
Seven Shades of Love

In a magical kingdom filled with romance and adventure, seven different male couples find themselves entangled in a web of love that transcends all boundaries, each with their own unique story. In the enchanted kingdom of Arandor, the first couple consists of two princes who have been friends since childhood. As they navigate their roles as future rulers of the kingdom, they also navigate their growing feelings for each other. Will they be able to balance their duty to the kingdom and their love for each other? The second couple is a merman prince and the first commander of the king's armies. They come from vastly different worlds, but find themselves drawn together by a powerful attraction. As they face challenges both on land and in the sea, they must decide if their love is worth risking everything for. The third couple is a neighboring Dragon Prince and a merchant. Despite the animosity between their two kingdoms, they find love in each other's arms. However, their love is put to the test as they face opposition from both sides of their families. The fourth couple is an Elf and the king. As the king struggles to maintain peace in his kingdom, he finds solace in the arms of the enigmatic Elf. But their love is shrouded in mystery and secrets, and they must overcome obstacles both within and outside the kingdom to be together. Fifth, we have a pair of wizard and a vampire, whose magical abilities bring them together but also put them in danger. Will they be able to protect their love from those who seek to use their powers for evil? The sixth couple is a pair of adventurers, whose love blossoms as they explore the vast wilderness of Arandor. But when they stumble upon an ancient artifact with mysterious powers, their relationship is put to the ultimate test. Finally, we meet a pair of scholars, whose shared love of knowledge brings them closer together. But when they uncover a long-lost secret that threatens to upend the very fabric of society, their love is put to the ultimate test. Amidst all the love and romance, each couple must navigate their own unique challenges and obstacles. But with the help of their partners and the magic of the kingdom, they may just find their happily ever after. Join us as we follow the twists and turns of these seven love stories, set against the backdrop of a magical kingdom unlike any other. ~~~~~****~~~~~ Team/Couples. 1. Edward x William 2. Jasper x Leonard 3. Spark x Axel 4. Azazus x Erix 5. Dravel x Azra 6. Callix x Ajax 7. Jaxith x Hale Which Team would you support? *winks*

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7 Chs

William x Edward 3

"I never planned to stop," William hinted and thrust into Edward harder.

The young man's eyes rolled up in pleasure before they closed completely for just a moment; then opened again with lustful hunger shining from them. "Oh yes..." He gasped out breathlessly.

His hands gripped hold of the plants beneath him while his legs locked together behind William's ass.

William was driving himself deeper than ever before, feeling like there wasn't enough room left within Edward anymore but still wanting more.

His balls were slapping against the Prince's tight hole over and over until finally one slap hit home too much when it made contact with that special spot on top of all others.

The sound caused both boys' heads to snap towards each other where their lips met hungrily once again. Their tongues danced between kisses as they continued to drive themselves closer to climaxing.

Edward let go of the plant beside him and grabbed hold of William instead, pulling him downwards so he could kiss along his neck.

One... Two... Three... And a loud grunt and moan tore through their lips as spurt after spurt of William's cum splashed inside Edward's hole while his dick sprayed like a fountain between them, smearing their bodies with his semen.

"Fuckk!!" William groaned out and gave another thrust, emptying his balls in his friend now turned lover.

His breathing ragged as did Edward who remained sprawled beneath him.

Slowly, William pulled out of Edward, wanting to give the latter enough time to rest and recover but Ed wasn't having that.

Quickly, his hand moved lower to grip hold of William's cock which had been throbbing painfully since his dick first entered Ed earlier this afternoon.

"You feel amazing inside me," Edward whispered huskily as he pulled off of William's mouth long enough to speak.

His fingers stroked across the length of William's shaft causing him to groan loudly.

Ed kissed his way back up to meet William's waiting lips again, kissing passionately.

The two lovers shared another passionate tongue dance before breaking apart only briefly for air. Then they were making out wildly once more, sucking on each other's mouths and licking every inch of skin exposed, ignoring the sticky liquid between them until William did something crazy.

He broke the kiss long enough to stare seductively at his friend. And while their eyes locked, he moved his index finger between them and scooped a part of Edward's cum from his torso and slowly brought it to his slightly parted lips.

Edward swallowed hard, watching the show his friend was willing to put on as he slid his fingers in, out... Going back and forth in a slow fucking manner while putting on the best show, moaning slightly and grounding his hips into Edward.

"Fuck that's hot as hell!" Edward half exclaimed.

He did not need to tell William just how hot that was as the next second his cock twitched and sprang back to life.

William had barely registered the new sensation on Edward's face nor his 9 inches cock rising to full length when Edward moved, pushing upward and flipped him over.

In an instant their positions were changed. No longer did William remain on top but somehow he wasn't bothered about that as he knew the man hovering over him would treat him and his delicate dick with reckless pleasured abandon.

"I told you I'll fuck you," Edward's deep voice rang out as he lowered his head close enough to taste William's lips but he didn't.

"You fucking tease..." Edward growled lowly against his mouth as he felt those soft lips brush along his own. "You're going to make me come," he warned his lover.

"Oh yes," William agreed with lustful hunger shining brightly within his clear blue eyes.

"Then do it," Will demanded, feeling like he might explode if he couldn't get himself off soon.

Edward grinned mischievously. The day was young and they had time... Time to each be ploughed as hungrily as they wanted.

Lifting William's right leg, his eyes wandered down to his groin and ass hole. He could see the glistening wetness there and the swollen red flesh surrounding it; the proof of what they'd done together earlier this afternoon.

He leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss upon the Prince's inner thigh before moving higher towards the source of all that heat and desire. His tongue flicked out to lick up one side of the puckered opening then the other causing both boys' bodies to shudder in pleasure before Ed finally settled on the left spot where the most sensitive area lay.

He sucked hard on that tender bud of flesh while using two fingers to spread open the tight ring around the entrance so that he could slide inside easily.

William let out another loud grunt as he watched his friend work magic on him, knowing exactly how good it felt for someone else to take care of him in such a way.

Ed pulled back long enough to look at him, seeing his expression filled with pure bliss as he continued working his fingers into William's body while sucking hard on his balls which were now tightly drawn up against his lower stomach.

"Fuck!!" William cried out loudly as he came, shooting his load into his friends waiting mouth.

The first spurt hit him square in the face making him gasp from surprise but after that he quickly recovered and began moaning deeply again as more spurts splashed across his cheeks and chin until eventually every drop had been spent.

When William was finished cumming, Ed swallowed everything down without hesitation or complaint even though some of it dribbled onto his chest and belly button afterwards.

His grin widened. "I see someone was eager. I have barely touched you or fucked you harder than you fucked me and you are spray my lovely juice, huh?"

To his surprise William looked away, his shyness something to kill for as he sucked his lower lip between his teeth.

"Stop joking, you were... Good."

He shut his eyes, unable to face his friend after cuming quickly like that.

He did not know what came over him but having Edward work his magic on him that way rendered him at his mercy.

Whether it was the thought of being dominated or something else, he did not know but soon... He felt himself begin to harden once more.

Edward cocked his brow. His surprise spilling out in his eyes at his friend.

"Are you fucking going shy on me?" He questioned in a very deep voice.

Before William could speak a sharp sting spread across his ass cheek following the sound of his bottom being spanked.

"Ah..." He gasped, a soft moan falling from his lips as he stared wide eyed at Edward.

"That's better. No getting all shy on me for anything. I said that cause I want you to know I intend on taking all your juices in my mouth or arse. Don't go wasting them without warning."

If William had any complaints before, it died down as he watched the flames of passion burn brilliantly in Edward's eyes.

"I..." William swallowed hard.

"I know. Save those words for when I am done fucking you. Now, watch me ram my hard dick into your tight arsehole."

Ed pushed forward and buried himself inside Will again; this time with much less resistance due to their previous activities together earlier.

The feeling of fullness within him made both boys groan loudly and grind against each other while they continued kissing hungrily.

William reached up and grabbed hold of Ed's shoulders tightly so he wouldn't move too far back into him but still allow enough room to thrust deeper if need be.

He wanted to feel every inch of his lover's body pressed tightly up against his own. To experience how good it would feel to have Ed moving around him as well as beneath him.

The two lovers moved slowly at first, savouring the moment where no one spoke except for the sounds of flesh slapping against skin, grunts, moans, kisses, licks... All the things that filled the air between them.

They kissed deeply, tongues dancing wildly as hands roamed freely over bodies, touching, squeezing, stroking, caressing, groping, pinching, pulling, pushing...

Every part of the human form that could possibly be touched was explored by either boy until finally, Edward pulled away long enough to look down upon William who lay sprawled underneath him.

"You're beautiful," he whispered huskily before leaning in close once more and capturing William's lips yet again.

Their mouths worked feverishly over each other's as they shared another passionate tongue dance which ended only briefly when Edward broke off once more to stare down at William's face. "I love you."

As soon as the words left their lips, both men blinked. Edward knew he asked William to wait but being with him now, his dick buried deep inside William, he could not help but relay all of his emotions.

He had known him for years, it was only natural that his heart belonged to him, yet again... It felt as though he just met him—saw William in a new light.

"And I love you," William replied just as quickly.

Edward's brows relaxed as his smile spilled into his eyes. "Then let me show you what I mean."

With a wicked grin on his lips, he began driving himself harder and faster into his friend's ass hole.

The sound of his balls smacking against the Prince's butt cheeks echoed through the clearing as did their heavy breathing. The two lovers' eyes locked onto each other's faces while they stared into each others souls and saw nothing else but pure lust burning brightly there.

William gripped hold of Ed's shoulders tighter and held himself still so the man above him didn't go too far back or forward while still allowing enough room for Edward to thrust deeper if needed.

He wanted this moment to last forever; wanted to feel every inch of Ed moving around within him like some kind of wild animal while also feeling those strong arms wrapped around him tight enough to squeeze out any remaining breath from his lungs if need be.

Ed leaned down closer to kiss William once more, wanting to taste him one final time before taking him hard, fast, rough... And then he would take everything he wanted to give to William without holding anything back.

His cock throbbed painfully in response to such thoughts and he growled lowly as he continued fucking Will roughly, making sure he got his point across loud and clear.

Quickly he pulled out and turned William while commanding in a hurried voice, "On all fours. I want to be in deep as I cum over you."

Following his order, William did as he was told.

With no second to waste since they were both close, Edward drive into the latter once more.

"Aarghhh...." William trembled feeling pleasure in a different way as Edward's dick grazed inside him.

"That's it pretty boy... Hold that ass up for me," Edward instructed once more and resumed his thrust in a punishing speed.

"Fuck!!" William cried out loudly and he quickly warned remembering Edwards words to want to taste all of him.

"I'm gonna cum..."

"Oh shit!" Edward cussed.

Once more he had him turn, dove right in again, loving the feeling of William's tight hole swallowing his hard dick.

"Edd... I'm..." His words fell short as Edward began to yank him.

"Cum with me love..."

Those insane words were all that was needed as William came, shooting his load into the air as well as up under Ed's chin where he swallowed it.

Seeing William convulse beneath him, drove Edward over the edge and he too sent his jizz up William's arse.

"Urrghhh ssch~"

The two men collapsed together on the ground panting heavily after their intense session which left them sweaty and sticky but neither cared about that at this moment.

They simply enjoyed being pressed tightly against each other until finally they could move no longer.

They lay there staring into each others eyes not saying anything but knowing exactly what needed to be said between them.