
shadow master in marvel

The story is about shadow master's journey through different movie world .it's about his arrogance as the ruler of shadows and about his journey from a mortal to the attainment of his title as the shadow monarch . Its not shameful to backstab people as the world only works on one rule " kill or be killed" witness the birth of this legend . Disclaimer: the cover does not belong to me . If the owner wants it removed please contact me and I will remove it at the earliest thank you

Conan1412 · Movies
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17 Chs

chapter 7 ????

Chapter 7

'shit I was trapped they already knew '

"you know that we can talk this out like civilized people don't do anything to me I can be very useful to you "

pleaded Sam

"well let's talk "Schimidt turned towards Sam and shot him with a pistol powered by the space

cube's energy .

Sam was caught of guard and his body turned into nothingness .

"get back to you original posts "said Schimidt to the guards without batting an eye towards them.

"hail hydra"the guards saluted in unison and marched out .

Schimidt put his pistol on the table and relaxed on the chair not noticing a hand appearing out of the his shadow followed by a the upper body and then the legs .

'who the fuck said that villan talk too much, don't you ever come in front of my or else I am going to separate each bone from your body.i just died because of your bullshit logic .'

Sam calmed himself and was about to give a little speech but soon felt a kick on his face and flew back and hit the metal wall

"ah that hurts "groaned Sam

"how are you Ali.."

before he could finish his sentence Sam had already shot at him with the gun ,

Schmidt bent and escaped the blue energy that was going to hit him .

Sam was still holding his head .

Schmidt did not waste a second and dashed towards Sam .

'well he was given the super soldier serum so this was to be expected .'

Sam mustard all his strength even without the re-enforcement he was still 3 times more powerful than a normal person in all aspects .

Sam shot twice which Schimidt avoided by hiding behind things inside the room .

he was getting closer and Sam knew that the gun would be of no use at such a close range so he kept it aside and ran towards Schimidt to punch him .

both their fists collided .Sam felt the difference between his and Schimidt's strength he was barely able to keep up and even in terms of martial arts Sam lost to him .

A barrage of punches and kicks hit Sam from every angle .He had blood running down his face Schimidt gave a upper jab as a finisher and Sam was in the air again landing facefirst on the ground .

Schimidt picked up his energy gun and point at Sam

"you put up a good fight but it was not enough. any last wi.."

a blue light came out of the machine that was inside the lab which had been used by Schimidt to kill Hitler's men .light hit Schimidt who evaporated in the air .

"shut-up man you talk too much "

Sam said in an annoyed tone .He kept lying down for some time after that he was tired he had used the last bit of his energy in using the machine .After recovering some of his energy Sam got up and sat on a chair.

He disguised himself as Schimidt and used the

communnicater to call Dr zola and the head of security .

He did not have to wait for long both of them rushed inside .they looked at the mess that had been made but did not try to question it.

"I have made some crucial decision.It seems I had strayed from the path for which we had come together but now I have realised my mistake "

both Dr zola and the head of security were astonished with Sam's words. They never thought that Schimidt could tell such things .

"today I was gifted with true power and purpose let me show you what our true goal will be "

Sam said that and used the energy pistol to fire at himself .zola and the guard were terrified at the scene that happened in front of them they wanted to stop Schimidt from shooting but they could not react on time,while they were still worried they witnessed an astonishing scene in front of them .

Two more Schimidt were now standing in front of them ,both zolo and guard were terrified at the scene in front of them .

Sam then then gave the final blow by shouting in unison with his clone

"Cut off one head, two more shall take its place."

zola and the guard were overcome with feelings and they also shouted in unison with Sam and his clone "hail hydra "( all four of them )

Then one Schimidt disappeared.

I have new orders for everyone

"1st consolidate our power, tell all the hydra personal who are at other bases to return only leave small amout of people over there and expand this strong hold while camouflaging it in the mountains no one should be able to even notice us .

Next exterminate any internal threats that does not agree to our belief .send spies to all parts of the world there should be no place left tell them to get to higher political and financial control positions and look for a mystical puzzle piece.

lastly recruit new talents and make them fit for our purpose .

our true goal is to protect humanity. we will interfere with their working unless and until it threats the world


"yes sir "

they said and Sam dismissed them after they gave their salute .

(chapter title) Hydra conquered