
Sexy Baby Empress Gamer

OnikunStudios · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: Lottery

Inside a pub, patrons are greeted by a warm and inviting atmosphere. The decor may include wooden paneling, exposed brick walls, antique mirrors, and framed artwork or photographs. The lighting is typically low and cozy, with lamps or candlesticks adding to the intimate ambiance.

The centerpiece of the pub is usually the bar, where a wide variety of alcoholic beverages, both draft and bottled, are available for purchase. Camila and a young man wearing glasses were having a conversation while they held drinks in their hands.

Camila frequented the bar on weekends to ease the stress of her teaching job. She often mixed juice with a splash of alcohol to vent out her frustrations. Camila expressed with a loud outburst, "These kids these days have no shame! They always make fun of me for being short. I can't even count how many times I've had to explain that I'm just petite and not a freaking child!" Drowning her sorrows in a cup of juice, she donned a black suit paired with an ankle-length skirt and a pair of spectacles.

"Not only that but those insufferable brats! They want me to hand them passing grades without any effort on their part. What a joke!" Camila clicked her tongue in annoyance, and her friend next to her chuckled. "Relax, Camila," he said with a laugh.

"Besides, it's not like you're the only one dealing with those kinds of students. It's part of the job," John added.

Camila took a deep breath and nodded in agreement. "I know, but sometimes it's just so frustrating. And the worst part is that I don't even have enough time to escape to my favorite game anymore, what's more to think those brats also play," she sighed.

"Why not? What happened?" John asked, noticing the change in her tone.

"Well, I had this one student who I defeated in the game yesterday. And guess what? He turned out to be the same kid who put chalk in my coffee last week!" Camila exclaimed, her frustration returning.

John raised an eyebrow in surprise. "That's rough. But hey, at least you showed him who's boss in the game, right?"

Camila nodded, a small smile forming on her face. "Yeah, you're right. It was pretty satisfying," she admitted.

John nodded in agreement, "I couldn't agree more. They really should pay more attention in class. But I have to say, your class is pretty tough, Camila. Here, I'll buy you another drink." He chuckled and patted her on the head, offering to buy her another drink.

Camila took the drink and smiled in appreciation. "Thanks, John. You always know how to make me feel better," she said, taking a sip. "But seriously, these kids need to learn some respect. I'm their teacher, not their plaything. I wish they would listen more to what I say rather than just look at me," she replied, taking the drink from him. "It's not like being small makes me any less of a teacher."

John nodded sympathetically. "I hear you. But you know, it's not just the kids these days. People in general seem to have forgotten how to be respectful. It's like the whole world is turning into a giant playground."

Camila sighed. "I guess you're right. But it doesn't mean I have to put up with it. I'll show them who's boss in the game, at least."

John chuckled. "That's the spirit. Speaking of which, have you heard about the upcoming tournament? I heard the grand prize is a year's worth of free subscription to Guilty Braze Online."

Camila's eyes widened in excitement. "No way! I have to join that tournament. Imagine all the gear and items I could get with a year's worth of subscription. Thanks for letting me know, John."

As they continued chatting about the tournament and their strategies for the game, Camila couldn't help but feel grateful for having a friend like John who understood her passion for gaming and supported her in every way he could.

Camila fixed her gaze on John with a deadpan expression as she took a sip of her drink. "But can I win it, John?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. John couldn't help but think how adorable she looked when she was angry.

With a grin, John reached over and patted her on the head. "There, there, you just gotta be tough! You're one of the most powerful people in the game, I'm sure you'll win," he said, giving her a playful wink.

Camila's expression immediately turned to one of offense. "Did you just pat me?" she asked incredulously.

John quickly retracted his hand, realizing his mistake. "Uh, sorry about that," he said with sheepish smile.

Camila slammed her hand on the table, causing some of the glasses to rattle. "You don't have faith in me, I know that fake smile of yours!" she exclaimed before downing the rest of her drink.

As Camila finished her tenth beer, the waitress approached their table with a handful of lottery tickets. "Guest, please take these lottery tickets and try your luck before you leave," she said with a smile.

John, sensing that Camila needed a distraction from her drunken state, pointed out that the bar was holding a gacha-style lottery for patrons who spent a certain amount of money. "Wanna try?" he asked.

Despite being drunk, Camila got up and stumbled towards the line indicated by the waitress, eager to test her luck.

Camila perused the list of prizes, her eyes scanning the colorful descriptions. John stepped up to the machine and gave the handle a spin. The sound of bells filled the air.

"Congratulations, you've won the second prize! A trip to Rio!" exclaimed the host beside the lottery machine, beaming with excitement.

"Ha! I'm on fire today! See that, Camila? That's how it's done," John boasted, basking in his good fortune.

Camila couldn't help but feel happy for him, She didn't even know anyone who would come with her on a trip like that to begin with. Most people always made fun of her looks or were called pedophiles when they were near her, despite the fact she was a grown woman. So people tend to avoid her. But John was different; he treated her with kindness and respect, and that meant more to her than any prize. She smiled, feeling grateful to have a friend like him.

With a smile, she composed herself and prepared for her turn. As she turned the ticket machine, a glimmer of hope crossed her mind. "Perhaps I'll be fortunate enough to get a smart phone," she mused. Suddenly, the machine clattered and a bell chimed, signaling a fortuitous event.

"Amazing! It's the jackpot! Congratulations, you won the first prize!" the host yelled ecstatic.

"Seriously? I usually am really bad at gacha games. Does this mean my luck is about to change?" Despite her mild disbelief, she was clearly overjoyed.