

A Billion Dollar Night, One night Megan feeling depressed after a fight breaks up in the bar, leaving chattered glassed and few blood pools. Megan after cleaning all the mess, is drained in her subconscious thinking if this is how her life may end. Unfulfilled and somewhat she felt useless. Only for Max , a popular Billionaire in town to park his 2024 Bently outside as he walks freely into the bar. To everyone Surprise straight to the counter, where Megan and Max share thoughts on their messed up day. Cloud got thicker,as the day darkened, The two got closer as, their thoughts whispered, "can we share the night". GUESS WHAT HAPPENED NEXT? Find out as you dive into the pages of SEX WITH A BILLIONAIRE

VivienneDelacroix · Teen
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38 Chs


The crisp morning air kissed Megan's cheeks as she stood on the edge of town, her eyes fixed on the horizon where the sun painted the sky in hues of pink and gold. She had made her decision – she was leaving, leaving behind the pain and heartache that had plagued her in this small town, leaving behind the memories of a love that could never be.

As she took a deep breath, Megan felt a sense of freedom wash over her like a cleansing tide, lifting the weight of despair from her shoulders and filling her with a renewed sense of purpose. She didn't know where she was going or what lay ahead, but one thing was certain – she couldn't stay here any longer, not when the pain of Alexander's rejection threatened to consume her from within.

With a determined stride, Megan set off down the dusty road, her heart pounding in her chest as she left behind the only life she had ever known. She didn't know where she was going or what the future held, but one thing was certain – she had to find a way to escape the suffocating grip of despair that threatened to drag her under.

As she walked, Megan's thoughts turned to the distant horizon, to the promise of a new beginning waiting just beyond her reach. She didn't know what lay ahead or where the road would take her, but one thing was certain – she had to keep moving forward, no matter the obstacles that lay in her path.

Lost in her thoughts, Megan barely registered the passing of time as she walked, her mind consumed by the weight of her despair and the uncertainty of the future. But as she rounded a bend in the road, her eyes widened in surprise at the sight of a sprawling ranch nestled in the rolling hills ahead.

For a moment, Megan stood frozen in awe, her heart racing with excitement at the prospect of finding sanctuary in this remote corner of the world. She didn't know who lived here or what their story was, but one thing was certain – she had to find a way to make this place her own, to find solace and redemption in its quiet embrace.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Megan quickened her pace, her feet carrying her forward with a determination she had never felt before. She didn't know if anyone lived at the ranch or if it was even inhabited, but one thing was certain – she had to find out, no matter the risks involved.

As she approached the gates of the ranch, Megan felt a surge of trepidation wash over her, threatening to overwhelm her with its suffocating embrace. She didn't know if she would be welcome here or if she would be turned away, but one thing was certain – she had to try, no matter the consequences.

Summoning all her courage, Megan reached out and pushed open the gates, her heart pounding in her chest as she stepped onto the dusty path that led towards the sprawling farmhouse ahead. She didn't know what lay ahead or what the future held, but one thing was certain – she had to find a way to make this place her own, to find solace and redemption in its quiet embrace.

As she approached the farmhouse, Megan's heart skipped a beat at the sight of a figure standing on the porch, watching her with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion. She didn't know who this person was or what their story was, but one thing was certain – she had to find a way to make them see that she meant no harm, that she only sought refuge and sanctuary in their quiet corner of the world.

Summoning all her courage, Megan approached the figure on the porch, her heart pounding in her chest as she prepared to speak. She didn't know if she would be welcome here or if she would be turned away, but one thing was certain – she had to try, no matter the risks involved.

"Hello?" Megan called out, her voice trembling with uncertainty as she drew closer to the figure on the porch. "Is anyone there?"

For a moment, there was silence, broken only by the sound of the wind rustling through the trees. And then, finally, the figure stepped forward, revealing themselves to be a woman with kind eyes and a warm smile.

"Hello there, stranger," the woman said, her voice gentle but curious. "What brings you to our neck of the woods?"

Megan hesitated for a moment, her mind racing with a thousand thoughts and fears. She didn't know how to explain her presence here or what the future held, but one thing was certain – she had to find a way to make this woman see that she meant no harm, that she only sought refuge and sanctuary in their quiet corner of the world.

"I... I'm sorry to intrude," Megan said, her voice trembling with uncertainty. "I'm just passing through, looking for a place to rest for the night. I didn't mean to disturb you."

But the woman's smile only grew wider at Megan's words, her eyes twinkling with amusement as she regarded the young woman standing before her.

"Nonsense, my dear," the woman said, her voice warm and inviting. "You're more than welcome to stay here for as long as you like. We could always use an extra pair of hands around the ranch, if you're willing to lend a hand."

Megan's heart swelled with gratitude at the woman's kindness, her eyes filling with tears as she realized that she had finally found the sanctuary she had been searching for. She didn't know what the future held or what lay ahead, but one thing was certain – she had found a place where she belonged, a place where she could heal and find solace in the quiet embrace of the countryside.

"Thank you," Megan said, her voice choked with emotion as she stepped forward to embrace the woman. "Thank you for everything. I don't know what I would have done without your kindness."

And as Megan settled into her new home on the ranch, surrounded by the beauty and tranquility of the countryside, she knew that she had finally found the peace and redemption she had been searching for. She didn't know what the future held or what lay ahead, but one thing was certain – she had found a place where she belonged, a place where she could heal and find solace in the quiet embrace of the countryside.

The days turned into weeks, and the weeks turned into months as Megan settled into her new life on the ranch, surrounded by the beauty and tranquility of the countryside. With each passing day, she felt a sense of peace and contentment wash over her like a gentle breeze, lifting the weight of despair from her shoulders and filling her with a renewed sense of purpose.

As she worked alongside the other ranch hands, Megan felt a sense of belonging she had never known before, her heart swelling with gratitude for the kindness and generosity of the people who had welcomed her into their midst. She didn't know what the future held or what lay ahead, but one thing was certain – she had found a place where she belonged, a place where she could heal and find solace in the quiet embrace of the countryside.

Under the guidance of the ranch owner, Megan learned the ins and outs of life on the ranch, from tending to the horses to mending fences and everything in between. With each passing day, she grew stronger and more confident, her skills sharpening with each new challenge she faced.

But it wasn't just the work that brought Megan joy – it was the camaraderie and friendship she found among her fellow ranch hands, the laughter and shared moments that filled her heart with warmth and joy. She had never known such a sense of belonging before, such a feeling of being part of something greater than herself.

As she rode through the rolling hills and vast open fields, Megan felt a sense of freedom she had never known before, her worries and fears fading into the distance as she lost herself in the beauty of the countryside. For the first time in her life, she felt truly alive, truly free to be herself without fear or reservation.

But even as Megan embraced her new life on the ranch, she couldn't shake the memories of the past that haunted her dreams. The pain of Alexander's rejection still lingered in the depths of her soul, a constant reminder of the love she had lost and the heartache that had brought her here.

Try as she might to push the memories aside, they always found a way to resurface, casting a shadow over her newfound happiness and threatening to drag her back into the depths of despair. But Megan refused to let the past define her, refused to let it rob her of the joy and contentment she had found on the ranch.

With each passing day, Megan found herself growing stronger and more resilient, her heart filled with a newfound sense of hope and optimism. She knew that she had a long road ahead of her, a journey of healing and self-discovery that would test her strength and resolve in ways she never thought possible.

But she also knew that she wasn't alone – she had the love and support of the people who had welcomed her into their midst, the kindness and generosity of strangers who had become like family to her. And with their help, she knew that she could overcome whatever challenges lay ahead and emerge stronger and more resilient than ever before.

As the seasons changed and the days grew shorter, Megan found herself looking towards the future with renewed hope and optimism. She didn't know what the future held or what lay ahead, but one thing was certain – she was ready to face whatever challenges came her way, secure in the knowledge that she was no longer alone.

And as she rode through the countryside, her heart filled with gratitude for the beauty and tranquility that surrounded her, Megan knew that she had finally found a peace and contentment she had been searching for all her life. She didn't know what the future held or what lay ahead, but one thing was certain – she was ready to embrace whatever the future had in store, secure in the knowledge that she was exactly where she was meant to be.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the rolling hills and vast open fields, Megan felt a sense of peace wash over her like a warm embrace. For the first time in her life, she felt truly at home, truly at peace with herself and the world around her.

And as she rode into the sunset, her heart filled with gratitude for the journey that had brought her here, Megan knew that she had finally found the peace and contentment she had been searching for all her life. She didn't know what the future held or what lay ahead, but one thing was certain – she was ready to face whatever challenges came her way, secure in the knowledge that she was no longer alone.

The sun cast its warm golden rays over the sprawling countryside as Megan saddled up her favorite horse, a magnificent chestnut stallion named Thunder, and set off towards the nearby resort. She had been tasked with delivering a shipment of the finest horses to the resort's new client, a task she approached with a mixture of excitement and trepidation.

As she rode, Megan couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation building within her. She had heard rumors of the new client's arrival, whispers of a wealthy couple who had recently purchased the resort and were looking to stock it with the finest horses money could buy. But she never could have imagined that the new client would turn out to be none other than Alexander himself, along with his newly wedded wife.

The realization hit Megan like a bolt of lightning, sending shockwaves of fear and uncertainty coursing through her veins. She hadn't seen or heard from Alexander since the day she left town, and the thought of facing him again filled her with a sense of dread she couldn't quite shake.

But even as fear threatened to consume her, Megan refused to let it hold her back. She had a job to do, a duty to fulfill, and she wouldn't let her personal feelings get in the way of her professional responsibilities. With a steely resolve, she urged Thunder forward, determined to see the task through to the end.

As Megan approached the gates of the resort, her heart pounding in her chest, she couldn't help but feel a sense of apprehension wash over her. She had no idea what to expect, no idea how Alexander would react to seeing her again after all this time. But she knew that she had to face him, had to confront the demons of her past head-on if she ever hoped to move forward with her life.

Summoning all her courage, Megan dismounted from Thunder and approached the gates of the resort, her heart pounding in her chest as she prepared to face whatever lay ahead. But as she stepped through the gates and into the lush grounds of the resort, she couldn't help but feel a sense of awe wash over her at the sight that greeted her.

The resort was even more beautiful than she had imagined, with its sprawling gardens and elegant buildings standing as a testament to the wealth and opulence of its new owners. Megan couldn't help but feel a pang of envy as she looked around at the luxurious surroundings, knowing that she would never be able to afford such extravagance on her own.

But even as envy threatened to consume her, Megan pushed the feeling aside and focused on the task at hand. She had a job to do, a duty to fulfill, and she wouldn't let her personal feelings get in the way of her professional responsibilities. With a determined stride, she made her way towards the stables, where she knew the new client would be waiting for her.

As Megan entered the stables, she couldn't help but feel a sense of nervous anticipation building within her. She had no idea what to expect, no idea how Alexander would react to seeing her again after all this time. But she knew that she had to face him, had to confront the demons of her past head-on if she ever hoped to move forward with her life.

But as she turned the corner and caught sight of the man standing before her, Megan's heart skipped a beat at the sight that greeted her. It was Alexander, looking every bit as handsome and charming as she remembered, his arm wrapped around the waist of a beautiful woman who could only be his newly wedded wife.

For a moment, Megan stood frozen in shock, her mind reeling with a thousand thoughts and emotions. She hadn't expected to come face to face with Alexander so soon, certainly not in such unexpected circumstances. But as she looked into his eyes, she couldn't help but feel a sense of longing wash over her, a longing for the love and happiness they had once shared.

But even as longing threatened to consume her, Megan pushed the feeling aside and focused on the task at hand. She had a job to do, a duty to fulfill, and she wouldn't let her personal feelings get in the way of her professional responsibilities. With a steely resolve, she approached Alexander and his wife, her heart pounding in her chest as she prepared to face whatever lay ahead.

"Hello, Alexander," Megan said, her voice steady and composed despite the turmoil raging within her. "I'm here to deliver the horses you requested."

Alexander's eyes widened in surprise at the sight of Megan standing before him, his expression a mixture of shock and disbelief. Clearly, he hadn't expected to see her again, certainly not here of all places. But even as surprise washed over him, Alexander quickly regained his composure and turned to greet Megan with a warm smile.

"Megan, what a surprise to see you here," Alexander said, his voice filled with genuine warmth and affection. "I didn't realize you were the one delivering the horses. It's good to see you again."

Megan's heart skipped a beat at the sound of Alexander's voice, her pulse quickening at the sight of his handsome face. But even as her heart yearned for the love they had once shared, she knew that she couldn't let herself get swept away by old emotions. She had a job to do, a duty to fulfill, and she wouldn't let her personal feelings get in the way of her professional responsibilities.

"Likewise," Megan said, her voice steady and composed despite the turmoil raging within her. "I hope the horses meet your expectations."

Alexander's smile widened at Megan's words, his eyes twinkling with amusement as he regarded her with a mixture of admiration and respect. "I'm sure they will," he said, his voice filled with confidence. "You always did have a way with horses."

As Megan and Alexander exchanged pleasantries, his wife stood by his side, her expression unreadable as she watched the interaction between them. Megan couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy at the sight of the woman who now held Alexander's heart, a reminder of the love they had once shared and the pain of their separation.

But even as jealousy threatened to consume her, Megan pushed the feeling aside and focused on the task at hand. She had a job to do, a duty to fulfill, and she wouldn't let her personal feelings get in the way of her professional responsibilities. With a steely resolve, she turned to Alexander and his wife and gestured towards the horses waiting in the stables.

"Shall we?" she said, her voice steady and composed despite the turmoil raging within her.

Alexander nodded in agreement, his smile widening as he turned to his wife and took her hand in his own. "Lead the way," he said, his voice filled with excitement and anticipation.

And with that, Megan led Alexander and his wife towards the stables, her heart pounding in her chest as she prepared to face whatever lay ahead. She didn't know what the future held or what the outcome of their encounter would be, but one thing was certain – she was ready to face it head-on, secure in the knowledge that she had found a new sense of peace and purpose in the world.

The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the countryside as Megan returned to her room at the resort, her mind swirling with a whirlwind of emotions. She had spent the day tending to the horses, lost in the peaceful rhythm of her work, but now that she was alone with her thoughts, she couldn't help but feel a sense of unease settling over her like a heavy blanket.

As she sank onto her bed, the soft mattress enveloping her weary body, Megan couldn't shake the nagging feeling that something was amiss. She had come to the resort seeking peace and solitude, a chance to escape the pain of her past and find solace in the quiet embrace of the countryside. But now that Alexander had reappeared in her life, she couldn't help but feel as though her newfound sense of peace was slipping through her fingers.

"I came here for peace," Megan muttered to herself, her voice barely above a whisper as she stared up at the ceiling. "Why has he come again?"

But even as she tried to push the thought from her mind, Megan couldn't escape the nagging feeling of unease that gnawed at her from within. She had thought she was done with Alexander, thought she had put the pain of their past behind her once and for all. But now that he was back in her life, she couldn't help but feel a sense of longing stirring within her, a longing for the love they had once shared and the happiness that had slipped through her fingers.

Lost in her thoughts, Megan barely registered the sound of hooves pounding against the earth outside her window, the rhythmic beat of the horse's gallop echoing in the stillness of the night. But as she glanced towards the window, her heart skipped a beat at the sight that greeted her.

There, riding through the moonlit night, was Alexander, his figure illuminated by the soft glow of the moon as he urged his horse forward with a sense of purpose and determination. For a moment, Megan felt a surge of excitement wash over her at the sight of him, her heart racing with anticipation at the thought of seeing him again after all this time.

But her excitement quickly turned to dismay as she realized that Alexander wasn't alone. Riding beside him, her laughter ringing out like music in the night, was his newly wedded wife, her figure silhouetted against the moonlit sky as she clung to Alexander's side with an air of possessiveness that made Megan's heart ache with longing.

Megan's smile faltered as she watched the couple ride off into the night, their laughter fading into the distance as they disappeared from view. She couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy at the sight of them together, a reminder of the love they shared and the happiness that had always seemed just out of reach.

"Why does he have to come back now?" Megan whispered to herself, her voice filled with bitterness and regret. "Why does he have to rub his happiness in my face?"

But even as bitterness threatened to consume her, Megan knew that she couldn't let herself dwell on the pain of the past. She had come to the resort seeking peace and solitude, a chance to escape the pain of her past and find solace in the quiet embrace of the countryside. And she refused to let Alexander's presence ruin that for her.

With a determined sigh, Megan pushed herself off the bed and made her way towards the window, her eyes scanning the moonlit landscape outside with a sense of longing and regret. She knew that she couldn't change the past or erase the pain of their separation, but she could choose how to move forward from here.

As she gazed out into the night, Megan felt a sense of calm wash over her like a soothing balm, easing the ache in her heart and filling her with a renewed sense of purpose. She may not have found the peace she was seeking, but she refused to let Alexander's presence ruin her chance at happiness.

With a determined smile, Megan turned away from the window and climbed back into bed, pulling the covers up to her chin as she settled in for the night. She may not have all the answers, but she knew that she had the strength and resilience to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

And as she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep, Megan made a silent vow to herself – no matter what obstacles she faced, no matter how much pain and heartache she endured, she would never let anyone else dictate her happiness ever again. She was the master of her own destiny, and she refused to let anyone else control her fate.

As Megan drifted into a fitful sleep, her mind carried her away to a world of dreams where the boundaries of reality blurred and the desires of her heart took center stage. In this dreamworld, she found herself standing in a picturesque garden adorned with vibrant blooms of every hue, the scent of flowers filling the air and the soft rustle of leaves soothing her soul.

Dressed in a gown of purest white, Megan stood at the altar, her heart aflutter with anticipation as she waited for her groom to arrive. And then, as if on cue, Alexander appeared at the end of the aisle, his eyes filled with love and longing as he made his way towards her, a smile playing at the corners of his lips.

Megan's heart skipped a beat at the sight of him, her breath catching in her throat as she drank in his handsome features and the warmth of his gaze. In that moment, all the pain and heartache of their past melted away, replaced by a sense of joy and contentment that filled her to the brim.

As Alexander reached her side, Megan felt a surge of emotion wash over her, the weight of their shared history lending weight to the significance of this moment. With trembling hands, they exchanged vows of love and commitment, promising to stand by each other through thick and thin, for better or for worse.

And as they sealed their vows with a tender kiss, the world around them seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them standing together in a bubble of perfect bliss. In that moment, Megan knew that she had found her happily ever after, her heart overflowing with love for the man standing beside her.

But the dream didn't end there. As the celebration continued, Megan found herself surrounded by friends and loved ones, their faces alight with joy as they toasted to her newfound happiness. Max and Vella stood by her side as bridesmaid and best man, their laughter and smiles adding to the joyous atmosphere of the occasion.

And then, to Megan's surprise, she saw Alexander's mother standing before her, her eyes filled with warmth and affection as she embraced Megan like a long-lost daughter. In that moment, all the animosity and resentment that had once existed between them melted away, replaced by a sense of acceptance and love that brought tears to Megan's eyes.

In her dream, Alexander's mother was everything Megan had always hoped she would be – kind, loving, and supportive of their relationship. She welcomed Megan into the family with open arms, promising to stand by her son and his new bride through all the trials and tribulations that lay ahead.

As the dream began to fade and reality seeped back in, Megan felt a sense of peace wash over her like a warm blanket, the memory of her dream wedding lingering in her mind like a cherished memory. For a brief moment, she allowed herself to bask in the warmth of that memory, to revel in the love and happiness that had filled her heart in those fleeting moments of bliss.

But as she stirred from her slumber and opened her eyes to the darkness of her room, Megan knew that the dream was just that – a dream. The reality of her situation came crashing back in with painful clarity, reminding her of the distance that still lay between her and Alexander, the wounds that still needed time to heal.

With a heavy sigh, Megan rolled over in bed and buried her face in her pillow, her heart heavy with longing and regret. She knew that she couldn't dwell on the past or lose herself in the fantasies of her dreams. She had to face the reality of her situation head-on and find a way to move forward, no matter how difficult it might be.

But even as she lay there in the darkness, her mind filled with thoughts of what could have been, Megan couldn't shake the feeling of warmth and contentment that lingered in her heart. For in that fleeting moment of bliss, she had found a glimpse of the happiness she longed for, a reminder that no matter how dark the night may seem, the promise of a new dawn always lies just beyond the horizon.

As Megan's eyes fluttered open, she found herself greeted by the soft glow of dawn filtering through the curtains of her room. For a moment, she lay still, the remnants of her dream wedding lingering in her mind like a bittersweet memory. But as reality began to seep back in, Megan's heart sank at the sight that greeted her.

The stable was empty.

A surge of fury coursed through Megan's veins as she realized what had happened. Alexander and his wife must have left the stable door open, allowing the horses to wander off into the night. How could they be so careless? Didn't they realize the danger they had put the horses in?

Without a second thought, Megan leapt out of bed and stormed towards the stable, her anger fueling her determination to set things right. As she flung open the stable door, her eyes scanned the empty stalls, her heart sinking at the sight of the empty spaces where the horses should have been.

"Damn it, Alexander!" Megan muttered under her breath, her hands balling into fists at her sides. "How could you be so irresponsible?"

But even as anger bubbled up inside her, Megan knew that she couldn't let her emotions get the best of her. She had to find the missing horses and bring them back to safety, no matter what it took.

With a determined stride, Megan charged towards Alexander's house, her footsteps echoing loudly in the stillness of the morning. As she reached the front door, she pounded on it with all her might, her anger boiling over as she waited for someone to answer.

After what felt like an eternity, the door finally swung open, revealing Alexander standing on the other side, his expression a mixture of surprise and confusion at the sight of Megan standing before him, her eyes blazing with fury.

"Megan? What are you doing here?" Alexander asked, his voice tinged with concern as he took in her disheveled appearance.

"What am I doing here?!" Megan snapped, her voice rising with each word. "Your carelessness almost cost me my horses! You left the stable door open, Alexander! Do you have any idea what could have happened?"

Alexander's eyes widened in alarm at Megan's words, his expression shifting from confusion to remorse as he realized the gravity of the situation. "I... I'm sorry, Megan," he said, his voice filled with genuine regret. "I didn't realize..."

"You didn't realize?!" Megan scoffed, her anger boiling over as she stepped closer to him. "You need to start taking responsibility for your actions, Alexander! You can't just go around acting recklessly and expect everything to turn out okay!"

Alexander opened his mouth to respond, but Megan cut him off before he could speak. "And another thing," she continued, her voice laced with bitterness. "I don't appreciate you and your... your wife traipsing around here like you own the place. This is my home, Alexander, not yours. And I won't have you disrespecting it like this."

For a moment, there was silence as Alexander stood before her, his eyes filled with remorse and regret. And then, to Megan's surprise, he reached out and placed a hand on her shoulder, his touch gentle and reassuring.

"I'm sorry, Megan," he said, his voice filled with sincerity. "I didn't mean to cause you any trouble. I'll make sure the stable door is closed from now on, I promise."

Megan's anger began to melt away at Alexander's words, replaced by a sense of gratitude for his willingness to admit his mistake and make amends. She knew that she couldn't stay angry at him forever, especially when he was trying so hard to do the right thing.

"Thank you, Alexander," Megan said, her voice softening as she met his gaze. "I appreciate it."

With that, she turned on her heel and marched back towards the stable, her heart lighter than it had been in days. She knew that there would be challenges ahead, but she also knew that she had the strength and resilience to face whatever came her way.

As she tended to the horses and brought them back to safety, Megan couldn't help but feel a sense of pride welling up inside her. She had stood up for herself and for what she believed in, and in doing so, she had reclaimed a sense of power and agency over her own life.

And as she watched the sun rise over the horizon, casting its warm golden light over the countryside, Megan knew that no matter what trials lay ahead, she would face them head-on, secure in the knowledge that she was the master of her own destiny.