

As Alpha Kellan and his men came out of the hidden tunnel, their eyes fell on a secluded house built deep in the forest.

When they noticed that there were some movements around they instantly became alert.

With silent gestures, Alpha Kellan signaled his men to approach cautiously, 4 their instincts cautious for any sign of danger. As they drew closer, they caught sight of the rogues lurking in the shadows.

Alpha Kellan's jaw clenched with anger as he prepared to confront the rogues, With a nod to his men, they moved forward as one to attack the rogues.

With swift and careful strikes, Alpha Kellan and his men fought the rogues, they have been trained in combat skills for so many years. Despite how strong the rogues were, the pack warriors fought with everything they got, each blow struck was very deadly.

As the battle continued, the remaining rogues shifted to their wolf form, attempting to subdue the warriors but the Alpha and his men refused to back.

With a loud roar, Alpha Kellan unleashed his strength, his fury fueling each devastating blow as he tore through the ranks of the rogues with full force.

In a display of raw power, he seized one of the rogues by the throat, his grip strong as he demanded for answers.

"Where is Ava?" he growled, his voice laced with a deadly intensity.

The rogue's eyes widened with fear as he struggled to free himself from the Alpha's iron grip, struggling to breathe. With a trembling voice, he finally gave in, his words barely a whisper.

"She's… she's in the house," he said, his voice trembling with fear. "Please… have mercy…"

With a smirk, Alpha Kellan snapped the head of the rogue out of body. He left his men to finish off the remaining rogues and entered the house to find Ava.

Back inside the room the man with the scar on his face approached Ava, a sense of danger surged through her veins, her struggles becoming more desperate as he began to unbuckle his clothes.

Despite her efforts to break free, she was still tied to the bed, leaving her vulnerable to his advances.

The tears she had held for a very long time flowed down her eyes, the pain of losing her virginity to a person who is not her mate and who she has no feelings for stabs her heart like a dagger.

With a sickening grin, the man tore Ava's clothes from her body, leaving her exposed and defenseless against his disgusting gaze.

Ava's heart pounded in her chest as she cried out for help, her skin crawling with disgust.

The man licked his lips in anticipation, his eyes roving over Ava's delicate skin with a predatory hunger that made her blood run cold. She could feel his gaze lingering on her, his intentions clear as his eyes roved over her with malicious intent.

As the man moved closer, his stinking breath hot against her skin, his intentions were clear, a sudden crash spread through the room as the door burst open with the force of Alpha Kellan's entrance.

With a fast speed, the Alpha rushed forward, as he punched the man very hard on the face.

The man staggered backward, surprise by the sudden attack, his grip loosening on Ava as he stumbled to regain his footing.

With a fierce growl, Alpha Kellan seized the opportunity, his movements fast and decisive as he delivered blow after blow, his anger was evident in each strike.

Ava's heart became relief at the sight of her Alpha coming to her rescue, his presence alone sent a hope to her in her darkest hour.

With a final, devastating blow, Alpha Kellan made the man unable to get on his feet again, leaving him on the floor. Breathing heavily, the Alpha turned his attention to Ava, his gaze filled with concern.

"Are you alright?" he asked, as he approached her side.

Ava nodded, tears welling in her eyes as she met her Alpha's gaze. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. "Thank you for saving me."

As the chaos subsided, the man with the scar on his face seized the opportunity to slip away unnoticed. With quiet movements, he made his escape, disappearing into the shadows without a trace.

Alpha Kellan's focus remained on Ava, ensuring that she's safe and unharmed. With a tender strength, Alpha Kellan gently covered Ava's body with his clothes, shielding her from further exposure.

As he lifted her into his arms in a protective bridal style, Ava held on to him, seeking comfort and security in his embrace.

Alpha Kellan's senses sharpened as he realized the man had slipped away unnoticed. He quickly mind linked, his Gamma, Lucas.

"Lucas, I need you to track down that man, dead or alive," he commanded, his words echoing through the pack link with authority. "We cannot allow him to escape justice for what he has done."

Gamma Lucas acknowledged the order with a determined nod, and set out to hunt down the rogue.

Alpha Kellan held Ava very close, his heart heavy with concern for her well-being. Despite the danger they had faced, he was grateful to have found her unharmed.

As he held Ava securely in his arms, Alpha Kellan carried her out of the room, his steps steady and careful.

As they made their way back, Ava's discomfort started increasing making her try to remove the clothes covering her body.

Alpha Kellan's concern deepened as he felt her growing agitation, gently setting her down, Alpha Kellan knelt beside Ava, his expression filled with worry as he carefully helped her remove the clothes that were causing her distress.

To his surprise her skin were hot and red that one might think she is acting because of some allergies.

"What's wrong, Ava?" he asked, his voice filled with concern as he met her gaze. "Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Ava nodded weakly barely conscious, her brow furrowed with discomfort. "I-I feel so hot," she murmured, her voice trembling with frustration. "And my skin… it feels like it's burning."

"Don't worry we'll get you help, Ava," he promised, his voice filled with determination. "Just hold on tight, and we'll find a way to cool you down." With that, he set off once more, his mind racing with the urgency to find the cause of her reaction.

"I want you Kellan" she murmured in her unconscious state.

Hearing this Alpha Kellan swallowed his saliva hard try to point out what she meant.

He did not bother to ask he just ignored her and continued going.

After returning home, Alpha Kellan quickly summoned the pack's doctor to attend to Ava's needs. With urgency in his voice, he told the situation to the doctor.

As they waited for the doctor to arrive, Alpha Kellan remained by Ava's side, his mere presence offering her comfort and assurance.

When the doctor finally arrived, Alpha Kellan greeted him with a sense of relief, knowing that Ava would soon receive the care she desperately required.

The doctor carefully examined Ava, he became hesitant to tell the Alpha what's wrong with her.

"Doctor, what's wrong with Ava?" Alpha Kellan demanded.

"Well, it seems Ava was drugged," the doctor replied, concern evident in his voice.

"What do you mean by she was drugged?" Alpha Kellan asked his voice mixed with concern and surprise.

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