
Seven Shades of Love

In a magical kingdom filled with romance and adventure, seven different male couples find themselves entangled in a web of love that transcends all boundaries, each with their own unique story. In the enchanted kingdom of Arandor, the first couple consists of two princes who have been friends since childhood. As they navigate their roles as future rulers of the kingdom, they also navigate their growing feelings for each other. Will they be able to balance their duty to the kingdom and their love for each other? The second couple is a merman prince and the first commander of the king's armies. They come from vastly different worlds, but find themselves drawn together by a powerful attraction. As they face challenges both on land and in the sea, they must decide if their love is worth risking everything for. The third couple is a neighboring Dragon Prince and a merchant. Despite the animosity between their two kingdoms, they find love in each other's arms. However, their love is put to the test as they face opposition from both sides of their families. The fourth couple is an Elf and the king. As the king struggles to maintain peace in his kingdom, he finds solace in the arms of the enigmatic Elf. But their love is shrouded in mystery and secrets, and they must overcome obstacles both within and outside the kingdom to be together. Fifth, we have a pair of wizard and a vampire, whose magical abilities bring them together but also put them in danger. Will they be able to protect their love from those who seek to use their powers for evil? The sixth couple is a pair of adventurers, whose love blossoms as they explore the vast wilderness of Arandor. But when they stumble upon an ancient artifact with mysterious powers, their relationship is put to the ultimate test. Finally, we meet a pair of scholars, whose shared love of knowledge brings them closer together. But when they uncover a long-lost secret that threatens to upend the very fabric of society, their love is put to the ultimate test. Amidst all the love and romance, each couple must navigate their own unique challenges and obstacles. But with the help of their partners and the magic of the kingdom, they may just find their happily ever after. Join us as we follow the twists and turns of these seven love stories, set against the backdrop of a magical kingdom unlike any other. ~~~~~****~~~~~ Team/Couples. 1. Edward x William 2. Jasper x Leonard 3. Spark x Axel 4. Azazus x Erix 5. Dravel x Azra 6. Callix x Ajax 7. Jaxith x Hale Which Team would you support? *winks*

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Saving a Merman

Mounting his horse, Leonard held the reins tightly around his fingers and whipped his head to the direction where his name was called.

A light frown formed on his brows as he watched the King's eunuch rush towards him.

'What does he want now?' he grumbled inwardly.

"Lord Leonard!" Pristine called out again in a loud voice that echoed through the courtyard of the palace grounds.

"Noisy," Leonard growled.

"I have been sent by His Majesty." He bowed low before speaking once more with an air of importance about himself. "His Majesty has requested your presence at court this evening for dinner," said the eunuch.

Leonard frowned even deeper than it already had been when he heard what the man wanted from him.

The last thing he needed right then were any distractions or interruptions while trying to get some rest after all these days without sleep.

But there was no way he could refuse such a request made directly by the king so soon after their meeting yesterday morning.

It would be rude if not outright insulting considering how much time they spent together discussing matters related to his kingdom and its people.

And with the festival at hand, he knew he would soon be having lots of carry-overed sleep.


He did not spend another second there and drove his heel against the horse, galloping away from this hell hole.

An hour later, Leonard arrived at the beach and stopped his galloping horse.

The sun hung high above them like a golden ball ready to set into the sea. It cast long shadows over the sand which glittered under the bright sunlight.

As expected, many guests gathered here today; both noblemen and commoners who came to enjoy themselves at the festivities.

That was not what he wanted. Keeping his gaze ahead, he made his way along the shoreline, till the people began to fade away as he moved along the lonely part.

He wanted space, his peace and coming here was for that. Somewhere far from the palace and it's troubles where he could listen to the waves crashing onto the rocks below.

With every step closer towards those sounds, his tension eased off until finally reaching a spot just behind one of the large boulders jutting out from the cliff face.

There he dismounted and tied up his horse to let it graze on the grass growing nearby before taking care of himself.

As Leo made his way closer to the water, he caught sight of something in the distance.

Squinting, he used his hand as a shield to the sun and peered further ahead till he could make off what the figure was.

His eyes went wide when he saw a somwhat lifeless man in the water with his face and chest upward to the sun.


He did not spare a thought and immediately dashed for the water in a bid to rescue him.

The man was still alive but seemed unconscious when Leonard reached him. He pulled him close enough so that he could grab hold of him with ease. Then using all his strength, he dragged the man back ashore only for something unusual to catch his eyes.

"Whoa!" He half yelled and jumped back.

He had thought the person he saved was a human bought in reality he was a merman.

Sunshine blonde hair sprayed beneath him in the sand as his perfect face shine under the sun's rays. His skin looked smooth like silk while his lips were plump and pink like rose petals.

Leo watched in awe for a minute there, captivated by the beauty of this merman. He looked peaceful just laying there looking...

'Wait... Lifeless.' The second the thoughts ran through his mind, Leonard was jolted back to reality.

He was probably unconscious, he thought and decided to try all he can to bring him back before he was truly lost.

"Heaven's help me."

Quickly he opened his mouth with his fingers and began to pump at his chest with both hands crossed together.




Nothing. No sound, no cough. Nothing to indicate he was breathing.

Not giving up, he repeated his actions.

One... Two... Three... Four even and yet nothing.

He snapped his head to the merman's face, a myriad of emotions swirling in his eyes.

He knew he would have to draw water out but then it meant he had to use his mouth.

Hesitation flashed in his eyes once more but when he realized he could lose a life, he threw caution to the wind and pressed his nose with one hand as he leaned forward and placed his lips over his.

He sucked hard on the air inside the lungs hoping it will be enough to revive the man.


His heart beat picked pace as fear began to wash over him.

'No... No... No, come on..."

He pumped once more at his chest and hurried over to resuscitate him. However, jsut as his mouth was an inch away from the merman's, he felt a pair of eyes staring down at him.


Time seemed to have stopped as both men remained unblinking at their situation.

"What do you think you are doing?"

That sweet voice carried with it a certain dread as Leo felt cold sweat broke out on his forehead from the danger that was to come.

It was an embarrassing situation. How was he supposed to explain this?


While he fumbled in his mind for the best explanation he heard the man speak again.

"Care to explain why a stranger is kissing me?"

'Damn it!' Leonard cussed inwardly.

Just then he decided on what to do and turned his head slowly to the side, ready to make his appeal.

Everything seemed to be going hopefully well for him but the next second, a burst of unending laughter tore through the air around them like thunderclouds.

His brows snapped together, displeasure and confusion displaying on his face while his gaze darted between the two coloured irises of the merman who was now laughing hysterically.

Immediately confusion was replaced fully with rage as Leonard sprang up with his gaze still locked in the divine beauty.

The most striking feature though was his sapphire blue and emerald eyes which sparkled brightly even now.

The merman sat up and wiped some sand off his body before turning to look at him. "I am sorry," he said in a soft tone.

Leonard frowned deeper than ever before.

"You're not hurt or anything right?" He asked carefully trying to keep calm despite how angry he felt about being laughed at by someone so beautiful.

"No." The man shook his head gently.

The merman blinked slowly then opened his mouth to speak and paused.

He looked back at him, waiting patiently as though accessing the situation till he finally spoke again.

"Why did you kiss me?" His question came out softly, almost tenderly.

"Kiss you?! I... I thought you were dead!" Leonard growled angrily, feeling anger rise within himself.

He had been saved from drowning only for this man to ask such questions? It was insulting!

"Oh, really? And just when was that exactly?" the merman replied calmly as if nothing happened.

"Well... Just now..." Leonard grumbled under his breath.

"And where was your tongue all this time? Or perhaps it was somewhere else entirely?" The merman smirked playfully.

"What kind of sick joke is that! You could have died! I..." He stopped abruptly and locked eyes with the merman.

"No. Wait. Don't tell me you weren't drowning."

"I won't." Another playful smirk formed on his rosy lips. "I was actually sun bathing," he said with a giggle.

"But you looked lifeless."

"No... You actually assumed that and came to the conclusion all by yourself."

"What? I saved... Urgh! Why didn't you move when I brought you to shore and even kissed you the first time after trying to resuscitate you?"

"Because a handsome human was trying to rescue me. How could I let this go to waste?"

Leonard's jaw dropped open in shock at what he heard next.

"How would you even tell when your eyes were closed?"

"They were but I could. Pfft..." He chuckled out once more, throwing his head back, allowing his golden locks fall behind him in a beautiful display.

For a moment there, Leonard was distracted but when his eyes fell on the man's face, he growled and turned away.

"Fucking enjoy your drama. I'm out."

He turned around, raking his fingers through his light blue hair as he walked away from the psychotic merman whose gaze escorted him.

Quickly he made to turn and then his body glowed with a golden blinding light which resulted in pulling Leonard's attention his way.

Seconds later everything stopped and what stood before Leonard was not a merman with golden tail but now a man with two legs and...

For a split second the shock flashed through his eyes as they caught sight of the divine gift resting between his thick thighs.

"Hey human," the merman called out, pulling Leonard back to reality.

"Go away," Leonard yelled and made a turn, heading for his horse.

"I'm sorry okay... I know it wasn't funny..."

"Yet you still did it. Get lost into the ocean where you came from."

"Can't. Not when I made a handsome human angry."

"Stop calling me human," Leonard corrected.

"Only if you tell me your name."

"Get out."

"Not until you tell me your name, human."

Leonard stopped in his track, his breathing shallow and his thoughts all muddled up with images of the merman.

"Fuck it, fine."

"You will?" The merman asked and when he saw Leonard release his clenched fist, he chuckled and ran after him.

Frustrated enough Leonard turned around, ready to say his name and chase him off when his eyes landed on the engorged meat dangling between the merman's legs as he ran.

"Fuck." He grumbled under his breath while turning his head away towards the sea. "Fine!" He shouted again and waited till he reached him before speaking once more.

"My name is Leonard."

The merman smiled widely at that.

"Leo? That's a nice name." He said happily as though nothing happened earlier.

Leonard was about correcting him but kicked against it.

"I'm Jasper, you can call me Jas for short."