protest, he ignored the pain, reminding himself of the benefits of a youthful physique and the promise of future healing through Hamon.

Amidst the physical challenges, Wilhelm's mind remained focused on his long-term goals. He knew that gaining the trust of his comrades was crucial, as he needed allies and support to navigate the treacherous waters of this world. Wilhelm played his role perfectly, earning the respect and admiration of some for his unwavering commitment.

But he had made sure not to be too close to anyone here, considering everyone here was destined for mediocrity compared to his grand aspirations. The only person he took note of was Mike, his superior, whom he remembered by name. Wilhelm saw him as a figure of authority and maintained a good working relationship, aware of the importance of not making enemies.

The only other person Wilhelm cared about was the captain, who had connections to the HQ. After Wilhelm had enough strength, the captain would be his ticket out of this base and to the HQ. And as the days went by, two years passed since Wilhelm arrived in the One Piece world.