
Shadow Secret

Adam was reborn into a world where humans still couldn't rule the planet despite the existence of superpowers. Humans with superpowers, often referred to as Mages, had been striving for peace on the central continent by guarding borders and prohibiting wars. Unfortunately, Adam now had to face an era of change. The social order system established by the International Mage Association began to falter. Seeds of war had spread across the peaceful central continent. In an era that would produce heroes, Adam preferred to lurk in the shadows.

Daoist6B2k5n · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Training Class 2

A 10,000 square meter piece of land unused by the Brown family was then utilized by Adam to create a training ground. Although it was only 100 meters in length and width, considering Fiora's relatively small potential, it was estimated that at most only 20 individuals would join, provided Adam's training class developed a good reputation.

Adam designed this training ground fairly simply. First was a square-shaped running track totaling 400 meters in length. Then, there was a spacious field for shield and spear combat training. Adam also prepared 100 sets of wooden spears and shields bought with his pocket money.

Moreover, he designed a half-knee-deep mud area to simulate the forests where the Florent Kingdom defense forces usually fought. Additionally, there were several wooden poles staked and marked, used as targets for spear throwing practice.

His daily training plan was straightforward: warm-up followed by 25 laps of running, a brief rest, then guidance on shield and spear combat, followed by one-on-one duels in the muddy area. Finally, a meditation session led by Adam.

This meditation involved implanting muscle memories and some glimpses of memories into the trainees. Adam deliberately masked this fact.

During this period, Vinswall managed to convince a man in his thirties named Horlock, also a member of Fiora city defense forces, to join the training class project. After Vinswall introduced Horlock to him, Adam promptly copied Horlock's memories and muscle memories.

All these preparations took about two months. The national forces' recruitment exams were held every six months, and now there were only three months left until the next recruitment exam.

Adam, Vinswall, and Horlock used their personal connections to spread the news about the training class opening. They aimed to target several youngsters with mage talents not admitted to Vollen Academy or other academies.

Adam's established training class charged about 300 rents per month. The lowest monthly salary for a national defense force member was 500 rents, meaning that if this training class could ensure someone's success in the national forces' recruitment test, just four months' worth of salary would cover the training costs, which would be highly profitable.

Currently, as the training class's reputation hadn't formed yet, Adam didn't have high expectations for the participants. He would be grateful if five individuals joined.

For profit sharing, Adam allocated around 25% to both Horlock and Vinswall. This meant that if there were five participants, the training class would earn 1,500 rents, with 750 for Adam and 375 rents for each of the coaches. The Fiora city defense force's salary itself was only 180 rents, making this training class a profitable side job.

After promoting the training class for a few days, finally, four youngsters agreed to join. Adam's status as the child of a mage influenced this decision.

As Adam's training class allowed participants to leave after the month-long duration, these four individuals arrived with a trial mindset. If the training effects during the month were good, they would continue; if not, the loss would only be 300 rents.

Surprisingly among these four youngsters was the second child of the Fiora city mayor named Pierce, aged 16. The other three were individuals Adam had seen during the mage talent testing; they failed to find a suitable mage academy and decided to try the national defense force.

Thus, the training class began.

At 9:00 in the morning, the four participants, having had breakfast, went to the designated training place guided by Vinswall and Horlock.

Pierce looked with interest at the training location arranged by Adam. His curiosity faded after a while. It was just an ordinary training ground; there was nothing special about it. This standard training spot made him doubt if joining the training class would truly bring progress for him.

As the mayor's child, he had his own training area. Even for trainers, his father could arrange something better than Fiora city defense force members like Vinswall and Horlock.

"Welcome, everyone. Thank you for attending our training class. You are the first cohort of this training class, so we wish you the best," greeted Vinswall, smiling at the four teenagers. He had memorized this welcoming speech crafted by Adam day and night to present it perfectly.

"Alright, to start the training, let's begin with warm-ups," added Horlock.

The concept of warming up before exercising didn't exist for Horlock and Vinswall. However, after Adam introduced it, they felt the benefits of warming up before exercising.

Pierce and the other three followed Horlock by stretching their heads to the right and holding it for a few seconds. They also followed the warm-up moves one by one. Although they didn't know the purpose of these movements, they didn't bother to ask.

After finishing the warm-up, the running session began. For this session, Horlock and Vinswall guided them on how to run and breathe properly. Meanwhile, Pierce had already learned these things and was used to running, so this running session was easy for him.

Time passed, and the running session finally concluded. Vinswall, Horlock, and Pierce managed this session well. Although the three teenagers were drenched in sweat, their breathing was relatively regular. However, the other three teens found it challenging to breathe; their chests heaved, and their clothes were soaked with sweat, showing they were not accustomed to this session.

Next was the shield and spear combat training session. Vinswall and Horlock guided the four participants, sharing some of their experiences, including spear-throwing training. Surprisingly, Pierce performed poorly in this session. He appeared very awkward when handling the shield and spear.

The last session was one-on-one duels in the muddy area. Because there were only four participants, this session went quickly. Pierce emerged as the winner. Although he didn't master the shield and spear combat style, the others were not significantly different from Pierce. Pierce's physical advantage enabled him to defeat the others one by one.

"Boring, there's nothing special about this training," complained Pierce. As per his initial expectations, there hadn't been any exceptional training content so far.

But then, a 12-year-old boy clapped his hands, diverting the attention of the four participants. With a gentle smile, he said, "Alright, for the final session, meditation, I will guide you all."