

Aurora's heart sank due to fear at the mention of Ava's name. She knew she couldn't keep up lying any longer, not with the way Chloe's gaze was fixed on her.

The Alpha regarded Chloe with a mixture of surprise and suspicion. "What do you mean, Chloe? Speak clearly."

Chloe took a deep breath, her eyes flickering with determination. "Ava didn't run off with a man. I know her very well she can't possibly do such a thing, I think we should question Aurora very well I can't trust her such a cunning and sly woman like her" she said her face full of pure disgust and hatred, while pointing her finger towards Aurora.

Gasps of shock echoed through the Crowd as Chloe indirectly accused Aurora.

Aurora's face instantly turned black. "How. How dare you accuse me of such a thing" she stammered in between her words.

"I was not accusing you Aurora, but since you think I am why don't you tell us what you did?" Chloe asked her gaze fixed on Aurora.

Aurora became speechless not knowing how to respond to Chloe's question as she shivered in fear.

The alpha's expression darkened as he turned his gaze to Aurora, his voice with command and disappointment. "Is this true, Aurora? Did you lie to us?"

Aurora bowed her head, unable to meet the alpha's accusing eyes. "No," she denied, her voice barely a whisper. "I promise I am telling the truth Ava really ran away with her love." She responded while trying to sound pitiful.

The alpha's gaze softened slightly, "Chloe do you know the weight of the accusation you are labeling against Aurora ?" He asked his sister.

Chloe nodded, her voice still firm "Alpha I might be young but am not foolish, I believe there is something more than the story Aurora told us, so please look into this matter properly".

"Since you insist, you will be held responsible if Aurora is telling the truth do you understand?" Alpha Kellan asked Chloe.

She immediately agreed to take responsibility no matter the outcome.

"I will send some men to search for Ava in the morning until then we have no Luna." Alpha Kellan said with Authority as everyone bowed.

Chloe cut in sharply, "No brother let's begin the search now what if she's safe wherever she is" Chloe said with a pleading tone tears almost streaming down her eyes.

Seeing this Alpha Kellan instantly soften to that of a caring brother not able to see his sister in pains.

"Let the search begin now, Gamma Lucas get your men at this moment and start searching every corner of the forest and Wildwood am sure Ava is close by." He commanded.

"I will come along" Chloe interrupted.

"No Chloe it's not safe for you to go out at night I will go with them instead." He said to his sister.

Hearing this Chloe became relaxed and convince that Ava will be found very soon.

Aurora seeing that she couldn't handle the situation just like she thought she could, she swiftly left the place unnoticed.

Alpha Kellan and Gamma Lucas led the search through the forest, their footsteps echoing in the quiet night.

Despite their thorough efforts in searching for Ava, she still was not found, her location remains a mystery. The moonlight cast its shadows among the trees, adding to the tension of the search.

As hours went by with no sign of Ava, so did the frustration grew among them, their hopes of finding Ava slowing reduced.

Gamma Lucas turned to Alpha Kellan, a little of hope in his eyes. "Alpha, since you're Ava's mate, do you think you can be able to track her scent? It might actually lead us to her."

Alpha Kellan's expression hardened as he considered Lucas's suggestion. "It's worth a try," he replied, with urgency.

"For now let's focus on finding her scent trail. It could be our best way of locating her." With a new-found hope, they resumed their search, hoping to find Ava very soon.

Alpha Kellan and his men followed Ava's scent, tracing it through the forest until they reached an unexpected obstacle, a big wall blocking their way.

The Alpha furrowed his brow, studying the imposing barrier before him. "This wasn't here before," he muttered, his voice full of confusion. "How could Ava be able to pass through this?"

Gamma Lucas stepped forward, examining the wall very well. "It seems freshly constructed," he observed, tracing his fingers along the rough surface. "But why would anyone build such a wall in the middle of the forest?"

Alpha Kellan's gaze narrowed, his mind racing with different thoughts "We need to find a way through," he declared, his tone firm.

"Ava's scent led us here, so there must be a reason. Search the area for any signs of passage or hidden entrances that can lead us in."

They began searching every corner of the place, looking for ways and clues that could help them uncover the mystery behind the wall and continue their search for Ava.

As they searched the area of the wall, Alpha Kellan's fast instincts led him to a particular stone that seemed to be out of place.

With a very cautious touch, he pressed against it, feeling something beneath his fingertips.

To the surprise of everyone who was present, the stone moved, revealing a passage.

"This must be the way," he declared, his voice filled with determination to find Ava.

Back at the hideout where Ava was being held captive, the burly man with a scar on his face stood their watching over her, his eyes filled danger.

Ava was tied to the bed, her eyes wide with fear as she struggled to free herself from the ropes against, her mind filled with thoughts of how to escape.

The man approached her with a sinister grin, his rough hands reaching out to hold her, "Don't even think of trying to escape, sweetheart," he growled, his voice filled with malice. "You're staying right here with me."

Ava's heart pounded in her chest as she faced the dangerous ma before her, her determination to break free increased the more despite being tied.

With each passing moment, she was determined to free herself and find to a way to outsmart her captor and return to her pack where she belonged.

A deadly grin crept on his face, "And guess what darling I sent my men to find out about you".

A cold shivers ran through Ava's at the man's words, a sense of fear washing over her as she realized the weight of her situation.

"You… you sent your men to find out about me?" she whispered, her voice trembling with fear and disbelief.

The man nodded, his expression twisted with a cruel smile "That's right, sweetheart," he sneered. "And they found something interesting thing about you. Seems you're the rejected mate of none other than the great Alpha Kellan himself and not your friend who claimed to be."

Ava's heart sank realizing that her identity has being exposed to her captor. She knew that being the rejected mate of the Alpha only added to the danger she now faced. "What do you want from me?" she asked, her voice more like a whisper, her mind racing with thoughts of escape and survival.

The man's smirk widened as he leaned in closer, his eyes filled with malice. "What I want, darling, is simple," he said, his voice dripping with hatred. "I want revenge. And I you. You are going to help me get what I want."

Ava became angry as she spat in his face, "Never," she spat, her voice filled with determination.

The man recoiled in disgust, wiping his face with a growl of anger. His eyes burned with anger as he glared at Ava, his patience wearing thin with her already.

"You'll regret this, you stubborn little wolf," he snarled, "I'll make you wish you had never crossed me." He said with his voice full of malice.

The man's cruel laughter echoed through the dimly lit room as he leaned in close to Ava, his breath hot against her ear. "I wonder how the great Alpha Kellan will feel when he finds out that his precious mate has been defiled by another man," he taunted, his voice filled with malicious intent.

A shiver ran down Ava's spine at his words, her stomach churning with disgust. The thought of betraying Alpha Kellan in such a way filled her with shame and anguish.

"Do you think that I will allow you to touch me? You'll never lay a hand on me," she spat, her voice filled with disgust. "I belong to Alpha Kellan, body and soul, and nothing you do will ever change that fact."

The man's sinister grin widened as he left the room, only to return a few minutes later with a small bottle in his hand.

He forced Ava's mouth open, and poured the unknown contents down her throat, despite her relentless struggles.

Ava choked, the unknown liquid burning her throat as she swallowed it down.

She was filled with panic as she felt a strange heat sensation spreading through her body, her mind clouded with fear and confusion.

"What did you give me?" she asked, her voice trembling in fear.

The man's laughter filled the room as he watched her discomfort with. "Just a little something to make you more… Obedient," he taunted, his voice dripping with malice. "You'll see soon enough what it does."

Thank you all for spending your time to read my novel I really appreciate, please support me till the end

Arong_Prisciliacreators' thoughts