
Seven Shades of Love

In a magical kingdom filled with romance and adventure, seven different male couples find themselves entangled in a web of love that transcends all boundaries, each with their own unique story. In the enchanted kingdom of Arandor, the first couple consists of two princes who have been friends since childhood. As they navigate their roles as future rulers of the kingdom, they also navigate their growing feelings for each other. Will they be able to balance their duty to the kingdom and their love for each other? The second couple is a merman prince and the first commander of the king's armies. They come from vastly different worlds, but find themselves drawn together by a powerful attraction. As they face challenges both on land and in the sea, they must decide if their love is worth risking everything for. The third couple is a neighboring Dragon Prince and a merchant. Despite the animosity between their two kingdoms, they find love in each other's arms. However, their love is put to the test as they face opposition from both sides of their families. The fourth couple is an Elf and the king. As the king struggles to maintain peace in his kingdom, he finds solace in the arms of the enigmatic Elf. But their love is shrouded in mystery and secrets, and they must overcome obstacles both within and outside the kingdom to be together. Fifth, we have a pair of wizard and a vampire, whose magical abilities bring them together but also put them in danger. Will they be able to protect their love from those who seek to use their powers for evil? The sixth couple is a pair of adventurers, whose love blossoms as they explore the vast wilderness of Arandor. But when they stumble upon an ancient artifact with mysterious powers, their relationship is put to the ultimate test. Finally, we meet a pair of scholars, whose shared love of knowledge brings them closer together. But when they uncover a long-lost secret that threatens to upend the very fabric of society, their love is put to the ultimate test. Amidst all the love and romance, each couple must navigate their own unique challenges and obstacles. But with the help of their partners and the magic of the kingdom, they may just find their happily ever after. Join us as we follow the twists and turns of these seven love stories, set against the backdrop of a magical kingdom unlike any other. ~~~~~****~~~~~ Team/Couples. 1. Edward x William 2. Jasper x Leonard 3. Spark x Axel 4. Azazus x Erix 5. Dravel x Azra 6. Callix x Ajax 7. Jaxith x Hale Which Team would you support? *winks*

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7 Chs

William x Edward 2

He moved away from the base of William's cock and began kissing all over the rest of his torso—his chest, stomach, arms, shoulders—until he reached the other man's neck.

Then, he planted a soft kiss there, before moving lower still, kissing his way across his chest as he made his way toward his nipples.

"Oh fuck," William moaned as Edward kissed each nipple in turn while continuing to tease the tip of his dick with the tip of his tongue.

"I want you inside me," said Edward, breaking their eye contact for the first time since he'd started licking and sucking on his lover's body. "Please."

Right now, it was William wanting to be filled and fucked but seeing the pleading look in Edward's eyes, he threw his selfishness away.

William nodded eagerly and replied, "Yes."

Edward stood up and helped the naked prince to his feet. Then, without any further ado, the two men fell into one another's embrace, lost in the heat of the moment. They were both panting heavily by the time they broke apart.

They stumbled over to an old oak tree that was covered with vines that hung down like curtains around it.

The branches above them provided a perfect canopy of privacy that would allow them some much needed alone-time together.

"Are we ready?" asked William as he looked down at himself with a smile.

His hardening member jutted proudly out from between his legs as he gazed at his handsome friend who had been so eager to see him aroused and excited.

"You're beautiful, Will," replied Edward, his eyes glistened with emotion and desire. He couldn't believe how lucky he was to have found someone to love him the way he loved him. He wanted nothing more than to be joined forever.

"I've never seen anything sexier in my life," said Edward as his gaze traveled slowly over every inch of his lover's body—from his strong shoulders, broad chest, flat stomach... all the way down to where those thick thighs met muscular calves.

He could feel William's heart beating against his own chest—a steady rhythm—as if trying to tell him something important.

Edward reached behind William and grabbed hold of his ass cheeks with both hands and pulled him closer until their bodies were pressed tightly together.

Then he leaned forward and kissed him again. "I want that load deep in my ass as you wank me off till we cum together," Edward whispered into William's ear.

"Do not worry, I will make sure ymto fuck you hard in the next round but for now, make me yours."

William's dick twitched again and now that it was pressed against Edward's dick, he felt bolt of electricity rush through him as more precum came out.

"No lube but..."

"Use your precum. I am also not scared of being torn by you. Hurry and make me yours."

That was all the cue William needed. Quickly, he stroked himself again, loving Edward's heated gaze on his member and then he lifted the latter's left leg.

Getting the thrill, Edward adjusted himself too, bringing his arse hole close to the latter's hip, ready for the taking.

Spitting into his fingers, he lattered Edward's arse hole for him, pushing in a finger first an into his tight snatch to stretch him.

He knew even without experience how much this would hurt at first before feeling better once they'd broken in a little bit more.

"Oh god," moaned Edward as he watched as William pushed two of his fingers inside as well as another one up against his anus as he continued to thrust in.

He could feel every inch of those long digits stretching and tearing apart as William worked them deeper and deeper within him.

He could feel every muscle tense and relax around those invading appendages and every time there was some resistance from either side, it only made him want it all that much more.

The pain soon turned into pleasure, making him groan loudly, which caused Will's eyes to widen with excitement, knowing that the moment had finally arrived—that the prince who loved him so deeply wanted nothing more than for him to take over the reins completely—and give him a good fucking!

William reached down between their bodies and grabbed hold of his lover's cock again as he began pumping away furiously while still fingering his hole simultaneously. His own dick was throbbing painfully now as he felt Edward begin to move faster in sync with his fingers.

He stopped abruptly, taking his fingers out and lifted his eyes to meet him.

"Ready, love?"

Edward held his gaze for a split second, his mouth opened and dry, the words failing to come out.

He swallowed later and when he tried to open his mouth to answer, William thrust with a force that left his mouth open as the tip of his dick pushed in through the rim of his ass hole, breaking his virginity.

He groaned, having not being properly stretched to accommodate such length but to their shock, Edward's dick oozed out enough precum.

William's lips parted, a sweet smile forming first, "Someone seems to love pain. Nice."

Then he pulled back slightly before pushing forward once more until they were both fully joined together.

The sensation sent shivers up and down each other's spines and they moaned at the same time before kissing passionately once more as they moved slowly in unison as if they'd been doing this forever and knew exactly what would please and excite one another most.

"Fuck me," Edward moaned after several minutes passed by without any movement from either man or anything else happening. "You ain't a pussy, so take me hard."

A wild grin formed of William's face as thoughts of how to make Edward regret those words filled his mind.

"My pleasure."

And then William did just that, grabbing hold of his lover's hips and pulling him closer as he slammed into him with all his might—harder than he ever had in his life—and the two men cried out in pleasure.

They continued like that for some time—William thrusting into him with all he had while he kissed his neck—until finally, their bodies began moving on their own accord; their rhythm growing faster and faster till it was almost too much for them to handle. They could feel their bodies tightening and tensing as their orgasms approached.

William reached down and grabbed William's cock again, stroking him off.

"I'm going to cum soon!" said William, looking down at their joined bodies and then at Edward's cock as the head swelled. "And so are you." He leaned forward, pressing himself against his friend's chest, feeling the heat radiating from the latter's body.

"Urgh.... fuck... you're so hard inside me, reaching deep Will. I love it... Ohh yess!" Edward half screamed and threw his head back.

"Do not stop fucking me," Edward declared, his moans drowning his hearing.

William nodded and wrapped an arm around the naked prince, holding onto him tightly as he started pounding away at a furious pace as he felt Ed about ready to blow.

He couldn't believe how good he felt right now!

"I never planned to stop."