

Alpha Kellan quickly sent for his Beta Derrick.

He turned to his beta, Derrick, with a serious look in his eyes.

"Derrick, gather everyone in the pack. Tomorrow, we'll decide who will be the Luna," he commanded, his voice full of authority.

Derrick nodded in understanding. "Understood, Alpha. I'll make sure everyone is present."

With a firm nod, Alpha Kellan watched as Derrick quickly left to carry out his orders, knowing that the pack's decision would decide who will be the future Luna of Wildwood.

The next day, Ava was preparing herself mentally for the important gathering when Chloe, came to offer her support and wish her best of luck.

Chloe's presence brought a relief to Ava, reminding her that she wasn't alone in this challenge and that there is someone who cares and have her best interest in mind.

"Thank you, Chloe," Ava said, her voice filled with sincere gratitude. "Your support means everything to me."

With a reassuring smile, Chloe offered her word of confidence.

"You've got this, Ava. Stay strong and trust in yourself. Similar to how I saw your worth and your ability, they'll see it too."

Ava nodded, motivated by Chloe's words.

As Ava and Chloe got to the gathering, they found everyone already present, including those with high ranks in the pack.

The tension in the air was heavy as Alpha Kellan stepped forward, signaling that he had a vital announcement to make.

"My people," Alpha Kellan began, his voice spread across the whole crowd, "today, we are gathered to address an important matter."

The whispers among the pack died down as all eyes turned to him, waiting for what he had to say.

"After much consideration and deliberation, it has come to my attention that a decision must be made regarding the position of Luna in our pack."

His announcement sent an anticipation through the crowd, each member waiting anxiously to hear what would come next.

"There are two candidates who are fighting for the position," Alpha Kellan continued, his gaze sweeping across the assembly.

But first I must make one thing clear clarify," Alpha Kellan continued, his voice deep, "Ava is my destined mate. However, I made up my mind to reject her as my Luna I can't have an Omega as my mate, she is weak and is incapable of taking up the position."

His words sent a mocking laughter and whispers through the crowd.

As the laughter subsided, Ava's eyes locked with Alpha Kellan's, a silent challenge in her gaze. She would not be shaken by the doubts of others.

She was determined to show the pack that an omega could be a strong and responsible leader.

For Ava, the pain of rejection was too much to bear, adding to the public humiliation of being considered unworthy by the Alpha she had once admired and her mate who is supposed to treat her with love.

Despite the humiliation and hurt she was feeling, she remained composed, refusing to let her emotions show her in front of the whole pack.

Though deep down, though, the Alpha Kellan's rejection cut deeper than she had expected.

Ava knew she had to prove herself worthy, not only to Alpha Kellan, but to the entire pack.

Alpha Kellan continued, "Aurora has shown great potential, and she has a powerful background, making her future promising."

Alpha Kellan's voice rang out once more, cutting through the tension that hung heavy in the air.

"Pack members," he declared, his tone commanding, "it is time for you to make your decision and choose who will lead with me. Do you want to see a weak omega like Ava become the Luna of Wildwood, or do you prefer a strong she-wolf like Aurora to lead alongside me?"

The weight of his words rested over the entire pack, each one thinking about the decision before them.

For some, loyalty to tradition may want them to favor Ava bit her status an Omega is not just what they want.

Others, however, saw the power of Aurora who is not ordinary she-wolf.

With the fate of Wildwood hanging in the balance, the pack members began to cast their votes, each one making their decision.

The tension in the air was strong as the outcome of the vote drew near, with the destiny of both Ava and Aurora hanging in the balance.

As the pack members cast their votes, a clear trend came. The majority of people favored Aurora, seeing in her as someone who is strong, her strength and leadership they want in a Luna.

Ava felt the weight of each vote like a blow, the feeling of rejection stabbing her heart with each in favor of Aurora.

Despite her best efforts, it seemed the pack had made their decision, and it was not in her favor.

With each vote, her confidence rose, making her confident that she was fit to lead alongside Alpha Kellan.

Alpha Kellan himself watched the proceedings with a sense of satisfaction, his decision to challenge Ava's claim to the Luna title is now confirmed by the pack's choice. He had made his stand clear, and now the pack had spoken in agreement of what he wanted.

As the last vote was cast and the outcome became very visible, a mixture of emotions spread through the gathering.

For Ava, there was a sense of disappointment, but also a little determination to prove herself despite being rejected by her people.

For Aurora, it was something to celebrate. Her victory was celebrated by those around her as she stepped forward to claim her place as the new Luna of Wildwood.

Everyone was shocked as Ava's words cut through the tension, her declaration echoing with determination.

"I refuse to accept this," Ava declared, her voice strong despite the disappointment written on her face.

"I challenge Aurora to a hunting challenge. The winner will prove their worthiness to serve as Luna."

Aurora's eyes widened in surprise at Ava's unexpected challenge, her confidence momentarily shaken as she processed the implications.

The murmurs among the pack grew louder, each member drawn into the drama before them.

Alpha Kellan, though taken aback by Ava's bold move, recognized the importance of her challenge. He knew that the outcome of the hunting challenge would be a true test of strength and skill.

With a nod, Alpha Kellan addressed the gathered pack again. "The challenge is accepted," he announced, his voice carrying the weight of authority. "Tomorrow, at dawn, Ava and Aurora will go on the hunting challenge. The victor will rightfully claim the title of Luna."