

The doctor explained, "It appears that Ava was given a strong drug to take, it's likely mixed with other substances. This is the cause of her current state.

Alpha Kellan's expression darkened with concern as he asked the doctor for a solution, "So what can we do to help her, Doctor?"

The doctor hesitated, his eyes flickering with uncertainty before Alpha Kellan's commanding tone forced him to speak.

"We need to give her a sedative for her to calm down for now," the doctor finally replied, his voice serious. "But it won't be easy.

Ava's body is already reacting violently to the toxins. We need to act swiftly and monitor her closely."

Alpha Kellan's brows furrowed in frustration as he demanded, "Do whatever it takes to save her, Doctor. I cannot afford her dying in my care."

The doctor sighed heavily, his expression grave. "I'm afraid it's not going to be easy Alpha. The concoction used to drug Ava is not something that one could find easily. It consists of different traditional mixture, it is likely made by someone with high knowledge of herbal medicine or dark arts. Treating her will require a combination of traditional medicine and possibly seeking help from someone familiar with such practices."

"So you are trying to say you can't cure her" he asked this voice deep and commanding

The doctor shook his head, his expression helpless. "I'm sorry, Alpha, but I'm not an expert in traditional medicine. We may need to seek help from someone who does, maybe an elder or a witch within the pack or nearby packs."

In a deep but steady voice he asked "Do you happen to know someone that can cure her?".

The doctor's words hung heavily in the air, "I don't have anyone in mind since the practice of witchcraft has been banned for years now, but Alpha, we're running out of time," he said urgently.

"If Ava doesn't receive treatment within the next few hours, the toxins will continue to spread through her body, sending her into a wild state, if that happens she won't be able to survive more than six hours in this state. We need to act swiftly."

Alpha Kellan clenched his jaw in frustration at the news. "We need to keep searching," he commanded. "We cannot afford to give up. Send out our men to the neighboring packs or villages if you have to. Someone must know how to treat this."

With a heavy heart, he turned back to Ava, her condition becoming worst before his eyes.

Three hours later the Alpha's Men came back without a reliable news, Alpha Kellan's heart sank as seeing them returned without good news. Despite their efforts, their search for a traditional healer proved futile.

Turning to the doctor, he asked, "Is there anything else we can do to ease her suffering, even if we can't cure her?"

"Actually there is something that can really cure her and that is if she consummate with her mate" he answered.

Alpha Kellan's brows furrowed in disbelief at the doctor's unexpected words. "What? Why would that help?" he demanded, his voice almost roaring in anger.

The doctor explained, "It's a rare traditional remedy among our kind. The bond formed during the mating ritual can sometimes counteract the effects of certain toxins and bring balance back to the body."

Alpha Kellan's eyes widened in realization as he shook his head firmly. "No, I can't," he stated with determination. "I've never accepted Ava as my mate. And I will never do so."

Despite the urgency of the situation, he couldn't bring himself to accept Ava as his mate, even if it meant risking Ava's life.

The doctor's expression fell, understanding Alpha Kellan's decision. "I'll continue searching for a cure," the doctor assured, with a bit of regret.

Alpha Kellan nodded, trying to calm his anger that was about bursting out to the surface as he turned to leave the room.

The doctor's expression tightened with concern as he watched Alpha Kellan leave. "Alpha, please reconsider," he urged, his voice tinged with desperation. "Ava's life is at stake here."

But Alpha Kellan's resolve remained still. "Find the cure," he repeated firmly, his tone laced with anger and frustration. "Don't expect me to mate with her. I can't afford to be tied by such mating bond."

With those words, he stormed out of the room in anger, leaving the doctor to continue his search for a solution, knowing fully well that time was running out for Ava.

As the news got to Chloe that her brother refused to save Ava's life by mating with her, she felt heartbroken and sad so she went to Alpha Kellan's office.

Alpha Kellan's sister, Chloe, entered his office with a mixed expression, her eyes searching his face for answers. "Kellan, why did you refuse to mate with Ava?" she asked, her voice filled with sadness and anger.

Alpha Kellan sighed heavily, his frustration evident as he rubbed his temples. "It's complicated, Chloe," he replied tiredly. "But don't want to discuss this right now so that ask me any further question."

Chloe's eyes pleaded with him, her voice tinged with desperation. "But Ava's life is in danger. You have to do something about it."

Alpha Kellan's jaw clenched, his patience wearing thin. "I said I can't do what is being asked of me," he snapped, his tone sharper than intended. "Now please, leave me alone."

"Brother why are you this wicked?" You can actually watch your mate suffer and die without doing anything about it, I hate you for being this way" she said in anger as tears streamed down her eyes.

Ignoring her accusation, he gestured towards the door. "Leave, Chloe," he commanded, his voice firm. "I need to concentrate with what I'm doing."

With a heavy heart, Chloe turned and left the room, leaving Alpha Kellan alone with his thoughts. Despite his sister's hatred for him, he was still determined not to go back on his decision.

"I can't allow history to repeat itself" he murmured to himself in anger.

Few minutes after Chloe left the room the Caretaker who was responsible for taking care of Ava barged into Alpha Kellan's office without knocking.

"Who the hell asked you to enter my office without knocking" he yelled in anger.

The caretakers face turned paled as she trembled under Alpha Kellan's furious gaze "I-I'm sorry, Alpha," she stammered, her voice shaking with fear. "Ava… Ava… she's awake, and her condition has worsened."

Alpha Kellan's anger momentarily subsided, replaced by deep concern. "What do you mean by her condition has worsened?" he questioned, his voice tense with worry. "Take me to her, now."

Without waiting for her response, he stormed out of his office, his mind racing with fear for Ava's well-being.