
Shadow Hunting

Nathan Price had spent the last 10 years of his life fighting, whether that be to survive, to protect, or to hunt. A choice he made himself when he was 12 after his family was killed by a Rogue paranormal, after he was found by his father’s friend he planned to take life in his own hands and fight back to make sure that he would never feel that pain ever again. Now after spending 10 years training in magic and combat, fighting on battlefields, and hunting down Rogues. He wants to stop to start a life without all the bloodshed and try a normal life starting with going to school. But when he finally gets accepted for the college he wants, his father’s friend asks for him to take on one more job while he’s going to school, to protect his wife and daughter. What will his new life entail? Will it be all he hoped for? Will he find friends and someone to love? Or will his mission ruin his plans for a new life?

AshLawrence · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs



Hey guys, quick update sorry I haven't put a chapter out recently but it's been a bit rough at home. A little about me so you can understand I'm a father of three kids with one being an infant. Well my oldest got sick with strep and passed it thru the family were all okay but it was rough with my youngest because how young she is she ended up getting an ear infection with it so it's been a bit of chaos at home. I promise that there will be chapters coming out next week and I'm extremely sorry for not putting chapters out as planned!

TLDR: Family got sick. I'm sorry for not putting chapters out. Chapters for sure will be coming out next week!

It took a good hour to get his room in order, setting up his closet being the longest part of it, but after it was all done he was happy to finally take a breath and relax on his new bed. Pulling out his phone he checked his texts seeing he had missed two he pulled them up to see the first was from Stacy asking how the move was going and if he had settled in, the other was from the Commander. Darron sent a reminder on when he was supposed to meet his second along with the location the two had come up to meet to give the team an on site brief.

Seeing the time on his phone he saw he still had two hours before the meet up so figured he had time to relax in the upstairs lounge and watch some tv to help the time pass. Leaving his room he locked the door on the way out and headed down stairs to grab a water bottle before coming back up to settle on the couch enjoying the feeling of the soft leather couch. Turning on the tv he browsed through which show to stream before finally putting it on a crime show while setting an alarm on his phone so he didn't miss the meeting.

Relaxed, he was just getting to the end of an episode when the faint sound of the garage door opening could be heard. Jumping to his feet he slid his hand behind his back grabbing the knife handle that was hidden running along the small of his back, squeezing it tight he waited and listened. The door to the garage opened and could be heard walking into the house followed by a bright feminine voice calling out through the house. "Mom who's car is in the garage?"

Hearing the voice, he realized it had to be Cass's and relaxed, letting go of the knife in his right hand he moved the wire that had slowly been inching its way past his fingertips back up into its housing along his wrist. Sitting back down on the couch he tried to relax, taking a deep breath as the show finished in the background as he thought about how his reunion with her would go.

Zoning out from the show as a new episode started he could just catch the conversation of the mother and daughter downstairs. "Welcome home sweetie, and I told you we would be having someone move in with us soon." Shannon answered her daughter. "Why is someone moving in with us again? I know you and dad said they're a family friend but still why would they stay here?" Her indignation at the answer could be heard through the house.

"If you'll recall we told you he'll be going to Halton as a junior this coming week and doesn't have a place to stay. So why don't you try to be nice and go say hi to him at least before you complain, never know you may like him." "Ugh, Fine. But he better not try anything or I'm gonna break his nose!" Cassie Grumped. Nathan could just hear Shannon's soft chuckle as she called out to her daughter before she could walk off too far. "Sure dear, you do that."

Footsteps padding up the carpeted stairs made all the muscles in his body tense up as he waited for what was to come. Unsure of how she would react to him being there he figured he should put his best foot forward and rip off the bandage. The feet stopped at the top of the staircase, while Nathan appeared to be focused on the tv he could feel her stare burrowing into the back of his head. The anxiety of it was making him want to move his body out of the line of sight but he endured to let her make the first move.

"Hey. I'm Cassie. I heard you're gonna be going to Halton." Nathan had to hold himself from laughing at the almost monotone voice coming from her, knowing she'd kill him if she knew he heard the conversation downstairs. Turning around he looked up from his sitting position, her emerald green eyes pulled for his attention something he always found beautiful, matched with her bright red hair the stunning woman could pass for a carbon copy of her mother if not for the age difference.

Putting on a bright smile he reintroduced himself to his old friend.

"I'm Nathan and yeah I'll be starting this semester once it starts."

Cassie was stunned seeing him not moving for a good minute. The man looked so familiar to her but she couldn't place how she knew him, looking him over she noticed the lean muscled frame that was covered by a black long sleeve shirt and dark blue denim jeans. Moving her eyes up his body she had to look up at him to see a handsome face with midnight blue eyes that almost seemed to glow and short black hair he posed a striking figure.

After the moment passed and she took him all in you could almost hear it as it all clicked for her. Remembering her mother saying he is a "family friend" and hearing his name with those blue eyes that had left such a deep impression on her as a kid she knew exactly who this man was.

"Nate!" Cass screamed as she ran up to him and hugged him tight, squeezing him like she was trying to get the last of the toothpaste from the tube.

"Hey Cass, I was a little worried you'd have forgotten me after not seeing me for so long." He chuckled as he hugged her back though not as tight worried he might hurt her slight frame.

He enjoyed the feeling of having her close again, being someone he used to tell everything he missed her more than he realized. As he took in her sweet floral scent and squeezed her a bit tighter he could feel her soft body against him and let go seeing her bright smile.

"How could I forget you dork!" she laughed as she punched his arm jokingly then shook out her hand. "Damn dude, I know I could see some muscle on you but it's like hitting a brick wall!"

"Sorry, yeah I've been working out a bit recently." he tried not to meet her eyes as he said it knowing he was understating it to an ungodly degree. Trying to change the topic he went on. "But anyways, catch me up on what's been going on. I just got in today."

"Sure but let's sit down at least." she agreed pointing at the couches. They both got comfortable on separate couches and she went on to catch him on the years of her life he'd missed of school and her life growing up.

"But yeah after graduating high school I didn't feel like traveling too far to go to college so I applied for HEU." He had enjoyed listening to her story and hearing how her time without him had been though it did upset him a bit. To think he could've been in her life through it all, going to school with her and growing up together, but he knew he couldn't change the past and moved on.

"Well it sounds like you had a lot of fun in school, I'm a bit surprised at how open you are now though you used to always hide behind me and we're afraid of your own shadow." he teased. "Well after you left I had to…" she looked down as she spoke and brought the mood with it, her words hitting him like a mule kick to the chest he grimaced knowing he'd hurt her.

He started to speak to say he was sorry but was cut off before he started. "It's okay, I know after what happened you weren't able to stay and that you were hurting. But why didn't you try to come visit or at least contact me…? You obviously were able to get in touch with my dad so why not me?" Her words hurt but he knew it was his fault and after taking all her words in, he wanted to be honest with her but knew he couldn't say everything.

"I was really torn up after my parents died… and after I moved I was trying to block out the pain of losing them, but over time I accepted that there's nothing I could've done. It still hurts thinking about them, but not like it used to and after that I wasn't sure you'd even want to talk to me for leaving like I did." As he spoke he pushed for her to understand how he felt at the time. Leaving out how he spent the first five years throwing himself into training and combat drowning himself in it to ignore the loss.

When he finally woke from the hole he was in, he was already deep into the paranormal world and didn't want her to get dragged along with him.

Looking up he gave a self deprecating grin as he talked. "I never did forget about you, I just wasn't sure how to bridge the gap and I'm sorry for that." Cassie gave a sad smile back feeling the truth in his words and willing to accept that at least they were together now.

"I'll accept your apology. But! You have to promise not to just run off like that again okay? We're supposed to be best friends so come and talk to me, don't just leave without a word."

"Promise." Feeling a weight off his shoulders he didn't know he had, he gave a small chuckle to brighten the mood and prayed he'd be able to keep that promise.


Let me know what you guys think

the next chapter will be Nate meeting up with the team and then the next after will be him starting up school only one more after that till we meet our first girl.