

As morning approached, Aurora's confidence and pride increased, burst by her many experience in hunting alongside her father. While, Ava was filled with regret, knowing fully well that she lacked the skills.

Her decision to challenge Aurora now makes her have the fear of losing her position in the pack.

The next morning, As the crowd gathered, eager to watch the challenge between Ava and Aurora.

All eyes turned to the alpha, waiting for him to reveal what type of hunting challenge. They will be doing.

"The challenge for today," announced the alpha, his voice spreading across the whole gathering, "shall be the moonlit hunt." With those words, whispers of excitement filled through the crowd.

"Ava and Aurora you are to bring back a wild boar," said the alpha, his tone firm and commanding"

The first person among you to successfully catch and bring it to the pack will become the Luna of Wildwood."

A murmur swept through the crowd, each member realizing fully well the challenge ahead. Wild boar had the reputation of being cunning and its opponents was well-known, the challenge ahead wasn't an easy one.

"They shall leave when the moon has set," declared the alpha, his voice carrying authority. With this command, Ava and Aurora understood that their trial would begin under the cover of darkness.

The challenge ahead was to test not only their hunting skills but also their courage and ability in the face of danger.

As they prepared for the moonlit hunt, Aurora was being trained by the strong warriors provided by the Alpha. They were experts and experience, which provided her with skills to win the challenges ahead.

Meanwhile, Ava was being trained by Chloe, though she's not experienced as the other warriors, but she is a skilled tracker and hunter in her own way.

The moon hung like a silver coin in the midnight sky, casting its glow upon the forest.

Ava and Aurora were taken to the forest, and they were left alone to hunt.

They walked steadily deep into the forest.

We'll need to move quickly if we want to catch a boar," Ava said, breaking the silence between them, tightening the straps of her leather hunting gear.

Aurora turned, her eyes gleaming with mockery. "Who and you need to move quickly."

"Am here to hunt and win not to play some stupid childish game with you" said and started walking to a entirely different direction.

Suddenly, a low growl shattered the stillness of the night. Aurora quickly turned back and exchanged a glance with Ava, their hearts pounding with anticipation.

Following the sound, they walked slowly deeper into the forest, their eyes scanning the shadows for any sign of movement.

And then they saw it, a massive wild boar, its tusks shining in the moonlight as it rooted through the undergrowth.

"Get ready," Ava whispered, locking an arrow onto her bow.

Before she could take an aim, Aurora stopped her.

"Ava don't you dare shoot it, or you will be shot" she threatened in a low tone.

"What do you mean Aurora, this is a challenge you can't threaten me with a silly joke". Ava said her attention still on the boar.

But before they could keep on arguing, a voice sharply cut through the darkness.

"Well, well, what do we have here?"

Ava and Aurora swiftly turned around to see a group of rogues coming from the shadows, their eyes gleaming with hatred.

"We were here first," Ava said, her voice steady.

One of the rogues, a burly man with a scar running down his cheek, stepped forward.

"It doesn't matter who was here first. This boar is ours now."

Aurora became tensed beside Ava, her grip tightening on her bow. But before she could respond, Ava spoke up.

"We don't want any trouble. We'll find another boar."

The burly rogue sneered. "Too late for that. You've already trespassed on our territory. There will be serious consequences."

Aurora's eyes narrowed, her jaw tightened. "We're not afraid of you. Even if she's scared, am not."

But before she could lock an arrow, Ava stepped in front of her, shaking her head.

"No, Aurora. We can't risk it. We'll find another way this people are not good people you don't know the extent they can go."

Aurora pretended to reluctantly lowered her bow, as they turned to leave, she swiftly turned back again and released her arrow at one of the rogues.

"One of your men is down do you think you can scare me, for your information, I'm the future Luna if Wildwood." She bragged with pride.

The burly rogue saw what just happened and became furious made a grab for her, his hands almost reaching her but she swiftly dodged and ran away. The man turned and grabbed Ava instead, Ava who wasn't fast like Aurora couldn't dodge.

"You're not going anywhere," the man snarled.

Ava struggled against his grip, but he was too strong. Even when Ava called Aurora for help hoping she will have a little humanity in her and come back, but she didn't come.

With a triumphant laugh, he carried her over his shoulder and disappeared into the night with his followers.

Few minutes later Aurora met with some of her father's men who gave her a dead boar to present to the Alpha so she can become the Luna.

Their original plan was to make Ava disappear forever, but it seems like the rogue has done what they wanted.

Now she was sure that she would prove to everyone, that she was worthy of becoming the Luna of Wildwood.

But just as she prepared to return, she felt a bit of guilt washed over her. But she quickly dismissed it.

Gathering her strength and courage, Aurora returned to the pack, her head held high as she brought the boar to the Alpha and the people.

But when the Alpha asked about Ava's whereabouts, she faltered, her heart heavy with guilt.

"Ava… she… she went away with her new lover," Aurora lied, her voice barely audible enough for someone to hear.

Despite not having any feeling for Ava, Alpha Kellan felt uncomfortable hearing his mate went off with another man.

Everyone waited for Alpha Kellan to make the final decision.

Finally, Alpha Kellan stepped forward, he said with authority. "After much careful consideration and observation, I would like to announce that Aurora will be our new Luna."

A murmur of approval spread through the crowd cheering for Aurora, but before it could settle, a voice sharply cut through the silence.


All eyes turned to Chloe, her brow furrowed in concern. "Ava is not that type of person," she said with determination.