
Seven Deadly Sins transported to MHA

With The threat of the Demon King gone and chaos Caith being defeated the 7 deadly sins separate from each other. After a reunion party was stopped when strange men infiltrated the castle and attacked the sins but thanks to Meliodas's incredible strength they were taken down easily when one of them pulls out a purple orb which teleports Meliodas and Ban to a foreign place. Can they make it back home in this strange new world?

TrueCulture_io123 · Anime & Comics
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84 Chs

The Beginning of The Alternate War.

Merlin, Christopher, Boruto, and Mitsuki walk around the city. After a while, they decide to sit down in a park and eat some burgers. "This is so good!" Boruto says with a smile on his face and Mitsuki nods in agreement. "I quite enjoyed the food here and my time spent in the village." Merlin says. "I'm assuming your world isn't advanced enough to have invented burgers and other modern foods." Christopher says and Merlin nods. "Exactly, however, I find it surprising that you're assuming that despite knowing everything about me." Merlin says. "Well, I don't know everything." Christopher says. "I thought you said you knew everything about us?" Boruto asks, surprised by Christopher's answer. "Well, I know the future but as for what I know about you individually, I can only know about your name, abilities, place of birth, physiological and psychological health, age, and strengths. Anything outside of that I won't know anything about it." Christopher explains. "That's basically everything about them." Boruto says. "No, I don't know their weaknesses, life experiences, etcetera. But I can find out their life experiences if I access their memories or control them." Christopher says and Merlin just sighs. "Regardless, I want to thank you again for helping me see my friends again and make sure they were well." Merlin says, thanking Christopher for his help. "Don't mention it. As long as we both mutually benefit then I shouldn't be thanked for anything." Christopher replies. "Still, I wanted to watch the rest of the fight. It was getting really good." Boruto says. "I agree with you, If Merlin allows it I am willing to continue the illusion and we can watch it together." Christopher says before turning to Merlin. "Very well, I would also like to see how the battle had ended." Merlin agrees and Christopher nods. "This time I won't get rid of the chairs." Christopher says before the world went dark again. Suddenly four chairs appeared and Christopher insisted they all sit down which they all followed and sat down. Suddenly, Popcorn appeared in Christopher's hands and floated to everyone. "Popcorn?" Christopher asks. They all grab it and Merlin asks what it was. "A food from my world. I think you might like it." Christopher says before sitting down also. "Time to enjoy the show." Christopher says. Suddenly the world appears back where it left off.

Suddenly a large beam of fire rips through the darkness they were trapped in and they fell to the ground. "Oh, so you have more juice inside do you?" Meliodas says. "Mirko...grab Kamui and run.." Endeavor says while breathing heavily and laying on the ground. "You want me to leave you here with them?!" Mirko protests but Endeavor rejected her protest. "Just do it!.. I'll hold them off." Endeavor demands. "You can't even stand up!" Mirko argues but their argument was cut off by Meliodas. "I respect your ability to care for people even in this situation however I won't let anyone leave. It's not like you can anyway." Meliodas responds before jumping towards them but before he reached Endeavor a shockwave pushed Meliodas back. "What?!" Endeavor says with surprise.

"Hope has arrived. No one fear."

Endeavor looks to his side.

"Because I Am Here."

Smiles filled the faces of everyone everywhere as altogether, Everyone screams with joy and relief: "All Might!"

"Who is that?" Boruto asks. "He is the former Number 1 Hero of that world. He is supposed to be the strongest but he will retire soon after this." Christopher explains before eating some popcorn. With All Might's arrival, it makes Meliodas grow a grin of excitement. "I didn't think we would finally have a face-to-face battle All Might." Meliodas says before standing up. "You've gone too far Meliodas if you're even still in there. Rather you were a friend to the school or not I won't let this slide. It is my duty as the number one hero. The symbol of peace. I. All Might will stop you no matter what!" All Might yells with anger. "Well, I guess it's time for you to dance with the devil." Meliodas says.

"Your friend is really menacing." Boruto says and Merlin nods in agreement. "If he wants to, he can make himself seem like the cruelest person in the world." Merlin replies.

Meliodas and All Might stands still and staring at one another. The sound of dripping water can be heard. As soon as the drop of water falls to the ground, All Might jumps at Meliodas. "Delaware SMASH!" All Might yells before trying to punch Meliodas. "Too slow." Meliodas says before he turns to the side and dodges his attack before sending All Might flying through multiple buildings. "He's fast!" Boruto says. "He isn't going at his full speed. Right now he is quite slow actually." Merlin replies which surprises Boruto and Mitsuki. All Might gets up and jumps towards him again but was pulled down by an unknown force and the pressure on him was so great he couldn't stand. "What did you...do to me?!" All Might asks. "Don't worry about it." Meliodas replies before he grabs All Mights chin and the pressure suddenly disappears but Meliodas knees him and sends him flying into the air and he crashes into the news helicopter. All Might quickly recovers and save the falling news reporters but their equipment was destroyed. He takes them down and told them to run which they did. "You really didn't care for those people did you Meliodas?" All Might asks with anger in his voice. "What else did it look like. They were a pesky fly that was in my way so I dealt with it." Meliodas replies.

"My, how sweet of him." Christopher says which confuses Mitsuki, Merlin, and Boruto. "What do you mean?" Mitsuki asks. "He didn't want the world to see the failure of the Number 1 Hero so he destroyed the helicopter to get rid of the reporters." Christopher explains and both Mitsuki, Merlin, and Boruto realized what he meant and ate more popcorn. "What happened to the previous Meliodas?! The one that saved many lives during the Nomu attacks in Hosu city! The one-" All Might yells but Meliodas suddenly appears in front of him, grabbed his mouth, and slammed him into the ground. "Has no one ever told you that you talk too much?" Meliodas asks. All Might took the chance to punch him but Meliodas grabs his fist with his bare hands and threw All Might at a building but before he landed Endeavor came in and caught him in time. They both teamed up and both Endeavor and All Might rush Meliodas and they began to fight together. Mirko and Kamui got up and decided to join the fight but were stopped by Ban and Kuro. "The captain has an extra opponent but I also wanna let loose." Ban says. "Same here. Let's enjoy this while we can." Kuro says and they began battling each other.

All Might jumps at Meliodas and Endeavor uses Flashfire Fist-Hell Spider to prevent Meliodas from dodging. "I have you now Meliodas! Detroit SMASH!!" All Might yells when he suddenly just falls to the ground by the same pressure he felt earlier. "tsk...Again?!" All Might says to himself. "Flashfire Fist-Jet Burn!" Endeavor yells but Meliodas just moves to the side and dodges his attack. All Might forces himself up and jumps at Meliodas but Meliodas slams him into the top of a skyscraper. All Might tries to get up when Meliodas suddenly appears above him. "Yo." Meliodas says before flicking his finger on All Mights head sending him flying straight to the ground. "Prominence Burn!!" Endeavor yells before sending his attack towards Meliodas but Meliodas pulls out LostVayne and sent the attack flying to another building when suddenly another Meliodas appeared and shifts the direction of the attack again. Meliodas sent it in the direction of another building when a third Meliodas appeared and counters it straight towards the ground and a final Meliodas appears on the ground and sends it flying in the direction of All Might and Endeavor. Endeavor managed to dodge but All Might wasn't as lucky as he got hit by the attack.

"All Might!" Endeavor yells with concern but he sees All Might laying on the ground. Meliodas jumps down and walks toward All Might and puts his foot on All Might's face. "How does it feel to be looked down upon by the demon king?" Meliodas says. Endeavor flies in but Meliodas grabs his face. "You don't know who you're dealing with!" Endeavor yells which makes Meliodas smile. "Oh? I think you are mistaken. You two are the ones who don't know who they're dealing with." Meliodas says before he suddenly started changing. The mark on his head disappeared and a symbol appeared on his chest along with a new outfit and some wings on the back. Suddenly the environment started to change. The winds got stronger, the weather became more violent, the sea was raging much stronger than ever before. "What's going on?!" Boruto asks. "That's how the world reacts to his Demon King Form." Merlin explains. "Demon King Form?" Boruto says in confusion. "Its like his full power. When he uses it, the world becomes unstable." Merlin explains which shocks both Boruto and Mitsuki but they just kept watching. Endeavor and All Might were in complete shock from the sheer power coming from Meliodas however they both still forced themselves up. "Do you need more convincing?" Meliodas asks. "We understand the level of power you have however we won't back down." All Might yells which slightly disappointed Meliodas. "You do not understand my power. Let me give a better demonstration."


Suddenly everyone in the entire world kneeled. Everyone didn't understand what was going on. "This is what you humans should do in my presence. Remember that." Meliodas says. "What...are you?!" All Might asks. Meliodas sits on his throne and leans his head on his hand.

"I am the Demon King. You all will kneel before me. Kneel before your new king."

"Kneel Before The Demon King"

"Your friends are insane!" Boruto says and Mitsuki nods in agreement. "Thats really normal in my world, however what I am most impressed with is the Captain's improved acting skills." Merlin says. "You really aren't surprised by what they are doing?" Mitsuki asks and Merlin shakes her head. "It's the usual for me." she replies and they continued to watch the fight. Ban and Kuro walk forward from behind the throne and threw Mirko and Kamui to All Might and Endeavor. They caught them safely but they're both injured. Meliodas smiles while looking down at them from the throne. "You should've thought your decision to face against us more thoroughly Endeavor. Now, look at the situation you're in. I made the world itself kneel before me and so should you. You can't win this fight even with the number 1 hero fighting beside you." Meliodas mockingly says. "Why you!!" Endeavor says. "I would suggest also erasing such hatred towards me as no matter how much you struggle your only delaying the inevitable."


Suddenly hundreds of dark monsters and soldiers rose from the ground and surrounded the throne. There were so many they couldn't see the end. "Starting today I'm going to rule this world. Everything will be in the palm of my hand. No matter how much you struggle you only delaying the inevitable. Your only delaying my title of this world's ruler so I suggest you give in and work for me." Meliodas says. All the dark monsters and soldiers started kneeling and kept chanting "All Hail The Demon King!" over and over. "I must admit that whoever came up with this idea should win a prize of sorts. They keep adding to the fear and worry." Merlin says. After a short back and forth both Endeavor and All Might prepared a plan to evacuate Kamui and Mirko. Right before they started the plan they hear the voice of someone calling out to them. They both look in the direction of the voices and were surprised to see Best Jeanist has arrived. "I came as soon as I could however it appears I made it too late." Best Jeanist says but both All Might and Endeavor began to smile. "No you made it just in time." All Might says and suddenly other heroes arrived on scene such as Edgeshot, Crust, Yoroi Musha, Wash, and others. "Are you alright? It appears we made it just before things got worse." Edgeshot asks and they hear the voices of Wash and Crust evacuating the bystanders. Suddenly Endeavor felt shaking on his shoulders. He looks down to see Kamui and Mirko have both woken up. "Sorry to keep you waiting." Mirko says. "Everyone's here?" Kamui asks with surprise. Endeavor smiles and looks back up to the sky. "Yes, Yes we are." Endeavor proudly says. Endeavor then see's Ryukyu flying in the sky and lands. Behind her appears more heroes are arriving. "Is everyone alright?!" Ryukyu asks. "We came to help when we saw the news report was stopped abruptly." Gang Orca says. More News Helicopters came and started recording all the heroes gathered at the throne. Both Endeavor and All Mights smiles widened before All Might steps forward to the throne. "This is what it means to be a hero. No matter how strong you are we will fight to the bitter end and take the victory. Together!!" All Might proudly yells before he raises his fist into the air.

"Hope Has Arrived. No One Fear. Because WE Are Here!"

All the heroes began to walk forward and Meliodas starts to smile and the dark monsters and soldiers disappear. Meliodas stands up with an excited grin widening across his face and walks forward. "I accept the challenge, All Might. May this be the final deciding factor of who controls this world." Meliodas excitedly says. "Let's take him down!" Endeavor yells. "I have some payback I would love to give!" Mirko says. "Let's move!" All Might yells and everyone together release a large battle cry. "PLUS ULTRA!!" "Take them down guys!!" Boruto begins cheering for the heroes before realizing he said it out loud and apologized before sitting back down. "Don't worry about it. In this scenario, everyone would be cheering the other heroes victory." Merlin assures before eating more popcorn and watching the movie but the fight was short lived as a loud growl sound echoed throughout the city which freezes all the heroes in place with worry. Shockingly Meliodas appears to turn back to his original form and grabs his stomach. (Could he be injured?!) Both Endeavor and All Might thinks to themselves. Everyone still stood in place when Meliodas finally breaks the silence. "Man. I'm starving. All that king of the world stuff has made me hungry." Meliodas says while rubbing his stomach which surprised everyone. Ban then walks up to Meliodas and hits him on top of his head.

"Goddammit Captain you broke character!" Ban said upset that Meliodas failed his acting school. After a bit of a back and forth they all leave the fight as if nothing had happened and went to go get something to eat. Everyone then hears someone laugh and turns to see Merlin trying to hold back her laughter. "What a waste of all the expense but I did enjoy the ending." Merlin says. "I'm disappointed. I was expected something more cool." Boruto says before leaning back on his chair. "Would you like to see what would've happened if they stuck in character?" Christopher asks. "You can do that?!" Boruto asks and Christopher nods. "It's as easy as




the sound of a snap echoed throughout the room.