

A Billion Dollar Night, One night Megan feeling depressed after a fight breaks up in the bar, leaving chattered glassed and few blood pools. Megan after cleaning all the mess, is drained in her subconscious thinking if this is how her life may end. Unfulfilled and somewhat she felt useless. Only for Max , a popular Billionaire in town to park his 2024 Bently outside as he walks freely into the bar. To everyone Surprise straight to the counter, where Megan and Max share thoughts on their messed up day. Cloud got thicker,as the day darkened, The two got closer as, their thoughts whispered, "can we share the night". GUESS WHAT HAPPENED NEXT? Find out as you dive into the pages of SEX WITH A BILLIONAIRE

VivienneDelacroix · Teen
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38 Chs


Vella awoke to the soft rays of morning sunlight streaming through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the room. For a moment, she lay still, savoring the peace and tranquility of the moment before the events of the previous night came rushing back to her with startling clarity.

She remembered the hotel room, the board meeting, and the unexpected encounter with Alexander. She remembered the rush of adrenaline, the thrill of passion, and the overwhelming sense of longing that had consumed her in his arms. And then she remembered the guilt and regret that had followed, the knowledge that she had betrayed Max in the worst possible way.

With a heavy sigh, Vella pushed herself up from the bed, her thoughts a whirlwind of confusion and uncertainty. She knew that what had happened between her and Alexander was wrong, that she had betrayed Max's trust in the worst possible way. But despite her best intentions, she couldn't shake the feeling that a part of her still longed for the connection she had shared with Alexander, that she still harbored feelings for him that she couldn't ignore.

As she made her way to the bathroom, Vella's thoughts turned to Max, her heart heavy with guilt and remorse. She knew that she had to tell him the truth about what had happened, that she couldn't continue to keep secrets from him if their relationship was to have any hope of surviving. But the thought of facing his anger and disappointment filled her with dread, leaving her feeling more alone and vulnerable than ever before.

With a heavy heart, Vella resolved to tell Max the truth, no matter how painful it might be. She knew that she couldn't continue to live a lie, that she owed it to him to be honest about her feelings and desires, no matter how difficult it might be to confront the consequences of her actions.

But as she emerged from the bathroom, her resolve faltered in the face of an unexpected revelation. There, on the bathroom counter, lay a small plastic stick with two pink lines, its meaning unmistakable in its simplicity.

For a moment, Vella stood frozen in shock, her mind reeling with the enormity of what she had just discovered. She was pregnant – pregnant with Alexander's child, the result of a moment of passion and weakness that had forever altered the course of her life.

As the reality of her situation sank in, Vella felt a wave of panic wash over her, threatening to engulf her in its suffocating embrace. She didn't know what to do, didn't know how to face the prospect of raising a child on her own, without the love and support of the man she had thought she would spend the rest of her life with.

But even as fear and uncertainty threatened to overwhelm her, a small voice in the back of her mind whispered a glimmer of hope – hope that perhaps this unexpected turn of events was a blessing in disguise, a chance for her to start anew and build a better future for herself and her child.

With a newfound sense of determination, Vella resolved to face the challenges that lay ahead with courage and grace. She knew that it wouldn't be easy, that there would be obstacles and setbacks along the way. But she also knew that she was stronger than she had ever realized, that she had the strength and resilience to overcome whatever life threw her way.

Armed with this newfound sense of purpose, Vella set about making plans for the future, determined to do whatever it took to provide a better life for herself and her unborn child. And as she looked towards the horizon with renewed hope and optimism, she knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, she would face them head-on, with courage and determination, and emerge stronger and more resilient than ever before.

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks turned into months, Vella's pregnancy progressed, her belly swelling with the promise of new life. And with each passing day, she felt a sense of wonder and awe at the miracle growing inside her, a reminder of the boundless potential of love to transform even the darkest of circumstances into something beautiful and profound.

But even as she prepared for the arrival of her child, Vella couldn't shake the feeling of guilt and remorse that gnawed at her from within. She knew that she had hurt Max deeply with her actions, that she had betrayed his trust in the worst possible way. And try as she might, she couldn't escape the nagging feeling that she didn't deserve the happiness and joy that her pregnancy promised.

But despite her doubts and fears, Vella found solace in the knowledge that she was not alone, that she had friends and loved ones who stood by her side, ready to offer their support and encouragement every step of the way. And as she looked towards the future with hope and optimism, she knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, she would face them with courage and grace, secure in the knowledge that she was capable of overcoming whatever obstacles life threw her way.

As the day of her child's birth drew near, Vella found herself filled with a sense of anticipation and excitement unlike anything she had ever experienced before. She knew that her life was about to change in ways she could never have imagined, that the arrival of her child would mark the beginning of a new chapter in her journey towards happiness and fulfillment.

And as she lay in the hospital bed, her hand resting gently on her swollen belly, she felt a sense of peace wash over her like a warm embrace. She knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, she would face them with courage and determination, secure in the knowledge that she had the strength and resilience to overcome whatever obstacles life threw her way.

As the hours stretched into days and the days stretched into weeks, Vella's anticipation grew, her excitement building with each passing moment. And then, finally, the moment she had been waiting for arrived – the moment when she would hold her child in her arms for the very first time.

And as she gazed into the eyes of her newborn baby, she felt a surge of love and joy unlike anything she had ever experienced before. In that moment, she knew that all the pain and heartache she had endured was worth it, that the love she felt for her child was the greatest gift she could ever hope to receive.

As she cradled her baby in her arms, Vella felt a sense of peace wash over her like a warm embrace. She knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, she would face them with courage and determination, secure in the knowledge that she had the love and support of her child to guide her every step of the way.

And as she looked towards the future with hope and optimism, she knew that no matter what obstacles life threw her way, she would face them head-on, secure in the knowledge that she was capable of overcoming whatever challenges lay ahead. For she was Vella, a woman of strength and resilience, ready to embrace whatever the future held with open arms and an open heart.

Megan's heart raced as she sat in the waiting room of the doctor's office, her mind swirling with a mix of anxiety and anticipation. She had come for a routine check-up, hoping to put her worries and fears to rest, but now, her thoughts were consumed by the revelation she had overheard – Vella was pregnant.

The news hit Megan like a thunderbolt, sending shockwaves through her already tumultuous emotions. She couldn't believe what she had heard, couldn't comprehend how Vella could be pregnant, especially after everything that had happened between them.

As she sat in stunned silence, Megan's mind raced with a million questions. Who was the father of Vella's baby? How would Max react when he found out? And what did this mean for her own relationship with Alexander?

Lost in her thoughts, Megan barely registered the sound of her name being called from the doorway. It was only when the nurse repeated it a second time that she snapped back to reality, her heart pounding in her chest as she rose to her feet and followed the nurse into the examination room.

As she settled onto the examination table, Megan's mind continued to churn with worry and uncertainty. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was terribly wrong, that the news of Vella's pregnancy was somehow connected to her own tangled emotions and desires.

Lost in her thoughts, Megan barely registered the sound of the door opening and closing behind her. It was only when she heard the soft murmur of voices outside the room that she realized she was not alone.

Curiosity piqued, Megan strained to listen, her ears pricked for any hint of what was being said. And then, she heard it – the hushed tones of Vella and the doctor, their conversation barely audible through the thin walls of the examination room.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Maxwell, but the test results confirm that you are pregnant," the doctor said, his voice gentle but firm. "It's still early days, but everything appears to be progressing as it should."

Megan's breath caught in her throat at the doctor's words, her mind reeling with shock and disbelief. She couldn't believe what she was hearing, couldn't comprehend how Vella could be pregnant, especially after everything that had happened between them.

As she listened to Vella's response, Megan felt a surge of anger and betrayal wash over her like a tidal wave. How could Vella keep something like this from her? How could she be so careless, so selfish as to bring a child into the world under such circumstances?

Unable to contain her emotions any longer, Megan pushed herself up from the examination table and stormed out of the room, her heart pounding in her chest as she fled the doctor's office and into the cool embrace of the outside world.

As she emerged onto the bustling city street, Megan felt a sense of freedom and release wash over her like a cleansing tide. She didn't know where she was going or what she would do next, but one thing was clear – she couldn't stay in that doctor's office a moment longer, not when the weight of Vella's betrayal threatened to crush her under its suffocating weight.

With a sense of purpose, Megan began to walk, her feet carrying her forward with a determination she had never felt before. She didn't know where she was going or what she would do when she got there, but one thing was certain – she couldn't let Vella's betrayal go unpunished, not when it threatened to destroy everything she held dear.

As she walked, Megan's thoughts turned to Alexander, her heart heavy with the memory of their last encounter. She knew that she had to tell him the truth about what had happened between her and Vella, that she couldn't continue to keep secrets from him if their relationship was to have any hope of surviving.

But even as she resolved to confront Alexander, Megan couldn't shake the feeling that her world was unraveling around her, that the lies and deceit that had plagued her life for so long were finally catching up to her in the worst possible way.

Lost in her thoughts, Megan barely registered the sound of her phone ringing in her pocket. It was only when she pulled it out and saw Alexander's name flashing on the screen that she snapped back to reality, her heart pounding in her chest as she answered the call.

"Hello?" Megan said, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Hey, Megan, it's me," Alexander said, his voice filled with concern. "I've been trying to reach you all morning. Are you okay? Where are you?"

Megan hesitated for a moment, her mind racing with a million thoughts and emotions. She knew that she had to tell Alexander the truth about what had happened between her and Vella, but she didn't know how to find the words to explain the depth of her betrayal.

"Alex, we need to talk," Megan said, her voice trembling with emotion. "There's something I need to tell you, something important."

And as she poured out her heart to Alexander, laying bare the truth of her betrayal and deceit, Megan felt a sense of relief wash over her like a cleansing tide. She didn't know what the future held or how Alexander would react to her confession, but one thing was certain – she couldn't continue to live a lie, not when the truth threatened to destroy everything she held dear.

Chapter 3: Unveiling Secrets

Megan's heart raced as she stood outside Alexander's luxurious penthouse apartment, her mind a whirlwind of emotions as she prepared to confront him with the truth. She had spent the past few hours wrestling with her guilt and uncertainty, trying to find the courage to tell Alexander about Vella's pregnancy and the tangled web of deceit that had brought them to this moment.

As she reached out to press the buzzer, Megan's hand trembled with nervous anticipation, her heart pounding in her chest as she waited for Alexander to answer. And then, finally, she heard the click of the intercom, followed by the sound of Alexander's voice on the other end.

"Megan? Is that you?" Alexander's voice was filled with surprise and concern, his words cutting through the silence like a knife. "What are you doing here?"

Megan hesitated for a moment, her mind racing as she tried to find the right words to explain the tumult of emotions that had brought her to Alexander's doorstep. But before she could respond, the door swung open, revealing Alexander standing on the other side, his expression a mixture of confusion and concern.

"What's wrong, Megan? Why are you here?" Alexander's voice was gentle but insistent, his eyes searching hers for answers. But Megan couldn't find the words to explain the depth of her turmoil, couldn't find a way to articulate the truth that lay heavy on her heart.

Instead, she simply stood there, her mind a blank slate as she struggled to come to terms with the enormity of what she had to say. And then, finally, the words spilled out of her in a rush, tumbling over each other in their haste to be heard.

"Alexander, we need to talk," Megan said, her voice barely above a whisper. "There's something I need to tell you, something important."

As she spoke, the weight of her confession hung heavy in the air between them, a silent reminder of the secrets and lies that had brought them to this moment. And as Alexander listened, his expression grew increasingly grave, his eyes darkening with concern as he realized the depth of Megan's anguish.

But before he could respond, a sudden commotion broke out behind them, drawing their attention to the doorway where Max stood, his expression twisted with anger and betrayal.

"What the hell is going on here?" Max's voice was a thunderous roar, his words laced with venom as he glared at Vella and Alexander with undisguised contempt. "And who the hell is this?"

For a moment, Megan stood frozen in shock, her mind reeling with confusion and disbelief. She couldn't understand what was happening, couldn't comprehend how Max had found them or why he was so angry.

But as she looked into Max's eyes, she saw the truth reflected back at her – the truth of his betrayal, of his deceit, of his unfaithfulness. And in that moment, Megan knew that everything she had believed about Max was a lie, that the man she had trusted with her heart had betrayed her in the worst possible way.

"Max, please, let me explain," Vella pleaded, her voice trembling with emotion as she reached out to touch his arm. But Max recoiled from her touch, his eyes flashing with anger and resentment as he shook her off.

"Don't touch me," Max spat, his voice cold and unforgiving. "I don't want to hear your lies, Vella. I saw you with him, saw the way you looked at him. Don't try to deny it – I know the truth now, and I won't stand for it."

As Max's words echoed through the room, Megan felt a surge of sympathy for Vella, a pang of guilt and remorse for the role she had played in their unraveling relationship. She knew that she had to speak up, to tell Max the truth about what had happened between her and Alexander, but she couldn't find the words to explain the depth of her betrayal.

Instead, she simply stood there, her heart heavy with sorrow as she watched Max and Vella's relationship crumble before her eyes. She knew that she had to do something to make things right, to atone for her role in their suffering, but she didn't know where to begin.

As Max stormed out of the apartment, his words ringing in her ears, Megan felt a sense of despair wash over her like a tidal wave, threatening to engulf her in its suffocating embrace. She knew that she had to find a way to fix things, to make amends for her mistakes, but she didn't know if it was even possible.

Lost in her thoughts, Megan barely registered the sound of Alexander's voice as he reached out to comfort her, his touch a silent reassurance of their bond. And as she looked into his eyes, she saw the truth reflected back at her – the truth of their love, of their connection, of their shared desire to find happiness in a world filled with pain and uncertainty.

With a newfound sense of determination, Megan resolved to confront the demons of her past, to make amends for her mistakes and forge a path forward towards a brighter future. And as she looked towards the horizon with renewed hope and optimism, she knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, she would face them with courage and grace, secure in the knowledge that she was capable of overcoming whatever obstacles life threw her way.

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks turned into months, Megan embarked on a journey of self-discovery and redemption, her heart filled with a sense of purpose and determination. And as she looked towards the future with hope and optimism, she knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, she would face them with courage and grace, secure in the knowledge that she was capable of overcoming whatever obstacles life threw her way.

For she was Megan, a woman of strength and resilience, ready to embrace whatever the future held with open arms and an open heart. And as she walked hand in hand with Alexander into the uncertain future that awaited them, she knew that as long as they had each other, they could weather any storm that came their way.

The soft hum of conversation filled the air of the bustling bar as Megan moved gracefully between the tables, her mind preoccupied with thoughts of the tumultuous events that had unfolded in recent days. Max's angry confrontation with Vella, Alexander's bewildered reaction to Megan's confession, and the overwhelming sense of guilt and remorse that threatened to consume her from within.

Lost in her thoughts, Megan barely registered the sound of the door swinging open, her attention focused on the task at hand as she worked to serve the patrons of the bar with her usual efficiency and grace. But as she turned towards the entrance, her heart skipped a beat at the sight of a familiar figure standing in the doorway – Alexander's mother.

For a moment, Megan stood frozen in shock, her mind racing with a thousand questions. What was Alexander's mother doing here? And what did she want with her?

As she approached the table where Alexander's mother sat, Megan's heart pounded in her chest, her palms growing clammy with nervous anticipation. She didn't know what to expect, didn't know how to respond to the unexpected arrival of the woman whose son she had come to care for deeply.

"Mrs. Kensington, what a surprise to see you here," Megan said, her voice trembling with uncertainty as she approached the table. "To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?"

Mrs. Kensington regarded Megan with a cool detachment, her piercing gaze taking in every detail of the young woman standing before her. There was a hardness to her eyes, a steely resolve that sent a shiver down Megan's spine as she awaited her response.

"I'm here to speak with you, Megan," Mrs. Kensington said, her voice calm but authoritative. "I've heard troubling reports about your involvement with my son, Alexander, and I felt it was time we had a little chat."

Megan's heart sank at the mention of Alexander's name, her mind racing with fear and uncertainty. What did Mrs. Kensington know about their relationship? And what did she intend to do about it?

"I'm not sure what you've heard, Mrs. Kensington, but I can assure you that there's nothing untoward going on between me and Alexander," Megan said, her voice trembling with defiance. "We're just friends, nothing more."

But Mrs. Kensington was not so easily swayed, her eyes narrowing with suspicion as she regarded Megan with a steely gaze. "I find that hard to believe, Megan," she said, her voice cold and unforgiving. "My son is not one to be swayed by the charms of a commoner like yourself. There must be something more to your relationship than you're letting on."

Megan's heart sank at the mention of her humble background, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment as she struggled to find the words to defend herself. She knew that Mrs. Kensington would never understand the depth of her feelings for Alexander, would never accept her as anything more than a commoner unworthy of her son's affections.

But even as doubt and uncertainty threatened to overwhelm her, Megan refused to back down, her resolve strengthened by the knowledge that her love for Alexander was true and pure. She would not let Mrs. Kensington's prejudice and disdain dictate the course of her life, would not allow her to come between her and the man she loved.

"Mrs. Kensington, with all due respect, I care deeply for your son," Megan said, her voice steady and unwavering. "And I know that he cares for me too, in his own way. Whatever concerns you may have about our relationship, I can assure you that they are unfounded. Alexander and I are simply two people who have found solace and comfort in each other's company, nothing more."

But Mrs. Kensington was not convinced, her expression hardening with resolve as she regarded Megan with a steely gaze. "I'm sorry, Megan, but I'm afraid I cannot allow this to continue," she said, her voice firm and unyielding. "My son's future is at stake, and I cannot stand idly by while he throws it all away for the sake of a commoner like yourself."

Megan's heart sank at Mrs. Kensington's words, her worst fears realized in an instant. She knew that Alexander's mother would stop at nothing to protect her son's future, even if it meant tearing him away from the woman he loved.

But even as despair threatened to consume her, Megan refused to give up hope, her love for Alexander burning bright within her heart. She would not let Mrs. Kensington's prejudice and disdain dictate the course of her life, would not allow her to come between her and the man she loved.

"Mrs. Kensington, please, I beg of you," Megan said, her voice trembling with emotion. "I know that you mean well, but I cannot simply walk away from Alexander, not when my heart tells me otherwise. Please, I implore you to reconsider your stance and give us a chance to prove

 that our love is worth fighting for."

But Mrs. Kensington's expression remained unchanged, her resolve unwavering as she regarded Megan with a steely gaze. "I'm sorry, Megan, but I'm afraid I cannot do that," she said, her voice cold and unyielding. "The stakes are too high, and I cannot allow my son to jeopardize his future for the sake of a fleeting romance with a commoner like yourself."

And with that, Mrs. Kensington rose from her seat and made her way towards the door, her departure leaving Megan feeling more alone and vulnerable than ever before. She knew that she had to find a way to convince Alexander's mother to see reason, to understand that their love was worth fighting for, but she didn't know how to make her see.

Lost in her thoughts, Megan barely registered the sound of her phone ringing in her pocket, her mind consumed by the weight of Mrs. Kensington's ultimatum. But as she pulled it out and saw Alexander's name flashing on the screen, she knew that she couldn't ignore his call, that she had to find a way to make him see reason before it was too late.

"Alexander?" Megan said, her voice trembling with uncertainty as she answered the call.

"Megan, thank goodness you answered," Alexander's voice was filled with urgency and concern, his words cutting through the silence like a knife. "We need to talk, it's important."

And as Megan listened to Alexander's words, her heart sank at the realization that their time together was running out, that the forces arrayed against them were more powerful than she could have ever imagined. But even as despair threatened to consume her, Megan refused to give up hope, her love for Alexander burning bright within her heart as she resolved to fight for their future, no matter the cost.

Megan sat in stunned silence, her phone slipping from her trembling fingers as she absorbed the weight of Mrs. Kensington's words. The air felt thick with tension, suffocating her as if she were caught in a trap of her own making. Mrs. Kensington's ultimatum echoed in her mind, a constant reminder of the insurmountable obstacles standing in the way of her love for Alexander.

As she struggled to make sense of it all, Megan felt a wave of despair wash over her, threatening to engulf her in its suffocating embrace. How could she fight against someone as powerful and determined as Alexander's mother? What chance did she have against the forces arrayed against her?

Lost in her thoughts, Megan barely registered the sound of Alexander's voice calling out to her from the other end of the line, his words a distant echo in the midst of her turmoil.

"Megan? Are you there?" Alexander's voice was filled with concern, his words cutting through the silence like a beacon of light in the darkness. "Are you okay?"

Megan hesitated for a moment, her mind racing with a thousand doubts and fears. How could she tell Alexander the truth about what had happened with his mother? How could she explain the depth of Mrs. Kensington's betrayal without destroying everything they had together?

"Alexander, I..." Megan's voice faltered, her throat tight with emotion as she struggled to find the words to express the depth of her despair. "I don't know what to do. Your mother... she..."

But before she could finish her sentence, Megan felt a surge of panic wash over her as the door to the bar swung open, revealing Mrs. Kensington standing in the doorway, her expression cold and impassive as she regarded Megan with disdain.

"Alexander, we need to talk," Mrs. Kensington said, her voice cutting through the air like a knife. "Alone."

For a moment, Megan felt as if the ground had been pulled out from beneath her feet, her heart pounding in her chest as she struggled to comprehend what was happening. How had Mrs. Kensington found her? And what did she want with Alexander?

But before she could find the answers to her questions, Alexander's voice broke through the haze of her confusion, his words filled with urgency and concern.

"Megan, I have to go," Alexander said, his voice tense with emotion. "I'll call you later, okay? Just... be careful."

And with that, he hung up the phone, leaving Megan feeling more alone and vulnerable than ever before. She knew that she had to find a way to confront Mrs. Kensington, to make her see reason before it was too late, but she didn't know how to do it.

As Mrs. Kensington approached the table where Megan sat, her expression unreadable, Megan felt a surge of fear wash over her, threatening to paralyze her with its suffocating embrace. She knew that she had to stand up to Alexander's mother, to make her understand the depth of her feelings for her son, but she didn't know if she had the strength or courage to do it.

"Mrs. Kensington, what are you doing here?" Megan asked, her voice trembling with uncertainty as she looked up at Alexander's mother. "What do you want from me?"

Mrs. Kensington regarded Megan with a cool detachment, her eyes narrowing with suspicion as she took in the young woman sitting before her. "I think you know exactly what I want, Megan," she said, her voice cold and unforgiving. "I want you to stay away from my son."

Megan's heart sank at Mrs. Kensington's words, her worst fears realized in an instant. She knew that Alexander's mother would stop at nothing to protect her son's future, even if it meant tearing him away from the woman he loved.

"But why?" Megan asked, her voice filled with confusion and despair. "Why are you doing this? Don't you see how much Alexander means to me? How much I love him?"

But Mrs. Kensington remained unmoved, her expression cold and impassive as she regarded Megan with disdain. "Love is not enough, Megan," she said, her voice dripping with contempt. "My son's future is at stake, and I cannot allow him to throw it all away for the sake of a commoner like yourself."

Megan felt a surge of anger and resentment wash over her at Mrs. Kensington's words, her hands trembling with rage as she struggled to contain her emotions. How dare she dismiss their love so callously? How dare she judge Megan based on her background and upbringing?

"But you don't understand, Mrs. Kensington," Megan said, her voice shaking with emotion. "I love Alexander with all my heart. I would do anything for him, anything to make him happy."

But Mrs. Kensington remained unmoved, her expression cold and unyielding as she regarded Megan with a steely gaze. "I'm sorry, Megan, but I cannot allow this to continue," she said, her voice firm and resolute. "I have made arrangements for Alexander to marry into a suitable family, one that will secure his future and his legacy. You have no place in that future, Megan. It's time for you to leave."

Megan felt as if the world were closing in on her, suffocating her with its suffocating embrace. How could Mrs. Kensington be so heartless

, so cruel as to tear her away from the man she loved? And what chance did she have against someone as powerful and determined as Alexander's mother?

But even as despair threatened to consume her, Megan refused to give up hope, her love for Alexander burning bright within her heart as she resolved to fight for their future, no matter the cost. She would not let Mrs. Kensington's prejudice and disdain dictate the course of her life, would not allow her to come between her and the man she loved.

And as she looked towards the uncertain future that awaited her, Megan knew that she would face whatever challenges lay ahead with courage and determination, secure in the knowledge that her love for Alexander was worth fighting for, no matter the cost.