

She stopped in front of Ava with a disdainful expression. "I guess you're Alpha Kellan's mate," she asked.

"Yes, I am, and who are you?"

"I am Aurora the future Luna of Wildwood pack and also the woman Alpha Kellan chose as his mate. Unlike you a weak omega and a nobody, I am strong, and I am the only child of Alpha Lucas of midnight howl's pack," the woman retorted, her tone filled with arrogance as she looked down on Ava.

Ava maintained her composure, refusing to let the woman's words to hurt her.

Instead, she met the woman's gaze with a calm resolve. "Congratulations," Ava replied, her voice betraying none of the hurt she felt. "I wish you both the best, but as for your dream of becoming the Luna of Wildwood pack it's only in your dream I advise to wake up from a dream that will never come through." With that, she turned and walked away.

Ava went directly to confront Alpha Kellan, her heart pounding with a mixture of apprehension and determination.

"Alpha Kellan," she began, her voice steady.

"I need you to explain to me clearly under what that woman meant by the future Luna of Wildwood?" Ava's eyes searched his face, hoping for some clear explanation as she waited for his response.

Alpha Kellan's response cut through Ava like a sharp blade, his words sending a harsh blow to her already broken spirit.

"What don't you understand their Ava?" he retorted, his voice laced with cold indifference. "I already rejected you as the Luna and as my mate, but you just chose to keep holding to what doesn't befit you."

Ava felt her chest tighten at his words, though she didn't have any intimate feelings for the alpha, but his words hurt her very much.

Despite the pain, she refused to let him see her vulnerability. With determination and resolve, she met his gaze.

"Alpha Kellan I don't accept your rejection, and I will never accept it," she declared, her voice steady.

"I will not give up my rightful position as the Luna of Wildwood to someone else just because you chose her." She said with strong determination.

Alpha Kellan's expression hardened, Ava could sense the tension between them. But she refused to back down, she was prepared to fight for her place in the pack until the very end.

"You won't be able to decide," Alpha Kellan retorted, his tone firm. "Now we are going to let the people decide if they want you a weak omega as their Luna or if they want Aurora who is strong."

Ava felt a surge of fear rise within her at his words. She understood very well the challenge he was issuing, she knew very well that the people will not want her as their Luna after all she's not strong.

"Don't be scared Ava, you can pass this challenge" her wolf Layla said to her.

Ava met Alpha Kellan's gaze with confidence and determination.

"Agreed," she replied, her voice firm and strong.

She was determined to prove herself worthy of the Luna title, regardless of what problem she is going to face in the future.

"Since you want to make a scene of this," Alpha Kellan stated, his tone edged with a hint of resignation, "I don't have any issue. I will gather everyone tomorrow and hear what they have to say about it."

Ava stood her ground, her determination not shaken by his words. She knew that the coming confrontation would determine her position.

"Fine," Ava replied, her voice tinged with determination. Without another word, she turned and walked away from his sight, her steps echoing with a quiet resolve.

As Ava left, Aurora entered the room. She approached Alpha Kellan with a questioning look.

Sensing her curiosity, Alpha Kellan wasted no time in telling her of the situation.

"Tomorrow," he began, his voice steady, "the pack will gather to decide whether you or Ava will be the Luna, so be ready and don't disappoint me."

Aurora's eyes widened in surprise at the news she never thought that their will be a day Alpha Kellan would want her as his Luna, she nodded in understanding.

"I won't disappoint you," Aurora declared, her voice full of pride.

She knew that her dreams of being by Alpha Kellan's side is about to be fulfilled,

"But for now," she continued, a hint of mischief in her eyes, "let's play." With a seductive smile, she approached Alpha Kellan.

As Aurora approached Alpha Kellan seductively, he noticed it, his expression hardening.

Before she could touch him, he pushed her away, his voice cutting through the tension.

"Get your filthy hands away from me," he commanded, his tone sharp with disdain.

Aurora's face turned black instantly, her attempt to seduce him was met with cold rejection.

Though taken aback by his harsh response, she quickly tried composed herself, covering her disappointment with indifference. With a forced smile, she came forward to him again determined to succeed, her pride wounded but her determination unbroken.

"But I'm beautiful and hot, every man wants to have me in their bed, so why are you rejecting me?" She said seductively as she bites her lips hoping he will fall for it.

Alpha Kellan's response was fast and cutting, his disgust in her evident in his voice.

"Don't you dare come closer to me, you're dirty," he spat, his words full of disgust. "I hate women like you who throw herself at men. You should know your place here.

In this life or in the next life to come I can only allow you to be the Luna of Wildwood, but never my mate."

Aurora shocked at his words, stung by the venom in his tone. Though she tried to mask her hurt with an indifferent expression, the sting of his rejection lingered, a bitter reminder that nothing can ever happen between them.

With a clenched jaw, she turned away with tears almost threatening to fall out from her eyes, her pride wounded but her determination unbroken.

As Aurora walked away, different of emotions consumed her. She had believed that Alpha Kellan has fallen in love with her since he came to ask her to be his Luna, but his harsh words shattered that believe.

The of his rejection cut deep in her heart, leaving her feeling betrayed and foolish forever trusting him and loving him all these years.

She had never expected him to treat her with such disgust, especially now that she's about to become his Luna.