
The Name's Meliodas

After Meliodas arrived at the school, He got lost trying to find Principal Nezu's Office and ended up wandering the whole school. "Where in the world is this Nezu guy's office? Hmm, looks like I'll need to ask someone for directions." Meliodas says to himself. Meanwhile in Class 1A, Bakugou is looking out the window when he sees Meliodas walking around. "Who the hell is that guy? I've never seen him on campus before. Could he be a new student?. No, The school won't accept new students for another year. Could he be a spy?" Bakugou thinks to himself. He watches Meliodas's movements before getting up to leave the class but before he walked out of the door Kirishima notices Bakugou. "Hey Bakugou where are you going?" Kirishima asks. "Mind you own damn Business, Weird Hair." Bakugou rudely responds before slamming the door behind him. "Man, What was that about?" Kirishima says. "Just ignore him. He's always like that remember." Mineta replies before they all continued chatting.

Meanwhile, Meliodas looks around but can't find anyone around. "Where is everyone? Why is this place so quiet?" Meliodas says to himself. He continues to look around the campus when he turns a corner and sees Bakugou in front of him. "Hey, you." he says. Meliodas feels a slight sense of relief as he now can finally ask for directions. "Excuse me, Do you know where-" Meliodas asks before he was interrupted. "Shut up kid. I'm asking the questions here." Bakugou responds which confuses Meliodas. "Who the hell are you? I've never seen you here before so that means you don't belong here. How did you get by the UA Barrier and more importantly, what's your plan." Bakugou interrogates Meliodas which leads him to realize that this child is misunderstanding his reason for being on the campus. "I think you are misunderstanding I'm not here to-" Meliodas again says but was interrupted. "Shut up and answer my questions or do you want to be blown to bits?" Bakugou tries intimidating Meliodas into answering his question but this slightly irritates Meliodas as Bakugou isn't allowing him to clear up the misunderstanding. "You've got guts kid but you should respect your elders." Meliodas says which annoys Bakugou and makes him more impatient. "I asked you a question. I'm not gonna ask again." Bakugou demands which slightly entertains Meliodas and he decides to push further. "If you're not gonna give me directions, I'm gonna have to beat it out of you." Meliodas replies. "Are you underestimating me, you bastard?!" Bakugou yells before rushing to Meliodas.

Bakugou attacks Meliodas with an explosive kick but Meliodas just stopped it with his bare hands which surprises Bakugou. "What?!!" Bakugou says before jumping back. "Jeez, is that all you got? even with that kind of power, you can't even hurt a pig." Meliodas says, mocking the boy for his weak explosions which infuriates Bakugou. "Why you?! GO TO HELL!!!" Bakugou yells but just before Bakugou let out another explosion, Aizawa used his quirk to stop Bakugou and Meliodas from escalating the fight. "Bakugou, What do you think you're doing?!" Aizawa yells. Bakugou turns to face his teacher with a look of slight relief and confidence. "This guy got into UA and he isn't a student or a teacher. We don't know where he came from. We can tie him up and interrogate him." Bakugou explains. "No you idiot, He is supposed to meet Principal Nezu, and you're not supposed to attack random people you think are suspicious. That's not what heroes do, Now head back to class. I'll deal with you later." Aizawa scolds Bakugou which he reluctantly listens and begins walking away. "tsk. Whatever." Bakugou says. "What? No Apology?" Meliodas says trying to comedically enrage Bakugou further which to his delight was a success. "Shut up kid, Before I shove some dirt down your throat." Bakugou yells before leaving. Meliodas smiles with delight before Aizawa turns to him. "What are you doing out here?" Aizawa asks.

"I've been looking for Mr. Nezu's Office but I got lost so I tried to find someone for directions but there wasn't anyone around." Meliodas explains which causes Aizawa to sigh with exhaustion. "Of course. Right now is currently class hours so no one is outside. I'll escort you to his office so you won't get lost again." Aizawa replies to which Meliodas thanks him and they walk to Nezu's office. Meanwhile, Bakugou heads back to his classroom. He opens the door and walks in before walking to his table. Kirishima calls him before noticing his clothes were dirty. "Hey man what happened to your clothes?" Kirishima asks. "None of your business, Weird Hair." Bakugou responds in a shockingly modest tone and they were surprised so Kaminari decides to make a joke. "Were you having fun in the girl's bathroom?" Kaminari jokingly says which annoys Bakugou. "YOU WANNA GO, YOU IDIOT?!!" Bakugou yells which scares Kaminari. "I'M SORRY, I WAS KIDDING!!!" Kaminari apologizes and Bakugou calms down before he sits down in his seat. "But still that guy...He isn't normal. If he managed to stop my attack so easily he must be stronger than he seems." Bakugou thinks to himself but the thought of Meliodas being stronger than him infuriated him further. "I'M GONNA ROAST THAT BASTARD NEXT TIME!!" Bakugou screams in his head.

Meliodas and Aizawa reach principal Nezu's office. Aizawa knocks on the door and hears Nezu invite him in before he opens the door and they both walk in. "I brought the kid you spoke about." Aizawa says and Meliodas makes a quick introduction before Nezu asks him to sit down. Aizawa excuses himself and walks out the door but Nezu stops him and asks him to sit as well to which Aizawa closes the door and sits down next to Meliodas. "Welcome Meliodas to UA Highschool. I hope you arrived without incident." Nezu says. "Nope, I'm fine." Meliodas replies. "That's good to hear. Now let us begin our discussion. As you know Meliodas, You will be living here as of today. Your room will be next to class 1A in an old storage room we remodeled to suit your needs." Nezu explains to Meliodas where he will stay which slightly confuses Aizawa. "Why does this concern me?" Aizawa asks. "I called you here because as of today Meliodas will be going to class alongside you." Nezu replies which surprised Aizawa. "What, Why?" he asks. "It's because currently, all the teachers have their hands full, and your the only one who can keep an eye on Mr. Meliodas." Nezu explains but Aizawa isn't very happy with his explanation.

Aizawa:"I get that, however-".

Nezu:"I'm sorry Aizawa just one moment. (speaks into the mic)"Cementoss could you please come to my office?".

Cementoss:"You called Nezu?".

Nezu:"Yes, could you bring our guest to his room next to class 1A?".

Cementoss:"Alright then, come along now".

Meliodas:"Bye Mr. Nezu".


(door shuts)

Nezu:"You don't trust him, do you?".

Aizawa:"Your eyes are as sharp as ever. There's just something I don't like about him. I can feel an empty void of darkness inside him".

Nezu:"This is why I need you to watch over him. You're the only one who can cancel out his quirk if he tries to hurt anyone".

Aizawa:"So, that's why you asked me".


Aizawa:"Alright, I'll do it".

Nezu:"Thank you".

Aizawa:"I'll be going now".



Nezu:"Please,be careful".

Aizawa:"I will".

(door shuts)

Nezu:(sigh)"I'm sorry Meliodas however there are precautions we must take even if you are as humble as you may seem".

(Back with Meliodas and Cementoss)

Cementoss:"This should be your room kid".

Meliodas:"Thanks Mr?".

Cementoss:"Just call me Cementoss".

Meliodas:"Thanks Cementoss".

(Meliodas opens the door to see a huge room with a bed, cupboard, Mini TV, shower, mini kitchen, and Washing machine)


Aizawa:"Yup, now get ready we're leaving".

Meliodas:"Oh it's you, umm Mr?".

Aizawa:"Just Aizawa is fine".

Meliodas:"Alright then Aizawa, Where are we going?".

Aizawa:"You're coming with me to the classroom I teach".

(A few moments later)

Aizawa:"This is the place. From now on every morning at 8:30, you will enter this place . You better not be late".

Meliodas:"Yes sir".

Aizawa:"Please don't say that".

(door opens)

Aizawa:"Everyone, As of today we will have someone assisting me during your classes. Please don't annoy him or whatever. Come in".

Meliodas:"You are "Amazing" with introductions arent you Aizawa".

The class:"huh?".

Meliodas:"Hey guys, The name's Meliodas. Nice to meetcha".

Bring Them Home

(Back in the Seven Deadly Sins World. After finding out about the survivor of the Belialuin Massacre, She stayed in her room for over 3 days)

(knock, knock)

Elizabeth:"Merlin, Are you ok? You've been in your room for days. Please open the door".

(Just then, the door began to open)

Merlin:"What is it Big SisSis?".

Elizabeth:"Oh thank god your alright. We were so worried when you didn't come out of your room".

Merlin:"Sorry about that. I was trying to figure out exactly what that stone that man used was and Where the Captain and Ban is".

Elizabeth:"Well, How about you take a break. Here, Have some water".

(Hands Merlin a glass of water)

Merlin:"Thank you".

(Merlin drinks it )

Elizabeth:"You should take a break for now. Come out, We have some food prepared for you".

Merlin:"Thank you, I'll be down in a few minutes".


(the door closes)

Merlin:"Looks like I will have to postpone my research. This will be very interesting once I understand it better".

(Merlin walks out of her room and heads downstairs)

Diane:"Merlin, your back!!!".

Merlin:"I'm sorry if I worried you".

Elizabeth:"It's alright Merlin".

Merlin:"Where are King and Gowther?".

Diane:"They both went towards the Fairy Kings Forest to let Elaine know what happened to Ban".

Merlin:"I see".

Elizabeth:"Come here Merlin, we have some fresh steak ready for you".

Merlin:"Thank you".

(A few minutes later)

Diane:"So Merlin, Did you find any leads on how to get the Captain and Ban back?".

Merlin:"Currently thanks to that stone the man used I was able to access a realm which shows me all the different worlds out there which I decided to call "The Vault".There are far too many worlds out there, even worlds that haven't been created yet. It will take months to track down the Captain's and Ban's current locations and even if we did, we have no guarantee that they are in the same world or if we can find them".

Elizabeth:"S-so there's no way we can find them?".

Merlin:"No, It is possible, it's just gonna take a while to nail down their exact location but I promise you Big SisSis that I will find them and I will bring them back".

Elizabeth:"Thank you".

Diane:"Yeah and you have Me, King, and Gowther helping you out too. We will find them".

Merlin:"No matter what. We will bring them home".

Merlin:"By the way, Big SisSis, When are you planning on telling everyone your pregnant?".

Elizabeth and Diane:"HUH?!!!".

Next chapter