
Shadow Secret

Adam was reborn into a world where humans still couldn't rule the planet despite the existence of superpowers. Humans with superpowers, often referred to as Mages, had been striving for peace on the central continent by guarding borders and prohibiting wars. Unfortunately, Adam now had to face an era of change. The social order system established by the International Mage Association began to falter. Seeds of war had spread across the peaceful central continent. In an era that would produce heroes, Adam preferred to lurk in the shadows.

Daoist6B2k5n · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Training Class

Vinswall inquired about the training class, and Adam explained. An agreement was made to initiate cooperation.

"The idea was to train individuals interested in joining the national forces. Many youngsters, with talents ranging from mage talent class F to class D, chose to become members of the national forces rather than seek an Academy of Mages that would accept them," explained Adam, outlining the concept of the training class he intended to establish.

"Young master, not to bury your idea, but it's exceedingly difficult to nurture strong warriors who can pass the national forces' recruitment tests en masse. It requires several skilled instructors with extensive experience. Additionally, it takes a long time with minimal returns, not to mention numerous other issues," Vinswall expressed his doubts.

Acknowledging Vinswall's skepticism, Adam promptly offered an explanation, "My mage talent is in bonding, complex to elucidate entirely, but essentially, I can assist in transferring someone's memories and muscle memories to another person. If you're willing, we can try it. I'll attempt to copy your memories and muscle memories."

Despite his doubts about the young man's words, Vinswall was curious about Adam's mage talent and agreed to give it a try.

Both of them commenced the experiment. Adam aimed to copy Vinswall's memories and muscle memories, storing them in the Alpha database. This process required a mental connection. After some hesitation, Vinswall allowed Adam to form a connection with his mind, considering that a class F talent wouldn't be too dangerous, especially since Adam had recently awakened his powers.

Moments later, Adam successfully transmitted Vinswall's memories and muscle memories.

"Is it done?" inquired Vinswall.

"Yes, I'll implant your muscle memory first."

Adam wasn't aware of the potential consequences of haphazardly implementing muscle memory. Therefore, he only implanted Vinswall's muscle memory after two years of practice. Vinswall had started training at the age of 13, so these were his muscle memories at age 15, a year before his national forces recruitment exam.

[The muscle memory implantation process begins]

[1% ... 3% ... 6% ...]

Suddenly, Adam felt pain coursing through his entire body. The pain struck so abruptly that Adam immediately knelt, unable to contain it. His body trembled; it felt as if his muscles were being shredded and burned.

"Young master, are you alright?" asked Vinswall, worried something might have happened to Adam.

Adam shook his head, confirming he was okay. It took a few minutes before the pain subsided entirely.

Sensing a certain change in his body, Adam carefully observed himself. However, there were no physical changes; the difference between him now and moments ago was the intuition that his body was now capable of doing things he couldn't do before.

"Have you practiced shield and spear handling? I sense a peculiar feeling in both my hands," disclosed Adam.

Hearing his words, Vinswall was surprised. He confirmed Adam's question, "Yes, I train with a spear in my right hand and a shield in my left. It's the fighting style of the Florent defense forces."

The fighting style of the Florent Kingdom's defense forces was influenced by the forest and the Arkmenom fighting style itself. The Arkmenom typically used forests for concealment and launched deadly attacks. They also employed their agility to swiftly leap from one tree to another.

An enemy type like that made swords less useful against them. Spears that could be thrown and shields to fend off sudden attacks were a more commonly useful combination to use.

Adam also revisited some of Vinswall's memories and found that one of the subjects in the national forces recruitment test was proficiency in this style of combat.

A pair of shields and wooden spears were thrown before Adam.

"Young master, let me see if your earlier words were true or not," said Vinswall, grabbing another pair of shield and spear for himself.

Then, at the empty training grounds of the Fiora city defense force, a child was seen wielding a shield and spear, facing off against a grown young man.

Adam swung his right hand, thrusting the spear towards Vinswall, which he managed to block. He felt his hand's swing was entirely stable, as if he had trained for years.

Vinswall also observed Adam standing tall, holding the spear correctly. His shield's position wasn't too high or low, which was the proper stance for holding a shield. Overcoming his surprise, Vinswall initiated an attack, eager to see how much Adam had truly progressed.

The young man then struck at Adam, who defended with the shield he held. However, the somewhat forceful spear thrust made him step back.

They both began exchanging attacks. As their fight continued, Vinswall acknowledged that what Adam had said was indeed true. He saw shades of his younger self in Adam.

"Alright, that's enough. I trust your words, young master. So, for the planned training class, I, Vinswall, am willing to assist you," Vinswall pledged, kneeling. He felt that Adam's planned training class might offer unexpected advantages.

"Great, with your help, I'm confident this project will run smoother." Adam couldn't contain his excitement; his plan had now taken a half-step forward.

Just one trainer wouldn't be enough; Adam felt he needed to record other experiences and muscle memories to enrich the database. He then made this request to Vinswall.

"I know an elderly person with excellent fighting experience, but their right hand is severed. Will that affect it?"

"Well, it will indeed affect it. The memory of a forgetful elderly person would also make it difficult for me to copy their combat memories."

It wasn't impossible to restore someone's memories, but the process would be extremely taxing. This was different from Adam's condition, where memories of his past life weren't stored in his current brain, making it impossible to recover them.

"In that case, I'll try to find someone else."

"No need to rush, I also need to prepare the training grounds. I still need your help with that."

This issue couldn't be resolved quickly. Although the city defense force had no urgent duties, Vinswall clearly had his own engagements, so Adam estimated it would take about one and a half to three months to prepare everything.