

Alpha Kellan's heart sank at the sight of Ava, her once gentle self replaced by wild agitation. With a heavy sigh, he sent away the Caretaker.

Gently, he lifted Ava hasty manner into his arms and carried her to the bathroom, his movements steady and careful as he placed her in the bathtub.

The cool water seemed to have a soothing effect on her, as her wild movements began to subside, replaced by a calmness.

Alpha Kellan remained by her side, he was now finally relieved thinking that she's okay.

But not long he felt Ava trembling in his arms. He touched her gently, he realized that her temperature had dropped drastically, causing her to shiver uncontrollably.

Swiftly, he lifted her out of the bathtub and carried her back to the room, his steps quick and steady. Wrapping her in a warm blanket, he tried to warm her trembling body, his mind racing with worry.

Without wasting time, he quickly called for the pack doctor once again, urgently telling him to come and check on Ava to determine the cause of her sudden change in condition.

The doctor without wasting anytime the doctor came rushing back. Alpha Kellan immediately explained what he did to help Ava, but the Doctor informed him that's the cause of Ava's condition.

Alpha Kellan's heart sank as the doctor delivered the bad news. "But I thought keeping her warm would help," he protested, his voice filled with desperation.

The doctor shook his head gravely. "Alpha, the cure you attempted has only worsened Ava's condition," he explained. "Without consummating the bond, her body will continue to deteriorate quickly. She doesn't have much time left, you need to act fast."

Alpha Kellan's mind raced with different emotions. The thought of mating with Ava filled him with unease, but he couldn't bear the idea of losing her.

With a heavy heart, he knew what he had to do. "I can only mate we her, but I won't allow history to repeat itself after this" he assured himself.

He turned to the doctor. "Prepare, Ava," he ordered, his voice tinged with unease. "We'll do it."

As Ava was carefully taken to Alpha Kellan's chambers, he couldn't help but notice her delicate state. Seeing her vulnerable and in need stirred something deep within him, a mixture of protectiveness and a newfound sense of responsibility.

Gazing at her fragile form, Alpha Kellan felt a surge of determination wash over him. Despite his reservations about mating, he couldn't deny the bond that existed between them, forged by fate and circumstance.

With a heavy sigh, he approached Ava's bedside, his gaze softening as he brushed a strand of hair from her face. At that moment, he made a silent vow to do whatever it took to save her, even if it meant setting aside his fears and insecurities.

As Ava was carefully taken to Alpha Kellan's chambers, he couldn't help but notice her delicate appearance. Seeing her so vulnerable and in need stirred something deep in his heart.

Gazing at her fragile form, Alpha Kellan felt a surge of determination wash over him. Even though he don't want to mate with Ava, he couldn't deny the bond that existed between them, forged by fate and circumstance.

With a heavy sigh, he approached Ava's bedside, his gaze softening as he brushed a strand of hair from her face. Staring at her beautiful face, as she sobbed silently.

He carefully removed the clothes covering her skin, igniting the dying fire in him. His hands slowly tracing her body as he sprayed kisses down her neck, below her neckline.

He licked it and marked her delicate skin, making her to gasps in pains. He crashed his lips on hers, and she responded to it.

His hands playing on her nipples, "fuck, your chest is so soft" he murmured.

He positioned his dick in her pussy very well before slowly thrusting in, she stiffened and whimpered in pain, so he stopped his actions and began kissing her in the part of her body.

She twists in pleasure as he thrust in pleasure, Ava held the Sheets and screams in pain. He instantly stopped and adjusted her to his length.

Soon she started to enjoy it screaming and moaning telling him to thrust faster, he obeyed her and increased his pace giving her a pleasurable night.

Ava's eyes fluttered open, her body aching with soreness from the events of the previous day. As she stirred, she looked beside her and saw Alpha Kellan sleeping peacefully, his features softened in slumber.

Memories of what happened flooded back to her, and she couldn't help but feel a lot of gratitude towards the Alpha for saving her life.

Despite the initial shock and fear, she found comfort in his presence, knowing that he had been by her side through it all.

Carefully, she shifted closer to him, her heart filled with a sense of warmth and safety.

With a small smile, she reached out to gently brush a stray lock of hair from his forehead, grateful for his unwavering support and protection.

As she watched him sleep, Alpha Kellan woke up from his sleep, his senses gradually returning as he noticed Ava's gaze on him. Opening his eyes, he met her stare.

He furrowed his brow "Stop staring," he muttered gruffly, his voice tinged with a bit of irritation. "It doesn't change anything."

Despite his attempt to maintain a distance, there was a flicker of emotions in his eyes, betraying the emotions he tried so hard to hide.

Deep down, he knew that their bond was undeniable, even if he wasn't ready to accept it fully.

Ava's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as Alpha Kellan caught her staring. Startled, she quickly averted her gaze, her heart beating with panic.

"I-I wasn't staring at you," she stammered, her voice shaking as she struggled to come up with an excuse. "I was just… uh, thinking about something."

As she tried to hide her embarrassment, a blush crept on her face, betrayed her true feelings. She couldn't deny the attraction she felt towards him, even if she wasn't ready to admit it out loud.

Alpha Kellan stood up from the bed with a steady stride, his movements steady as he made his way to the bathroom. Minutes later before he came out, his bare chest filled with water droplets from the shower, a towel tied loosely around his waist.

He approached Ava, Alpha Kellan closed the distance between them, their faces almost touched. Becoming unease, Ava tightly clutched the bed cover, her heart pounding with panic.

"W-What are you about to do?" she stammered, her voice trembling with nervousness.

Ignoring her question, Alpha Kellan reached for a towel nearby, his smirk widening as he showed it teasingly to her. Ava felt embarrassment wash over her, her cheeks burning with heat.

Before the tension could escalate further, a knock at the door interrupted the moment. The Beta's voice followed, breaking the awkwardness as he apologized and informed Alpha Kellan of a time-sensitive matter requiring his attention.