
Shadow Hunting

Nathan Price had spent the last 10 years of his life fighting, whether that be to survive, to protect, or to hunt. A choice he made himself when he was 12 after his family was killed by a Rogue paranormal, after he was found by his father’s friend he planned to take life in his own hands and fight back to make sure that he would never feel that pain ever again. Now after spending 10 years training in magic and combat, fighting on battlefields, and hunting down Rogues. He wants to stop to start a life without all the bloodshed and try a normal life starting with going to school. But when he finally gets accepted for the college he wants, his father’s friend asks for him to take on one more job while he’s going to school, to protect his wife and daughter. What will his new life entail? Will it be all he hoped for? Will he find friends and someone to love? Or will his mission ruin his plans for a new life?

AshLawrence · Fantasy
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8 Chs

One Week Down

Hey guys, sorry for the long wait hours at work increased and it has given me less time to work on this.

Hope you enjoy the new chapter!

A week had passed since the team briefing, during that time he had helped set up a rotating roster for who would be stationed around the property in hiding along with setting up a small dugout fox hole that became an on site outpost and meeting location. With the camera's set up in the woods and around the house in and outside, all that was left was choosing who would be the guardians for Cass and Shannon when they left the house. It was decided that Stella was the best fit to hide around Cassie and Jasmin around Shannon.

Nathan had been enjoying classes now that school had finally started even if some of the people were immature, it was peaceful. He was currently in English 101 with the class almost over and just waiting for his teacher, Mrs. Harmon to call it so he could go home for the day. He didn't have any plans for the night other than relaxing and maybe finding a new book to read but to him that little bit of time alone was a godsend.

"Alright class that's all I have for you today but we will be returning to this in our next class" Mrs. Harmon spoke out to the class and he struggled not to groan, he was still upset that he was even in this class and if wasn't for the transfer not covering the class he wouldn't even be in it. Getting up from his seat he made his way to the door making good time since most people seemed to give him a wide berth though he couldn't understand why. He had been going to classes for three days at this point and no one seemed to want to be around him or talk to him unless they had to, it was starting to worry him.

He wasn't expecting to get into college and be the next big thing but he also would've liked to at least meet and make a few friends that weren't in some style of military or police. Walking out of the auditorium and into the hallway he took the quickest route he had found to the outside and took in a deep breath of the crisp Texas heat, almost turning around as he felt himself already start to perspire. Pushing through it he walked into the parking lot to his car and slid in. He turned the car on and flipped the AC to full blast before switching out of park and heading out.

The ride home was nice only being twenty minutes give or take making it to the gate before he expected to, parking he shot out his text to the group chat the team had. It went through an App they all used to keep their messages secure and unless someone's phone was stolen they should stay that way.

Wraith: Checking in. I'm at the gate now, who's on duty?

Queen: Nora, White and Kit are on site now.

Nora: Me and White just finished our walks around the perimeter, nothing to report on the fence. Cub is still out but Vixen is inside.

He let out a small laugh at hearing Cass called Cub knowing she'd skin him alive if she ever found out, with Vixen being the cover name they were using for Shannon.

Wraith: And Kit?

Kit: Awww you're thinking about me? You know if you want to see me all you have to do is ask.

Rolling his eyes and thinking they would need to have another talk about what should and shouldn't be sent over chat, he typed out his last message before heading onto the property. Pulling into the garage he got out as the garage door slammed close and headed inside, finding Shannon in the living room he waved at her though as he tried to make his way past she stopped him.

"Hey Nate, is there any chance I could ask a favor of you?" she asked, stopping before he made it to the stairs he turned around to face her. "Sure what's up?" "Well Cass texted me early and let me know she was invited to a party after school. While I trust my daughter I also worry and know what college parties can be like, I told her she could go but that she would be getting picked up early. Is there any chance you could get her? I don't wanna embarrass her by having her mother pick her up."

Thinking it couldn't hurt and that it might be safer for him, he agreed. "Sure. just let me know the time to get her?" He answered while smiling at her, figuring the conversation was over he started to turn around when she stopped him again. "How have classes been this week?" As he thought over the week he answered honestly.

"Well, other than being a bit annoyed at having to repeat classes that for some reason didn't transfer, I've been enjoying the regular schedule and normalcy." She laughed at that since he had been complaining about the classes since they started. "It'll only be this year and then you'll be caught up on them and won't have to worry about it again." He nodded in agreement even if reluctantly before heading back up to the stairs as he did he called out as a reminder. "Make sure to let me know when I need to grab her."

Making it to his door he unlocked it and scanned the room for any discrepancies, after not finding any he let out a breath and took his hat off setting his keys and wallet inside it. Pulling out his Glock he pressed the magazine release and pulled back then slide causing the 10mm round in the chamber to fly out and into the air. Catching the bullet on its way back down he inserted it into the magazine as he was walking to his closet. Pulling the key around his neck out he unlocked the door and twisted the handle back and forth in a set pattern until the final lock on the door clicked.

Pulling hard on the door it slowly moved into the room showing its three inches of solid reinforced runed steel that looked closer to a bank vault than a wooden door. Flipping the light switch it illuminated his personal armory and the safe room for the family if needed. The walls were lined with firearms, from handguns, rifles, and shotguns all the way to two military grade M240 bravo's and one Browning .50 caliber. A workbench to the side was littered with a variety of different style bullets and shells showing incendiary and some silver.

Taking a deep breath in he breathed out and smiled. "I'm home guys!" setting his Glock on the workbench he pulled a draw out to the side lined with different magazines for different guns finding the ones he needed he pulled out his two extra and set them inside before taking out one each of a different style. A silver tip showed the rounds for what they were, A bright red set that he knew for incendiary, and finally the specials. A mix of magic runes and spellcraft made them pack a significant punch to almost anything and was normally his catch all. Stashing away the Incendiary and Magic shot he loaded the silver rounds in and racked the slide putting one in the chamber.

Leaving his closet he walked to his computer and checked the cameras stationed around the property before finally pulling back out his phone after he felt it vibrate.

Kit: I seeeee youuuuu!

Followed by an image of him. Inside his bedroom. Taken through his window.

Standing up and immediately closing his black out curtains he shot back a text.

Wraith: Kat it seems you weren't listening when we had the last meeting with you about keeping this chat open for important messages. Don't worry though, to rectify the issue I'll make sure to have Queen go over this with you thoroughly tonight and in person.

Kit: Awww that's no fair! you blocked my number on your phone from receiving regular texts!

Wraith: Would you like me to make that two nights?

Kit: No sir…

Grumbling, he pushed her out of his mind and tried to relax, pulling up his reading app and burying himself in his book until he was needed again.


Finishing the chapter he looked at the time and noticed it was dinner time. Locking his phone and getting up from his seat he made his way downstairs and could smell the Italian food wafting up the stairs, making his way into the kitchen he found Shannon pulling out a glass dish from the oven.

"That smells amazing!" Nathan said as he started pulling plates and cups down from the cabinet. Shannon made a cute squeak as she jumped then yelled out. "Don't scare me like that! Do you want me to drop this?!"

Laughing, he replied. "No, but really it does smell good." "Well thank you it's a family recipe for baked ziti" Setting the dish on the stove to let it cool as she spoke. "What would you like to drink with it? Nathan asked.

"I, Plan to have some red wine with it but, you can have something else if you'd like." As she spoke she pulled a bottle from the counter and started to uncork it." "Just one glass. I still need to get Cass later right?" he said as he watched her fight the cork out. "If you'd be so kind please. I plan to finish this once I start it." she said as she started shaking the bottle to emphasize the point before pouring it into two wine glasses, she handed him one of the glasses he took a sip and found it sweet. "It's good, though a bit sweet for my tastes. I normally prefer whiskey or vodka for my alcohol of choice but I could see why you like this."

"Yeah I've never been much for strong liquors but wine has always been my guilty pleasure." She spoke with a smile and small laugh before setting her glass down and plating two servings of the baked ziti and walking to the dinner table. Grabbing her glass Nathan followed behind her, setting her glass down by her plate before going to his seat to sit down for the meal.

Taking a bite, he had to suppress a moan from the exquisite taste that was brought to his lips, he was fighting with himself on whether he should slowly savor his meal or scarf it all down so he could taste more sooner. "This is ridiculously good! How could anything possibly be this good?" Nathan said between bites making Shannon snicker. "Like I said, a family recipe my Grandma passed to my mom, my mom passed it down to me and eventually I'll pass it down to Cassie."

Grumbling to himself he wondered if he had anything he could bargain with to possibly get the recipe himself when she spoke. "You know, there's a simple way for you to eat this meal without me." Shannon stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world and if he was thinking it would've been. "And that is?" He questioned. "Simple," She smiled like the devil with a contract as the trap closed on him, saying. "You just need to marry my daughter."

Nathan choked on his food as it went down the wrong pipe, he coughed until he finally got his throat cleared to say. "Excuse me?" Shannon meanwhile had broken out into a mad cackle at his stunned face. "You should see your face!" She rocked back and forth in the chair as she laughed while he gave her a deadpan stare. "Ha Ha, really funny, don't make me call your husband and say how you're giving his daughter away." Nathan remarked but she quickly squashed that hope when she fired back. "Who do you think gave me the idea, hmm?"

Dumbfounded, he forced himself to ignore that and changed the subject. "So! When am I supposed to get Cass?" "After you're done eating if you could. It should be plenty of time out for her to have her fun and it won't be too early." Hearing her answer he gave a nod and dug into the dinner going for seconds after.

After dinner he went back up to his room to grab his wallet, hat, and to send a message out to Stella to get an update on Cass. Making his way back down the stairs he waved to Shannon, who was leaning back on the couch and starting to watch a show while finishing her bottle of wine, saying. "I'm heading out to go grab Cass. It should just be there and back but I'll call if anything changes." "Okay thank you again dear. Stay safe on your drive."

He gave an affirmative nod as he walked past her to the garage, making it to the car he checked his phone one last time before he left only to find a message from Stella.

Night: Well our girl here is a bit more than a bit sloshed and looks to be getting a good bit of attention from some of her upperclassmen.

Followed closely after that message a second from her showed.

Night: You may want to hurry unless you want me to get involved.

Anger raised in his chest at the messages, surprising himself with how furious he was at the men there, pushing it into his driving; he hit the gas and shot out of the garage on his way to get her.