
Sexy Baby Empress Gamer

OnikunStudios · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: Prologue

Guilty Braze Online, a Fantasy MMORPG, was originally launched in Brazil and enjoyed tremendous success, prompting its expansion to a global audience and attracting a staggering playerbase of 33 million individuals.

While the game was generally perceived as free to play, many players regarded it as pay to win due to its gear system. This system featured 10 gear types categorized by rarity, including uncommon, common, Unique, Rare, Epic, Legendary, Mythic, Exotic, Artifact, and Divine. Of these, the Divine gear was the most elusive and powerful, requiring unique materials that could only be acquired through the cash shop or by completing an SSS class quest.

Despite the majority of players adhering to the pay to win model, one player, known by the player name 'the Sexy Baby Empress,' was able to defy this rule.

Despite the fact that players could also acquire these materials through the in-game market using virtual currency, the amount of time required to farm the necessary quantity for a single piece of equipment was perceived by many as a torturous task. The Artifact gear, ranked sixth in terms of quality, was one of the most attainable gears in the game, but it could only be obtained as a drop from the game's most formidable raid bosses and was bound to the character who acquired it.

Nonetheless, one remarkable player who was able to defy the odds was the Sexy Baby Empress. This individual was fully equipped with Divine gear, donning the avatar of a stunning sci-fi woman. Remarkably, the costume she wore was a limited free avatar set that was only released during the New Year season and could be obtained only through hardcore farming.

What was most impressive, however, was the fact that the Empress had managed to secure a spot among the top ten strongest players in the game, despite the list being dominated by both high-spending "whales" and skilled players. It was a remarkable feat for a free-to-play player to accomplish.

One notable feature of the game was its Guild Wars, which allowed two guilds with a maximum of 600 players at max level to engage in combat. The objective was to either eliminate all opposing players or capture a flag located in the enemy guild hall. While the Sexy Baby Empress preferred to play solo, her contributions to her guild were so significant that nobody dared to question her authority. Her expertise in constructing elaborate guild halls replete with traps that surpassed even the most intricate dungeons, and her exceptional talent in safeguarding the flag against attackers made her a force to be reckoned with. However, despite her formidable reputation, the real identity of the Sexy Baby Empress remained shrouded in mystery.

The gender of the Sexy Baby Empress remained a mystery that nobody could unravel, although it was widely acknowledged by elite players that he or she possessed a frightening level of skill, turning into a legendary figure in the game.

What made the Sexy Baby Empress even more intimidating was that he or she tended to go easy on opponents, which was perceived as a terrifying prospect. When the Empress did get serious, his or her strength was so absurdly powerful that it was almost unbelievable. Due to the difference in time zones, the Empress never had the opportunity to face off against the other top 10 players. But, people continue to wonder if she would have unleashed her full power if given the chance. The amount of time that the Empress dedicated to the game was also a topic of speculation. However, when he or she did get serious, the Empress was capable of single-handedly taking on a 50-man raid, which typically required more than triple the time to complete when done in a party. Only a select few players were capable of reaching that level of proficiency in soloing endgame content.

As a result of the Sexy Baby Empress' fearsome reputation, many players were discouraged from challenging her again. Despite this, several high-grade players attempted to provoke her by challenging her to regular PvP or Guild Wars, hoping to see her unleash her full power. Nevertheless, the majority of them failed to trigger that switch, and were soundly defeated, often meeting their demise with a humiliating KO death.

The Sexy Baby Empress had a diverse skill set, including classes such as Reflectionist and Joker, as well as being a Lancer, engineer, and Fighter. Her weapon of choice was the Chaoscaliber, a unique scythe that she had customized to suit her particular needs. With her expertise, the Divine weapon had become a triple threat, functioning as a scythe, a spear, and a staff simultaneously. While most spells required the use of a staff, the Sexy Baby Empress, being a warrior at base, had opted to become a magical warrior, a rare combination in many other games.

In Guilty Braze Online, it was uncommon for players to have mixed traits as the endgame meta typically favored specializing in either melee or magic. Leveling up multiple classes was not only challenging but also time-consuming. However, the Sexy Baby Empress defied the meta by mastering five different classes, showcasing her impressive versatility.

Another notable aspect of the game was the ability for players to customize each and every piece of their gear to their liking and add unique skills and abilities to them. This feature was highly popular, as the possible combinations were seemingly endless.

The top-tier players pondered: What will it take to make the Empress take a fight seriously? She had confronted opponents adorned in Mythic gear, rare titles, and superior player skills, yet remained nonchalant. What would finally trigger her to show her true strength?

Then, a realization dawned on her: "Kek. I know you. You're the one that put chalk in my coffee this morning. Die!" The true identity of one of the challengers had been revealed to the player controlling the character Camila Gundam, the one and only Sexy Baby Empress.

She adjusted her posture and sank into her ergonomic gaming chair, facing her desktop computer. On her expansive monitor, she readied her character for battle.

"Prepare to face my wrath, you disrespectful plebs!" she cackled maniacally. The woman was short and petite, with a baggy shirt and a pair of cat ear headphones adorning her head. Her skin was the rich, warm color of freshly brewed coffee, and her dull eyes were a striking shade of ice blue. Her golden hair was a wild, untamed mess - the perfect look for a gamer on a mission.

The battle was completely one-sided as Camila unleashed her mastery of magic and simultaneous strikes with her scythe, utterly obliterating her opponents. Despite the vast difference in skill level, she received minimal damage and emerged victorious. In reality, Camila cared little for others and only got serious when she was personally affected.

A 29-year-old woman introvert, she loved anime and gaming above all else, and also happened to be a virgin. When not gaming, Camila worked as a teacher at a local high school.

Camila's financial constraints compelled her to play Guilty Braze Online on the free-to-play model. With her salary, she could only afford to cover her basic necessities such as rent, groceries, and bills, leaving her with little extra money. Going out to bars or buying new clothes would stretch her budget too thin. As a result, Camila poured her knowledge and expertise into the game, striving to succeed without spending real money. Despite working as a teacher at a local high school, she dedicated roughly 40 hours per week to playing Guilty Braze Online. Although some might not consider this a hardcore commitment, for Camila, it was a reasonable number of hours to balance her game and real-life responsibilities.

As the battle went on, Camila's opponents were left in awe of her skills. They had never seen someone who could fight with such precision and speed. It was as if she was controlling the game herself. And maybe she was. Camila was known for being a master at manipulating the game's mechanics to her advantage.

As Camila basked in the euphoria of her victory, she couldn't help but feel a tinge of satisfaction knowing that her opponent was one of her mischievous students. His speech and demeanor were a dead giveaway, and she recalled the prank he had pulled on her by putting chalk in her coffee while she was teaching.

With a smug grin on her face, Camila decimated her student's character and claimed all of his items as spoils of war.

Camila logged off the game and looked at herself in the mirror. She was still wearing her cat ear headset and baggy shirt. Her hair was a mess, but she didn't care. This was who she was, and she was proud of it. But she couldn't shake off the feeling that something was missing.

As she got ready for bed, she thought, "I really don't want to see those brats tomorrow." With these thoughts in her head, Camila fell asleep. Little did she know that fate had a surprise in store for her, one that would change her life forever.