
Shadow Hunting

Nathan Price had spent the last 10 years of his life fighting, whether that be to survive, to protect, or to hunt. A choice he made himself when he was 12 after his family was killed by a Rogue paranormal, after he was found by his father’s friend he planned to take life in his own hands and fight back to make sure that he would never feel that pain ever again. Now after spending 10 years training in magic and combat, fighting on battlefields, and hunting down Rogues. He wants to stop to start a life without all the bloodshed and try a normal life starting with going to school. But when he finally gets accepted for the college he wants, his father’s friend asks for him to take on one more job while he’s going to school, to protect his wife and daughter. What will his new life entail? Will it be all he hoped for? Will he find friends and someone to love? Or will his mission ruin his plans for a new life?

AshLawrence · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Night out


Hey Guys, I wanted to catch people here before the chapter starts to leave a possible trigger warning.

There is the start of a sexual assault. It is not from the victim's perspective and it doesn't go into major detail.

I just don't want this chapter to be flagged or for someone to be upset.

Again thank you so much for anyone reading and I hope you like this chapter!

Driving out to the party was an eternity that lasted fifteen minutes that passed in the blink of an eye at the same time. The entire drive he was constantly worried that something would happen to Cassie, constantly reminding himself that before anything could happen to her Stella would step in and remove the threat if needed. Pulling onto the street the party was at he noticed the cars around the house blocked most of the road, making him need to pull to the side two houses down. Pulling out his phone he shot a quick message to both Stella for an update and Cass in hopes she would see it and come out on her own. After waiting for three minutes he was already about to snap the steering wheel with how stressed he was when his phone finally vibrated.

Night: You need to move now. They are about to move her upstairs.

Nathan's heart damn near stopped beating at the message, he bolted out of the car slamming the door behind him not caring to lock it as he quickly made his way across the lawns to the house. Struggling not to push people out of the way he made his way through the front door and into the living room of the modern suburban house. People were packed almost wall to wall in the house drinking and smoking while loud music played in the background. Looking around the party he couldn't find her anywhere and was about to lose his mind when he saw a flash of bright red hair getting 'helped' up the stairs.

The two guys helping her couldn't scream they were jocks more unless they were wearing jerseys instead of t-shirts, with large chests and arms and short cut hair; he'd be surprised if they weren't the school's front linemen. Pushing people out the way, he made his way to the stairs keeping his eyes locked on the men pulling Cass along. He hit the stairs as they made it to what must be a bedroom. Climbing the stairs through the throng of people he wanted to do nothing more than throw them over the railing. Getting to the top finally it felt like days had passed even if he knew it couldn't have been a full minute since the door was closed.

The door was the classic white painted wood with a silver door knob you see in all modern houses these days and kicking the door down was the first thought that came to his mind, along with the second and third. Stopping that train of thought took effort but when it finally did he grabbed the handle and pushed the door open, inside he saw what he feared even if it wasn't as bad as it could've been. Cass was laying across the bed, her eyes out of focus and she seemed to be completely lost to the world around her. He would talk to her about that later but for now he was more concerned with what the men we're doing to her.

He surveyed the men on top of her, the one he named in his head as Asshole 1 was currently kissing on her neck and had pushed his hand up her shirt pawing at her chest, while his other hand was trying to undo his pants. Asshole 2 on the other hand looked like he had just finished pulling off her shoes and was about to finish pulling off her pants when he heard the door open. When Nathan saw this it was all he could do not to pull his gun and shoot both men right then and there and be done with it, but knew that would bring down the police which he didn't want. Instead as Asshole 2 turned and started getting up he moved in close swinging his right hand down and cracking his knuckles into the side of Asshole 2's jaw. Following through with his swing his left hand grabbed the back of the man's head by his hair and swung his knee up, connecting it with the other side of the shithead's jaw he could hear a satisfying crack to accompany it.

As Asshole 2 dropped to ground number 1 shouted out. "What the fuck dude!? You wanna die!?" Nathan had kept the man in his peripheral vision through the fight, enough to see when he started getting off Cass but not letting her go. Staring the man down where his filthy hand was still touching her chest, Nathan was thinking to himself 'If I cut his hand off how hard would it be for me to pay off the police?' The man, seeming to notice Nathan's anger, seemed to decided fuck a six foot deep hole when a shallow grave will do just fine as he yelled out. "Back off! This is our bitch and I'd like to see you even try to take her from us."

Nathan was confused on why the man seemed to be so confident, after all he had just dropped his friend in less time than it took for him to take his morning piss. Luckily it threw him off enough to let go of his rage and see the slight movement in the man's eyes, moving his body to the side he used the blow that was coming at him to add to his momentum giving him room to see what had just happened.

Even taking a modicum of the force, the blow he still felt like it had almost cracked a rib, fully waking him up to the threat that was in the room with him. Channeling his mana he activated his Mystic Sight letting him see the mana flows of the world around him, as his eyes started to give off an electric blue glow. The room around him seemed to brighten as the world took on a deeper hue of color coming into tighter focus. Looking at the two assholes, they gave off a green glow tinted in gray which was a mana signature he was intimately familiar with. Werewolves.

He felt like an idiot for not checking sooner and for letting his anger get the better of him, if he had he would've been better prepared to make sure they would stay down. Happy he always had what he needed for a fight against wolves, he brought his hands back up getting ready to deliver another one sided beatdown. While this was all going on Asshole number 2 had gotten to his feet, fully popping his jaw back into place as he started to give a rumbling growl.

Nathan gave a cocky little smirk to the two dogs before moving back in close, wanting to drop Asshole 2 again before the other realized just how fucked he was. Coming back into the shifter's personal space he dodged the first swing thrown at him with a slight move of his head, before bringing his fist in from down below and slamming it into the man's gut. Taking a small jump back as Asshole 2 gave a grown and swiped at him futility, he let the man swing wide of him so he could get back in. This time bringing his fist back around and across the man's jaw where he had previously broken it.

The man staggered, wobbled a bit and then collapsed hard to the floor, Nathan turned just in time to redirect a blow from Asshole 1 as he came in from his blind side. Moving inside the shifters guard he jumped up with his knee and slammed it straight into Asshole 1's groin making him stumble back. As he did Nathan shot out a straight kick slamming into the man's chest and driving him into the wall, coughing the man caught his breath after he hit the floor getting back up while holding his crotch he gave a crazed laugh.

"You think this is enough to stop us?! You're a joke!" Nathan Smilied answering back. "I don't know, why don't you ask your friend if that's enough?" Confused, the man looked around, not seeing his friend until looked over the bed and found Asshole 2 still on the ground and not moving. "What the fuck did you do to him?!" The man snarled out causing Nathan to give a dark chuckle in return. "The same thing that will be happening to you oh so very soon."

Moving in fast, before the shifter could get back to his feet he slammed his knee under the man's chin, the force of it picking him up off the floor from the force of it. Before he could find his way back to the ground, Nathan helped him along with a right hook that cleanly connected with the side of the man's head causing him to spin before falling to the ground like a sack of meat.

Shaking out his fists he let his wires unwrap his hands and knuckles as it floated in the air in front of him until he was done, then getting pulled back inside as if on a spring. Taking a look around the room and seeing that both men were out for good this time he sent out a quick message to Stella, letting her know he had Cass and that they would need to grab these guys later. Sending pictures of their faces along with taking pictures of their licenses as well, he almost felt bad for what would soon happen to them, almost.

Walking over to Cass, he felt the rage build up again at her hazy eyes with her shirt pulled up enough that he could see half of her lacy black bra, the open fly of her jeans exposing the other half of the matching set. Taking a deep breath to calm himself down, he fixed her shirt and pants, brushing the hair out of her face before scooping her up into his arms. Luckily no one tried to stop him on his way out, cause he honestly wasn't sure how far he would go if they did. When he finally got to the door and made it outside, he wanted to shout for joy but held it in, as he pulled Cass in close and made his way to his car.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _

If Nathan would've been paying closer attention with a calmer mind not preoccupied with keeping Cassie safe. He would've seen the dark eyes that had been following him after he had left the bedroom. That followed him to the stairs after seeing the mess that was left in the room, watching him leave the house and putting Cass in his car. As the car started to drive out the woman gave a mischievous smile, her eyes giving off the start of a soft golden glow and her pupils narrowing into slits, she purred. "Interesting."

What do you guy's think of the chapter?

You'll be finding out very soon who she is as well.

AshLawrencecreators' thoughts