
Shadow Hunting

Nathan Price had spent the last 10 years of his life fighting, whether that be to survive, to protect, or to hunt. A choice he made himself when he was 12 after his family was killed by a Rogue paranormal, after he was found by his father’s friend he planned to take life in his own hands and fight back to make sure that he would never feel that pain ever again. Now after spending 10 years training in magic and combat, fighting on battlefields, and hunting down Rogues. He wants to stop to start a life without all the bloodshed and try a normal life starting with going to school. But when he finally gets accepted for the college he wants, his father’s friend asks for him to take on one more job while he’s going to school, to protect his wife and daughter. What will his new life entail? Will it be all he hoped for? Will he find friends and someone to love? Or will his mission ruin his plans for a new life?

AshLawrence · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Team Meeting

Nathan and Cassie spent the remaining time catching up before the sound of his phone ringing in his pocket was heard. Pulling it to find the alarm going off he dismissed it and stood up, looking down at Cassie. "It's been nice hanging out again but I have to head out for a bit, sorry." He said, giving a small smile.

"No, it's fine, I understand. Besides, it's not like we won't be seeing each other a lot more now that we're living together, go do what you need to, though I'm gonna steal the TV ." Cassie joked as she turned her body in the seat to fall back on the couch making her figure more prominent, she turned to the tv and took the remote to change the show as he started to walk off to his room.

Making it to his door he unlocked it and headed inside, reaching the desk he grabbed his black baseball cap with a design on the front he had liked, the hat held all his daily essentials. His wallet, one of his concealed handguns, a Glock 20 in 10mm as of now, and normally it would also hold his keys. After checking his keys were in his pocket he put his wallet in his back pocket and concealed his Glock where he could easily pull it if needed. Doing a final pat down to make sure he had everything he put his hat on and walked to the door.

Leaving his room he locked the door waving to Cass on the couch while she watched some kind of cooking show where a British guy was yelling at the cooks. After descending the stairs he saw Shannon in the kitchen, letting her know he was heading out and that he would be back tonight. She gave him a quick hug making him laugh as he headed toward the garage. Once he unlocked his car and slid inside he sat and enjoyed the leather seats before turning the car over and connecting his phone he drove out of the garage to head to the meeting.

It was a quiet drive to the diner that was just outside of town, pulling in fifteen minutes early to the meeting time. The diner was an older style with bright reds and blues on the outside that used to be popular in the 70s with a big sign on the top that said Ace's Diner. Turning off the car and getting out he walked up to the glass door and pulled it open, the bell on the top dinged to signal a customer.

"Just sit anywhere honey, I'll be with you in a minute." A kind looking woman in her 50s said she was in what had to be the businesses uniform matching the 70s style with the bright reds and blues. Nathan walked down the length of the diner before finally finding a booth that had a full swing around U that could easily sit six to eight people without needing to pull up any chairs.

After finding his seat it was only another minute or two until the woman came to him to take his order. "Good afternoon, my name's Charlotte and I'll be your server today. Could I start you off with a coffee or water?" "Sweet tea if you've got it please," he answered. "Okay I'll be back with your drink in a minute." She smiled walking off to grab his drink, he pulled out his phone checking the time and looking out the window thinking they should be here soon.

As if thinking about them was the signal two black full sized SUVs pulled into the parking lot with four people getting out of each vehicle. Having helped make the list he knew who almost all of them were, watching them get to the door he was happy to see all eight of the men and women seemed to be getting along. With Nathan sitting on the edge of the U everyone else filed into the booth with someone he was fortunate to be able to get on this mission sliding in next to him.

"Frost it's good to see you again! I know you've been on a job so I wasn't sure if we'd be able to get you for this one." Nathan said as he looked at the man next him. "Are you kidding man I wouldn't miss this for the world! The last time we got a job together was almost two years ago!" Cameron James AKA Frost, a human mage, almond skinned with a bit of muscle on him, he had dark black hair and brown eyes and was one of the few close friends Nathan had in Shadow fox.

As the rest of the team slid into the seat Nathan took a good look down the line, seeing that everyone was settled in he got ready to start the meeting when he noticed the server walking back over. "Here's your drink sweetie. What would the rest of y'all like to drink?" she asked a slight southern accent coming out as she set down his drink, after taking everyone's orders she headed back toward the kitchen. "We'll wait for her to come back to drop off the drinks before we get started. I don't want this to be stop and start the entire time." Nathan stated as he looked down the line at his group.

It only took another minute for the woman to come back and drop off all their drinks. "Are y'all ready to order now or do you need more time?" Pulling out his wallet Nathan pulled out some cash. "There's a hundred here if we can have some privacy. We'll call you back over when we're ready to order." The woman looked a bit stunned taking the money gingerly before saying. "Of course…" then more confidently. "I can do that. I'll be around if you need me." Seeing her walk off Nathan turned back to the team ready to get the ball rolling.

"Alright, I know many of you know me but in case you don't my name is Nathan Price my company callsign is Wraith. I'm the team lead on this job, I'm also going to be living with the family we are protecting and going to the school the daughter will be going to." Nathan started the meeting off looking at the men and women that would be under his command before turning to the woman at the end of line. "Now I will pass this off to my second so we can continue introductions then we will go down the line till it gets back to me."

Nodding his head toward the woman sitting across from him he gave her the go ahead. She was in her mid thirties with blonde hair, green eyes, and a bit taller than average at five foot eight he was happy to have her on this job. She gave a small nod in return as she started her speech. "My name is Anya Ellis, callsign Queen. I've been in this business for over fifteen years and lead teams for ten of them. I used to be Wraith's team lead when he first joined and will be the main point of contact at most times."

She finished by looking at the next in line a short and stocky man with tanned skin that looked as rough as his voice sounded. "Names Joshua Lee, callsign Honey. I'm a weapons and explosives expert." The man finished short and sweet and almost made Nathan crack a grin knowing how blunt and short he could be. Instead Nathan gave a nod to the man who nodded back then everyone turned to the next person, someone that even Nathan didn't know other than what his file said.

"Drake Martin or White. I've only been in Shadow Fox for about a year and a half but I was in the U.S. Army for six years before that, I specialize in comms." As the willowy man finished he brushed the plain brown hair from his even plainer brown eyes, he looked so average it almost stood out but Nathan knew the truth. If he pushed with his magic he would break the glamor covering him showing the ghoul under it, with white wiry hair and completely white eyes his true form bothered most people.

The next person in line, a short tanned woman with brown hair in a pixie cut that most would describe as cute and petite which Nathan would agree with if he didn't also know she could turn into a eight foot tall werewolf at the drop of a hat. "Hi all, my name is Amy Evens! I go by Nora in the field though! I'm a computer technician but I also deal with cameras, drones, and any other tech like that. I'm excited to get to take this job with you all!" Her bubbly personality matched her and was a bit of a nice change from the group so far but he had to hope she could keep it under wraps when it was game time.

struggling not to groan at the next in line Nathan turned to her, He didn't even want her on this mission but the commander pushed for it sadly. Seeing as she was the best marksman in the company he could understand why, but it didn't change that she was the last person he wanted here. He'd been in her sights for the last three years and didn't seem to be leaving anytime soon no matter how many times he turned her down.

"Hello again my Wraith." She gave him a seductive smile that sent shivers down his spine before turning to look at the rest of the gathered group. "I guess since we're all doing this I'll go to my name is Jasmin Tanish with my callsign being Kit. I can hit a gnat's ass from a mile off and I've been very good about never missing my shots." She finished her speech with a soft purr that would melt lesser men. With long pitch black hair that framed her Asian heritage she was a wet dream with baby blue eyes and a model's body. If Nathan didn't know how absolutely nuts she was he might've taken her up on her offer, but as the saying goes you don't stick your dick in crazy and nothing was crazier than an obsessed kitsune.

deliberately turning his head away from her as soon as she finished speaking he hoped the next man in line would start sooner rather than later. The Hispanic man was gruff and rugged looking and spoke with a slight accent. "Names Dan Riez I go by Chief. I'll be taking care of all the vehicles and maintenance. If it has wheels and an engine I can work on it." As the man spoke Nathan could see the hint of fang and slight red in his eyes that belied the man's species, finishing he turned to the last woman in the line.

The woman had dark skin that looked closer to a dark gunmetal gray than any normal skin tone, not to mention the unearthly beauty the woman had. A slim swimmer's build and being almost as tall as Nathan she struck an imposing form that only heighted her beauty. Silken hair that was a blue so dark it looked black in lower lighting covered pointed ears that made her stunning violet eyes pop. She was an exotic almost alien beauty that would leave men and women speechless.

Luckily for Nathan he knew her fairly well having done a few darker ops jobs with her. She spoke in a slight German accent as she introduced herself. "Stella Dolas also known as Night, I'm good with a blade." Hearing her finish there Nathan gave her an apologetic smile as he added to it. "Night is a stealth and infiltration specialist good for more quiet operations or recon."

As soon as he finished his sentence Cameron, ignoring the glare Stella was throwing Nathan's way, spoke. "Hello all! I'm Cameron James! And I'll be the team's magical support for the job I specialize in ice magic so of course the callsign they gave me is Frost. I wasn't lucky enough to get anything cool like Archmage or SubZero no I got the super original. Frost." Cameron's tangent seemed to putter out at the end before he continued. "Anyways, let's knock this job out so we can get paid!" He finished with a fist held up like he was declaring a new nation making Nathan roll his eyes at his friend's antics. If their master was there she would have slapped him upside the back of the head already for his tom foolery.

Thankfully Cameron was finished so Nathan could take back control of the group. "Alright guys I know some of you have worked together before but I wanted us all on the same page. Now that we all know each other does anyone have any questions?" Drake raised a hand slightly saying. "I do. Why were you chosen for the team lead when you look the youngest of us?"

There wasn't any malice in the man's words, mostly actual curiosity which he was thankful for. He couldn't have someone trying to override him or not listen to him on this mission and he didn't need to be beating anyone into line right now. Before Nathan even had the chance to speak up Stella spoke over him, trying to get back at him for his previous slip by letting a little about him out.

"He's been on more jobs than most of us here and he probably has more blood on his hands than you have in your body." Nathan spoke up at the end to add. "I've also been the team lead on over fifty jobs in a variety of different assignments." Drake nodded, taking what he said as fact, looking around at the rest of the group he asked one last time if they had questions.

"Did you miss me!?" Jasmin asked with a crazed smile as her hand shot up to the sky, knowing the best way was rolling through her he quickly replied. "Who are you? Next person please?"

Jasmin seemed to deflate at that though he could still see that insane fire in her eyes. Seeing no other questions coming other than the squirming kitsune he decided to go on. "Okay then. After we leave from here Queen will direct everyone to the staging location and show maps of the property we're guarding along with areas to patrol and to set up cameras. If any help is needed with that or you run into any snags come to me so I can help, I will be staying on site with the family in case we miss anything"

A few of them nodded in understanding which was enough for him, not wanting to go further until they were in a more secure location he waved the server over for them to order. "Well guys at least SF will be footing the bill for lunch so get whatever you'd like." Nathan joked, hoping to win over some of the unknowns to him on the team as the server made it over to them to ask what they'd like.


Hey guys sorry for the late drop I added a new character and that caused me to have to touch up what's already written before edits to add them in.

To make it up to everyone I hope this extra long chapter helps.

What do you think about the team so far?