

Chloe was forcefully taken and locked inside her room.

Feeling frustrated by his Wolf's insistence, Alpha Swiftly rushed outside and quickly carried Ava in his arms inside and mind linked the family doctor to ensure she gets urgent medical treatment.

When the doctor arrives he advises the Alpha to take Ava to the hospital as soon as possible, the Alpha nods in understanding without delay, he gently puts Ava in the car and drives them to the hospital, feeling anxious at the same time frustrated of how weak she is.

When they got to the hospital, the medical staff hurry to help, quickly taking Ava into the emergency room for treatment.

After what felt like an eternity of waiting, Alpha Kellan receives the relieving news from the doctors that Ava's treatment was successful.

A wave of relief washes over him as he heard the doctor, soon Ava was pushed out of the emergency room and was taken to a new ward.

Alpha Kellan was relief seeing Ava resting peacefully, her condition stabilized.

With gratitude in his heart, Alpha Kellan thanks the medical staff for their expertise and care.

Alpha Kellan stayed by Ava's side throughout the night, tenderly caring and watching over her as she sleeps peacefully.

He ensured that she is comfortable, occasionally brushing her hair back gently or adjusting her blankets. He took care of her despite being tired.

As Alpha Kellan watched Ava sleeping, he felt a bit of regret for his past actions, he felt the punishment was too much on her but dismissed the thoughts.

Alpha Kellan dozed off while taking care of Ava, his tiredness caught up with him despite his best efforts to stay awake.

Ava was surprised to find herself waking up in unfamiliar surroundings, she remembered she was under the rain yesterday, her confusion growing as she noticed Alpha Kellan sitting nearby sleeping.

Alpha Kellan woke up as he noticed Ava waking up, offering a gentle smile yet cold smile before speaking softly, "You're awake, Ava."

Ava's voice trembled slightly as she spoke, her confusion evident in her words, "I'm sorry, I don't know how I got here."

"It's fine," Alpha Kellan reassured her, his tone soothing. "I brought you here."

"But why" Ava asked.

"You weren't in a good state yesterday so I had to bring you to the hospital, if you're this weak how do you expect to become the Luna of this pack?" Alpha Kellan asked.

Ava was short of words she never expected herself to pass out under the rain. "

How can a human being be this heartless to give his mate a punishment like this?" She murmured to herself.

The next day, Ava was discharged from the hospital, her condition much became better thanks to the care she received.

Alpha Kellan personally ensured that Ava was going home in good and healthy health.

The journey back was a quiet one, none of them spoke to each other.

Feeling tired and drained from the journey and the events of the past days, Ava retired to the servant's quarters for some rest.

To her surprise, Chloe came to visit her.

Chloe hesitantly approached Ava, her expression a mix of concern and remorse. "Ava, I… I wanted to apologize," she began, her voice soft and sincere.

Ava, still feeling a bit overwhelmed, looked up from where she was seated. "Apologize? For what?"

Chloe shifted uncomfortably before speaking, "I was unable to come and see you in the hospital while you were sick I sincerely apologize please".

"It's fine Chloe I understand" Ava replied.

"And I also want to apologize for how my brother treated you. He shouldn't have treated you like that, especially when you were trying to help. It wasn't right, and I apologize for any pain it caused you."

Ava's expression softened as she listened to Chloe's words. Despite her reservations, she could sense the genuine remorse in Chloe's voice.

"Thank you, Chloe. I appreciate your apology, but you don't need to apologize for what your brother did," Ava replied, her voice reflecting a mixture of gratitude and exhaustion.

Chloe nodded, her eyes filled with empathy. "You don't deserve to be treated that way. If there's anything I can do to help, please let me know."

Ava offered a small smile, touched by Chloe's nice and since attitude towards her. "Thank you, Chloe. Your support means a lot to me."

As Chloe turned to leave, Ava couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope and warmth inside, a stranger that treated her better than her family ever did.

Chloe instructed the maids not to allow Ava work and Ava was giving a new room in the mansion, she no longer loved there as a servant.

As days passed, Ava noticed the absence of Alpha Kellan. Despite the busy activity within the pack, his presence was noticeably absent from her daily routine.

Ava couldn't help but wonder about the reasons behind his long absence. She found herself occasionally thinking about the Alpha, unsure whether to feel relieved or concerned about his absence.

She heard from Chloe that he went on a trip to try to settle the issues they were having with the neighboring pack so as not to cause any fight.

As Ava was taking a walk around the mansion to came across the housekeeper she befriended in her stay, and they started talking and discussing with a cheerful mood not knowing that the Alpha has returned.

Ava's heart skipped a beat as she caught sight of him, a mix of emotions swirling within her.

She couldn't deny the relief that she felt at his return.

As Alpha Kellan made his way towards her, Ava prepared herself for whatever interaction awaited them.

She was surprised seeing him past her as he looked at her disgustingly, she was shocked and wondered what she did to gain such a look from the Alpha.

It wasn't up to a minute the Alpha passed when a lady came out of the same car that the Alpha came back with.

She was well adorned with beautiful jewels, it was obvious she is from a wealthy family. Steadily she walked towards Ava.