
Sexy Baby Empress Gamer

OnikunStudios · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 3: Shot

<p>Camila received a round of applause from the onlookers, prompting a happy blush on her face. While some displayed envious expressions due to her securing the top prize, they still shared in the joy of both Camila and John. "Given your dual victories, why not buy us drinks to celebrate?" suggested a gentleman who raised his beer jug, eliciting a raucous cheer from the crowd. "I'm afraid my earnings are enough to cover such an expense, but I would be happy to contribute a gallon of beer for communal enjoyment," Camila offered with a cheerful drunk, tone, which was met with enthusiastic approval.<br/><br/>With Camila's offer to buy a gallon of beer, the group of people made their way to the bar counter to claim their beer, while others tried their luck with the lottery. John and Camila were still in disbelief that they had both won the top prize, and the excitement made them forget their exhaustion from the long hours teaching in school. <br/><br/>"The grand prize is a chance to experience the new VR gear Guilty 2.0!" declared the host, who then signaled to a staff member to retrieve something. Camila was taken aback and couldn't believe what she was hearing. She turned to John, asking, "Am I going crazy here?"<br/><br/>"Nope, you heard it right," John confirmed. "The same company behind Guilty Braze Online is working on a VR gear that allows you to immerse yourself in the game. They've even created a new storyline specifically for the new gear, but beta tests won't be available for a few months."<br/><br/>Camila was lost in thought when suddenly the staff member appeared before her with a ticket. "With this, you can play as your main character from Guilty Braze Online if you have one," the staff member explained. "Your level, stats, and gear will all be transferred, unlike the others who have to level up from scratch. These codes are worth a fortune, so you're one lucky winner."<br/><br/>Camila couldn't believe her luck. She had a character in the game and now had the chance to experience it in a whole new way with the new VR gear. She thanked the staff member and turned to John, beaming with excitement. "This is amazing! I can't wait to try it out!" <br/><br/>Camila couldn't believe her luck. "This is an opportunity of a lifetime for a gamer like me... but," she pondered. "Do I have to use it now? I'm not exactly feeling very alert since I had a few drinks," she expressed to the host.<br/><br/>"Not to worry," reassured the host, beaming with a smile. "This coupon is valid for the entire week, so you can redeem it whenever you'd like. We'll have the VR set waiting for you when you return."<br/><br/>Camila breathed a sigh of relief and pocketed the coupon. Realizing that it was getting late, she bid her farewells and headed out the door with John. But as soon as they stepped outside, something unexpected happened…<br/><br/>*BANG!*<br/><br/>Suddenly, a loud bang reverberated throughout the bar as a gunshot rang out. Camila was struck in the chest and crumpled to the ground. The entire room erupted in chaos as an insane voice boomed out, "Alright you bastards being out your wallets or this kid gets it!" A robber yelled pointing his gun at Camila. However, someone tried tontacle him causing him to shoot Camila in the gut. Amidst the screams and tears that filled the bar, Camila couldn't hear anything. Her vision was fading fast, but she couldn't believe what she had just heard. "Did that motherf*cker just call me a kid?!" she thought angrily.<br/><br/>With the last bit of strength she had left, Camila's hand reached for her pocket. Clutching the key for her house tightly, she whispered to John who immediately rushed to her side, "Take this...promise me you'll delete all my hentai collection."<br/><br/>Tears streamed down John's face as he realized what Camila was trying to say. He took the key from her and nodded. "I promise," he choked out, unable to say more.<br/><br/>Camila's eyes slowly closed as her breathing became shallow. The sound of chaos and destruction around her began to fade, replaced by a faint, comforting humming sound. And with that, she breathed her last breath.<br/><br/>_______<br/><br/>As Camila slowly came to her senses, she couldn't help but feel like she was suffering from the mother of all hangovers. Her head was spinning, and her memories were all jumbled up.<br/><br/>"I must have gone way overboard with the drinks last night," she mumbled to herself, rubbing her temples.<br/><br/>But when she opened her eyes, she saw a sight that made her question whether she was still drunk. Sitting on top of her was a cat...and not just any cat, but a bright green one which had a muscular body but its weight didn't seem to hurt her.<br/><br/>"Well, this is certainly a new level of hangover," Camila thought with a wry chuckle, wondering if she should start laying off the drinks or seek professional help.<br/><br/>"Well, this is just purr-fect," Camila quipped sarcastically, eyeing the feline creature warily.<br/><br/>"Meowdy ho there, sleepyhead! It's time to rise and shine," the cat spoke, catching Camila off guard. "I'm glad you have finally awakened," a person with a cat face spoke, catching Mina's attention and surprising her. <br/><br/>Mina's attention was suddenly drawn to a voice. Startled, she turned to see a figure with a cat's face before hers in a white, desolate space.<br/><br/>"Did...did you just speak?" Mina asked, trying to make sense of what she was seeing.<br/><br/>"Okay, that's it. I'm definitely laying off the drinks from now on," Camila muttered to herself, pinching her arm to make sure she wasn't dreaming. <br/><br/>As she looked around, she realized that she was completely surrounded by a vast expanse of white. There was no discernible up or down, and no hint of a floor or sky. It was like being lost in a blank canvas.<br/><br/>Shaken, Mina tried to stand up, but the figure with the cat's face suddenly leaped off her. She recoiled in fear, unsure of what was happening or how she had ended up in this strange place.<br/><br/>"Good day. Are you prepared? Congratulations are in order, for you have won the special lottery organized by divine beings. The fortunate recipient of this lottery is granted the opportunity to be reincarnated in a new realm in the event of a divine being winning a bet," spoke the individual with a feline countenance, his voice resonating with the timbre of a middle-aged man.<br/><br/>Camila, feeling somewhat disoriented, muttered to herself, "I must refrain from overindulging in alcoholic beverages. I was certain that those drinks weren't particularly strong..." As Camila mumbled to herself, time passed by and she found herself in the same white space with the cat-like creature still staring at her. "Oh, come on! This is starting to feel like a bad joke," she exclaimed with a comedic tone. "Divine Being's lottery, bet? Kek! Sounds more like a scam to me, I remember I died," Camila quipped as she came to a realization. "Wait a minute, did I accidentally enter a virtual reality test? I mean, I knew I was a little tipsy, but I didn't think I was that drunk," she chuckled as she searched her pocket for the coupon. "Ah, there it is! I'm just glad I didn't lose it during my drunken escapades last night," Camila joked. "Maybe the theme for the VR is Divine Deity's lottery."<br/><br/>"This human is quite peculiar, in order for her not to accept the reality she has died she has confused what is happening as a game intro. Well I'll just play along." The muscled man shrugged. </p>