

A Billion Dollar Night, One night Megan feeling depressed after a fight breaks up in the bar, leaving chattered glassed and few blood pools. Megan after cleaning all the mess, is drained in her subconscious thinking if this is how her life may end. Unfulfilled and somewhat she felt useless. Only for Max , a popular Billionaire in town to park his 2024 Bently outside as he walks freely into the bar. To everyone Surprise straight to the counter, where Megan and Max share thoughts on their messed up day. Cloud got thicker,as the day darkened, The two got closer as, their thoughts whispered, "can we share the night". GUESS WHAT HAPPENED NEXT? Find out as you dive into the pages of SEX WITH A BILLIONAIRE

VivienneDelacroix · Teen
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38 Chs


The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm golden glow over the sprawling ranch as preparations for the evening's festivities were underway. Tables were adorned with crisp white linens and delicate floral arrangements, while fairy lights twinkled overhead, casting a soft, ethereal glow over the scene. As the evening breeze stirred the air, the sound of laughter and chatter filled the air, mingling with the gentle strains of music drifting from the nearby bandstand.

Tonight was a special night at the ranch – a celebration of all that had been achieved and all that was yet to come. And at the center of it all was Alexander, the owner of the ranch, who had spared no expense in hosting the most exclusive party the countryside had ever seen.

As the guests began to arrive, they were greeted with glasses of champagne and warm smiles from the staff, who ushered them towards the main tent where the festivities would take place. The atmosphere was electric with anticipation, as guests mingled and exchanged pleasantries, their excitement palpable as they awaited the arrival of the guest of honor.

Among the guests were Max and Vella, who had been invited by Alexander himself. As they made their way through the crowd, they couldn't help but marvel at the opulence and grandeur of the event, their eyes widening in awe at the sight of the lavish decorations and sumptuous spread laid out before them.

"This is incredible," Vella exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she took in the scene around her. "I've never been to a party like this before."

Max nodded in agreement, his gaze sweeping over the crowd as he took in the sight of the dignitaries and socialites gathered around them. "It's quite the affair," he admitted, a hint of awe in his voice. "I wonder what Alexander has planned for the evening."

As the evening wore on, the party kicked into full swing, with guests enjoying gourmet cuisine and fine wines as they danced the night away under the starlit sky. The atmosphere was charged with excitement and anticipation, as everyone eagerly awaited the arrival of the guest of honor.

And then, at long last, Alexander made his grand entrance, his arm wrapped around the waist of his newly wedded wife as they stepped into the spotlight, their presence commanding the attention of everyone in the room. The crowd erupted into applause as they made their way to the center of the dance floor, their smiles radiant as they basked in the adoration of their guests.

"Welcome, everyone," Alexander announced, his voice ringing out over the crowd. "Thank you all for joining us tonight to celebrate this special occasion. It means the world to me to have you all here."

The guests cheered and clapped in response, their excitement palpable as they awaited the next part of the evening's festivities. And then, without further ado, the music began to play, and the dance floor came to life with a flurry of activity as guests paired off and began to sway to the rhythm of the music.

Max and Vella wasted no time in joining the festivities, their laughter mingling with the sounds of the band as they danced the night away under the starlit sky. For a moment, all their troubles and worries faded away, replaced by the simple joy of being alive and surrounded by friends.

As the night wore on, Megan watched from the sidelines, her heart heavy with longing as she watched Alexander and his wife dance together in the center of the room. She had never felt more alone than she did in that moment, surrounded by people yet feeling utterly isolated from the world around her.

But even as she struggled to keep her emotions in check, Megan knew that she couldn't let her personal feelings get in the way of her professional responsibilities. She had a job to do, a duty to fulfill, and she wouldn't let her own unhappiness ruin the evening for everyone else.

Summoning all her strength, Megan plastered a smile on her face and mingled with the guests, doing her best to put on a brave front despite the ache in her heart. But try as she might, she couldn't shake the feeling of emptiness that gnawed at her from within, a constant reminder of the love she had lost and the loneliness that had taken its place.

As the night wore on, Megan found herself drawn towards the edge of the dance floor, where she stood watching the festivities with a sense of resignation. She had never felt more out of place than she did in that moment, surrounded by people who seemed to have it all while she struggled to find her place in the world.

But just as Megan was about to turn and leave, she felt a gentle hand on her shoulder, and she turned to find the owner of the ranch standing beside her, his eyes filled with warmth and gratitude.

"Thank you, Megan," he said, his voice filled with sincerity. "For everything you've done for us. I don't know where we would be without you."

Megan's heart swelled with gratitude at his words, her eyes welling up with tears as she realized how much her efforts were appreciated. For the first time in a long time, she felt a glimmer of hope stirring within her, a sense of purpose and belonging that she had thought lost forever.

"Thank you," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "It means the world to me to be a part of this."

With that, the owner of the ranch wrapped her in a warm embrace, and Megan felt a sense of peace wash over her like a gentle wave, soothing the ache in her heart and filling her with a newfound sense of purpose.

As the night drew to a close and the guests began to depart, Megan lingered behind, savoring the last moments of the evening before she would return to her solitude once more. But even as she watched the party come to an end, she couldn't help but feel a sense of hope stirring within her, a belief that no matter what challenges lay ahead, she would face them with strength and resilience, secure in the knowledge that she was exactly where she was meant to be.

The morning after the lavish ranch party, the tranquil serenity of the countryside was disrupted by the sound of waves crashing against the shore. Megan stood on the sandy beach, her toes sinking into the soft sand as she watched the sun rise over the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the landscape.

The beach party was in full swing, with guests lounging on colorful beach towels and sipping cocktails as they soaked up the sun's rays. Laughter and chatter filled the air, mingling with the gentle rhythm of the waves as they lapped against the shore.

But amid the festivities, Megan couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at her from within. The sight of Alexander's parents attending the party sent a shiver down her spine, filling her with a sense of dread she couldn't quite explain. She knew that she couldn't risk running into them, couldn't bear to face the judgment and scrutiny that would surely follow.

With a heavy heart, Megan made her way back to her room at the resort, her mind racing with thoughts of escape. She knew that she couldn't stay in town any longer, couldn't bear to be surrounded by memories of the life she had left behind. She needed to leave, and she needed to leave now.

Quickly, Megan packed her bags and made her way to the front desk, her heart pounding in her chest as she prepared to check out. She knew that she couldn't risk running into Alexander or his family, couldn't bear to face the pain and heartache of their presence any longer.

As she handed her room key to the receptionist, Megan couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness wash over her like a tidal wave. She had hoped that coming to the resort would bring her peace and solace, but instead, it had only brought her more pain and heartache than she had ever imagined possible.

With a heavy heart, Megan made her way to her car and drove away from the resort, the familiar sights and sounds of the countryside fading into the distance behind her. She didn't know where she was going or what the future held in store for her, but one thing was certain – she couldn't stay in town any longer, couldn't bear to be surrounded by the memories of the life she had left behind.

As she drove, tears streamed down Megan's cheeks, mingling with the saltwater that clung to her skin from her morning swim in the ocean. She felt a sense of loss and longing wash over her like a tidal wave, threatening to overwhelm her with its sheer force and intensity.

But even as grief threatened to consume her, Megan knew that she couldn't let herself dwell on the pain of the past. She had to keep moving forward, had to find a way to carve out a new life for herself, no matter how difficult it might be.

With a heavy sigh, Megan wiped away her tears and focused on the road ahead, her eyes fixed on the horizon as she drove towards an uncertain future. She didn't know where she was going or what lay ahead, but one thing was certain – she would face whatever challenges came her way with strength and resilience, secure in the knowledge that she was the master of her own destiny.

And as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the landscape, Megan felt a sense of peace wash over her like a gentle breeze, soothing the ache in her heart and filling her with a newfound sense of hope. For in that moment, she knew that no matter what trials lay ahead, she would face them with courage and determination, secure in the knowledge that she had the strength and resilience to overcome whatever obstacles came her way.

The fury that brewed within Alexander was like a tempest, raging and unyielding. He stormed through the halls of his lavish estate, his steps echoing loudly against the polished marble floors as he made his way towards the servants' quarters. His mind raced with thoughts of Megan, his heart heavy with a tumultuous mix of anger and longing.

Upon reaching the quarters, Alexander wasted no time in confronting the maids, his voice sharp and commanding as he demanded answers. "Where is she?" he barked, his eyes ablaze with fury. "Where is Megan?"

The maids cowered before him, their eyes wide with fear as they stammered out their responses. "She... she left, sir," one of them managed to stutter, her voice trembling with apprehension. "She packed her bags and left town this morning."

Alexander's heart sank at the news, a sense of betrayal gnawing at him from within. He had hoped that Megan would stay, that she would give him a chance to make things right between them. But now, it seemed that all hope was lost, that she had fled from him once again, leaving nothing but a trail of broken promises and shattered dreams in her wake.

With a heavy heart, Alexander turned on his heel and stormed back towards the main house, his mind racing with thoughts of what could have been. He couldn't shake the feeling of loss and longing that gripped him like a vice, the sense that he had let something precious slip through his fingers without even realizing it.

As he reached the main house, Alexander's anger gave way to despair, his shoulders slumping as he realized the magnitude of what he had lost. Megan had been his chance at true happiness, his opportunity to break free from the constraints of his family's expectations and forge his own path in life. And now, she was gone, lost to him forever.

But even as despair threatened to consume him, Alexander knew that he couldn't give up hope just yet. He had to find Megan, had to make things right between them before it was too late. And he knew that there was only one person who could help him do that – his mother.

With a heavy heart, Alexander made his way to his mother's chambers, his footsteps slow and hesitant as he approached the door. He knew that confronting her would not be easy, that it would require him to confront the painful truths that had long been buried beneath the surface of their relationship. But he also knew that he had no choice, that he couldn't continue to live in denial any longer.

As he entered the room, Alexander found his mother sitting by the window, her gaze fixed on the horizon as she watched the sun dip below the horizon. She looked up as he entered, her eyes filled with concern at the sight of his troubled expression.

"Alexander, what's wrong?" she asked, her voice soft and gentle as she rose to her feet. "You look upset. Is everything okay?"

Alexander's heart clenched at the sight of his mother's worried expression, his anger and frustration bubbling up to the surface once more. "No, everything is not okay," he replied, his voice laced with bitterness. "In fact, everything is far from okay."

And with that, Alexander poured out his heart to his mother, his words tumbling out in a rush as he bared his soul to her in a way he had never done before. He spoke of his love for Megan, of the pain and heartache he had endured in her absence. He spoke of his resentment towards his family, of the expectations and pressures that had driven him to make decisions he now regretted. And he spoke of his desire to break free from the shackles of his family's legacy, to find peace and happiness on his own terms.

His mother listened in silence as he spoke, her expression unreadable as she took in his words. And when he had finished, there was a long pause, the air heavy with tension as they both struggled to come to terms with the truths that had been laid bare.

Finally, his mother spoke, her voice soft and trembling with emotion. "I'm sorry, Alexander," she said, her eyes filled with tears. "I'm sorry for everything I've put you through, for all the pain and heartache I've caused you. I never meant for things to turn out this way."

Alexander felt a surge of emotion wash over him at his mother's words, a sense of relief flooding through him like a warm embrace. For the first time in his life, he felt truly seen and understood, his mother's words a balm to his wounded soul.

But even as he basked in the warmth of his mother's love, Alexander knew that there was still one more thing he had to do. Turning to his mother, he made a vow – a vow to let go of all the wealth and privilege that had brought him nothing but pain and suffering, and to find peace and happiness on his own terms.

His mother's eyes widened in shock at his words, her breath catching in her throat as she realized the magnitude of what he was proposing. But before she could respond, Alexander turned and stormed out of the room, his mind made up and his heart set on a new course.

As he made his way back towards the main house, Alexander's thoughts turned to his wife, Vella, who had been waiting for him outside. He knew that he had to find her, had to make things right between them before it was too late. And so, with a sense of determination burning in his chest, he set off in search of her, his heart heavy with the weight of all that had been lost and all that was yet to come.

The tension hung heavy in the air as Alexander made his way through the sprawling estate in search of his wife, Stella. His heart pounded in his chest, each step echoing loudly in the silence of the grand halls. He knew that he had to find her, had to make things right between them before it was too late.

Finally, he found her standing by the edge of the garden, her back turned to him as she stared out at the rolling hills beyond. She didn't turn as he approached, her shoulders tense with tension as she clutched the fabric of her dress in her hands.

"Stella," Alexander began, his voice soft and tentative as he reached out to touch her shoulder. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you."

Stella's shoulders tensed at his touch, but she didn't pull away. Instead, she turned to face him, her eyes red-rimmed with tears as she looked up at him with a mixture of pain and resignation.

"Alexander, I..." she began, her voice catching in her throat as she struggled to find the words. "I don't know if I can do this anymore. I don't know if I can keep pretending that everything is okay when it's not."

Alexander's heart sank at her words, a sense of guilt washing over him like a tidal wave. He knew that he had hurt Stella deeply, had betrayed her trust in ways he could never undo. And now, it seemed that their marriage was hanging by a thread, teetering on the brink of collapse.

"Stella, please," Alexander pleaded, his voice choked with emotion. "I love you. I don't want to lose you."

Stella looked up at him, her eyes filled with tears as she searched his face for any sign of sincerity. "Do you?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. "Do you really love me, Alexander? Or is it someone else you're thinking of?"

Alexander's heart clenched at her words, the weight of his guilt pressing down on him like a leaden weight. He knew that he couldn't lie to Stella, couldn't hide the truth from her any longer.

"I..." he began, his voice faltering as he struggled to find the words. "I still love her, Stella. I can't deny it. But that doesn't mean I don't love you too. Please, you have to believe me."

Stella's eyes filled with tears at his confession, her heart breaking into a million pieces at the sight of the pain in his eyes. She knew that she couldn't compete with the memory of Megan, couldn't hold onto a love that was never truly hers to begin with.

"Then go," she whispered, her voice barely audible above the sound of her own tears. "Go after her, Alexander. If that's where your heart truly lies, then I won't stand in your way."

Alexander's heart clenched at her words, a sense of despair washing over him like a tidal wave. He knew that he couldn't leave Stella, couldn't abandon her in her time of need. But he also knew that he couldn't deny the pull of his heart, couldn't ignore the longing that burned within him like a flame.

"Stella, please," he pleaded, his voice hoarse with emotion. "I can't leave you. I won't leave you. You mean everything to me."

But Stella shook her head, her eyes filled with a fierce determination that took Alexander by surprise. "You may not leave me physically, Alexander," she said, her voice steady despite the tears that streamed down her cheeks. "But you've already left me in your heart. And I won't stand in the way of your happiness any longer."

With that, she turned and walked away, leaving Alexander standing alone in the garden, his heart heavy with sorrow and regret. He knew that he had hurt Stella deeply, had broken her trust in ways he could never undo. And now, it seemed that he had lost her forever.

As he watched her disappear into the distance, Alexander felt a sense of despair wash over him like a tidal wave, threatening to engulf him in its dark embrace. He knew that he couldn't undo the past, couldn't erase the mistakes he had made. But he also knew that he couldn't give up hope, couldn't stop fighting for the love that had once filled his heart with joy and happiness.

With a heavy sigh, Alexander turned and walked away, his heart heavy with sorrow and regret. He knew that he had a long road ahead of him, filled with obstacles and challenges he couldn't even begin to imagine. But he also knew that he couldn't give up hope, couldn't stop fighting for the love that had once filled his heart with joy and happiness.

And so, with a sense of determination burning in his chest, Alexander set off in search of Megan, his heart set on a path that would lead him to her side, no matter what obstacles lay in his way. For he knew that true love was worth fighting for, worth risking everything for, even if it meant losing everything he held dear in the process.

As Alexander set out on his journey to find Megan, his heart weighed heavy with conflicting emotions. The memory of Stella's tear-stained face haunted him, a constant reminder of the pain he had caused her. But despite the guilt gnawing at him, he couldn't ignore the pull of his heart, the undeniable longing that drew him ever closer to Megan.

As he drove along the winding country roads, Alexander's mind raced with thoughts of what lay ahead. He knew that finding Megan wouldn't be easy, that he would face countless obstacles and challenges along the way. But he also knew that he couldn't give up hope, couldn't let anything stand in the way of reuniting with the woman he loved.

But little did he know that his journey would be fraught with danger, that forces beyond his control were already at work to keep him from reaching Megan's side.

Meanwhile, back at the estate, Alexander's mother watched with a sense of unease as her son set out on his quest to find Megan. She knew that she couldn't let him jeopardize everything they had worked so hard to achieve, couldn't allow him to throw away his future for the sake of a fleeting romance.

With a heavy heart, she made a decision – a decision that would set into motion a chain of events that would change the course of their lives forever.

Gathering her most trusted advisors, Alexander's mother laid out her plan to stop him from reaching Megan. She knew that she couldn't risk confronting him directly, couldn't risk him discovering her involvement in his affairs. And so, she turned to more covert means, dispatching a team of men to intercept him on his journey.

As Alexander drove along the deserted country roads, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at him from within. Something didn't feel right, something felt off about the way the road seemed to stretch endlessly before him, the way the shadows seemed to creep ever closer with each passing mile.

And then, without warning, disaster struck. A sudden blare of sirens filled the air, causing Alexander to slam on the brakes as a convoy of black SUVs came hurtling towards him from out of nowhere.

Heart pounding in his chest, Alexander watched in horror as the vehicles swerved to block his path, effectively trapping him in their midst. Before he could react, a group of armed men spilled out of the SUVs, their faces obscured by masks as they surrounded his car, guns drawn and ready for action.

"Step out of the vehicle, Mr. Kensington," a voice boomed from a loudspeaker, its tone cold and authoritative. "You are under arrest for crimes against the state. Surrender now, or face the consequences."

Alexander's heart sank at the words, a sense of dread washing over him like a tidal wave. He knew that he was in trouble, knew that he had to think fast if he wanted to escape with his life.

With a quick glance in the rearview mirror, Alexander spotted a narrow dirt road leading off into the woods, its entrance obscured by thick brush and overgrown foliage. Without hesitation, he slammed his foot down on the gas pedal and veered off the main road, his car careening wildly as he raced towards the safety of the trees.

Behind him, the armed men gave chase, their vehicles skidding and swerving as they struggled to keep up with him. But Alexander was determined to escape, determined to reach Megan's side no matter what the cost.

As he raced through the dense forest, Alexander's mind raced with thoughts of Megan. He knew that she was waiting for him, knew that she needed him now more than ever. And he was determined to reach her, determined to prove his love to her no matter what obstacles lay in his way.

But little did he know that his troubles were far from over, that the danger he faced was greater than he could have ever imagined.

Meanwhile, back at the estate, Alexander's mother watched with a sense of satisfaction as her plan unfolded. She knew that she couldn't risk allowing him to reach Megan, couldn't risk him throwing away his future for the sake of a woman who meant nothing to their family.

With a cold smile, she turned away from the monitor displaying Alexander's frantic escape attempt, her mind already turning towards the next phase of her plan. She knew that she couldn't let him slip through her fingers again, couldn't allow him to defy her authority any longer.

And so, with a sense of determination burning in her chest, Alexander's mother set out to ensure that her son would never reach Megan's side, no matter what it took. For she knew that the future of their family depended on it, and she would stop at nothing to protect it.

As days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, Alexander's search for Megan seemed to lead him nowhere. With each passing day, the weight of uncertainty bore down on him heavily, threatening to crush his spirits beneath its unrelenting pressure. But still, he refused to give up hope, refused to let go of the flicker of light that burned within him, guiding him ever onward in his quest to find her.

Determined to leave no stone unturned, Alexander continued his journey, traveling far and wide in search of any clue that might lead him to Megan's whereabouts. From bustling cities to remote countryside towns, he scoured every corner of the country, his heart aching with longing as he yearned for even the slightest glimpse of her face.

But no matter how hard he searched, Megan remained elusive, her presence a mere whisper on the wind, taunting him with its fleeting presence before disappearing into the ether once more. It was as though she had vanished into thin air, leaving behind no trace of her existence save for the memory that lingered in Alexander's mind like a ghost.

Desperate for any sign of her, Alexander began to ask around, showing her picture to anyone who would listen in the hopes that someone might recognize her. He stopped at every gas station and convenience store along his journey, showing her photo to the attendants and asking if they had seen her pass through.

But time and time again, his efforts were in vain, met with nothing but blank stares and shaking heads. It was as though Megan had become a figment of his imagination, a dream that had long since faded into the recesses of his mind, leaving behind nothing but an ache that refused to be quelled.

One day, as Alexander stopped at a small gas station in a remote town, he spotted a group of children playing nearby, their laughter echoing through the crisp morning air. With a glimmer of hope in his heart, he approached them, showing them Megan's photo and asking if they had seen her.

The children eyed him warily, their expressions guarded as they exchanged furtive glances amongst themselves. But finally, one of them spoke up, pointing in the direction of a nearby house and telling Alexander that Megan lived there.

Heart racing with excitement, Alexander thanked the children profusely and set off towards the house, his steps quickening with each passing moment. But as he reached the front door and knocked, a sense of unease washed over him, a nagging feeling that something wasn't quite right.

To his surprise, the door swung open to reveal not Megan, but a middle-aged woman with a stern expression on her face. Confused, Alexander asked if Megan lived there, only to be met with a shake of the woman's head and a curt dismissal.

Disheartened, Alexander turned away from the house, his hopes dashed once more as he realized that he had been duped. It was then that he heard the sound of laughter behind him, turning to see the group of children from before, their faces alight with mischief as they doubled over in laughter.

Realization dawned on Alexander as he looked at the children, understanding dawning in his mind as he realized that they had played him for a fool. But instead of feeling anger or frustration, he found himself bursting into laughter alongside them, the tension and disappointment of his failed quest melting away in the warmth of their camaraderie.

For the first time in his life, Alexander felt a sense of kinship with these children, a shared understanding of what it meant to be young and carefree, unburdened by the weight of the world. And as they laughed and played together in the fading light of the day, Alexander felt a sense of peace wash over him like a warm embrace, a reminder that sometimes, the greatest joys in life could be found in the simplest of moments.

As the sun dipped below the horizon and darkness fell over the town, Alexander bid farewell to the children and continued on his journey, his heart lighter than it had been in weeks. Though he had yet to find Megan, he knew that he would not give up until he had exhausted every last possibility, until he had searched every corner of the earth if need be to find her.

For in that moment, surrounded by the laughter and innocence of the children, Alexander realized that his quest was about more than just finding Megan. It was about rediscovering himself, about embracing the journey and all its twists and turns, knowing that in the end, it was the journey itself that mattered most.