
Seven Deadly Sins transported to MHA

With The threat of the Demon King gone and chaos Caith being defeated the 7 deadly sins separate from each other. After a reunion party was stopped when strange men infiltrated the castle and attacked the sins but thanks to Meliodas's incredible strength they were taken down easily when one of them pulls out a purple orb which teleports Meliodas and Ban to a foreign place. Can they make it back home in this strange new world?

TrueCulture_io123 · Anime & Comics
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84 Chs

Beginning of Blood

"Let's get back to why we are here." Shigaraki says before everyone gathers around the table. Shigaraki turns to Lady Nagant. "What have you and Stain gathered?" Shigaraki asks which surprises Hawks. "Stain, so he's helping us too?" Hawks asks and Shigaraki nods his head in agreement. "He came up with this plan in the first place." Shigaraki says which makes Hawks laugh."You would think he would at least show up when he shares his plans, so where is he?" Hawks asks and everyone turns to Nagant. "While we were on our way, we were chased by Toshinori so Stain stayed back to let me escape with the information." Nagant explains which surprised everyone. "He's insane if he thinks he could battle him on his own and come out alive." Endeavor says. "I'm with you Endeavor. The heroes standing in this room are the only people who can fight against Toshinori and come out alive or on even footing like Shigaraki. He's not one of them so he's dead for sure." Hawks agrees which angers Lady Nagant who took a step forward but was held back by Shigaraki. "I suggest you don't disrespect the man who gave you the opportunity to have a clean slate and start over and has sacrificed himself to ensure the information he gathered on One For All made it to us safely." Shigaraki says. "Regardless, let's get back on topic, what do you have on Toshinori Nagant?" Mirko asks.

She grabs the sling bag and places it on the table. "I don't know about everything that he has given us so I won't be able to explain everything but for starters, we have discovered Toshinori's weakness." Lady Nagant explains. "What is it?" Chisaki asks. "I am unsure rather you are all aware but the Toshinori now is different from the Toshinori from the past." she says before pulling out the last ADB vial. "What is that?" Hawks asks. "Stain told me that this is some kind of Demon Blood made by one of the scientists working with Toshinori. Whatever this is it morphed Toshinori's body into something I have never seen before, along with enhancing all of his physical abilities and offering him what appears to be new quirks." Lady Nagant finishes which shocks everyone in the room. "All that from that one vial?" Endeavor asks and Nagant nods in agreement. "This thing is extremely powerful and may be the key in finishing Toshinori." Nagant adds. "What makes you think that?" Chisaki asks. "If we could reverse engineer this blood and understand what it is then we may be able to strengthen other heroes to fight him or even find a way to reverse what Toshinori did to himself and render him a far lesser threat than he is now." she finishes which intrigues Hawks. "Interesting." Hawks thinks to himself before smiling. "As for his weakness, because of this vial, it gave Toshinori what appears to be near-complete immortality. He can regenerate any part of his body however he can't regenerate his hearts, of which he has 5." Nagant explains. "So if we want to defeat him now, we have to destroy all 5 hearts. This is a bit more shocking than I expected." Shigaraki says.

"What else did he tell you?" Cruel Jeanist asks. "The last thing he mentioned was that the One-Eyed Reaper is still alive." Lady Nagant says which again surprises everyone. "So the brat still lives?" Endeavor says. "Where is he?" Chisaki asks. "He isn't here. Stain says he is in another world and his existence was verified by Toshinori who had run into him in whatever world he was in." Lady Nagant finishes. "So he also has a way to go to different worlds, now this is troubling." Chisaki says. 'That's all I am aware of. Everything else that he packed I won't have the knowledge of it." Nagant says before Shigaraki thanks her, he grabs the bag and opens it before removing a book and all the documents inside. Shigaraki opens the book and it has the same words inside saying Toshinori's weakness. He places the book down and grabs the stack of documents and on top has the label reading "Artificial Demons". He opens the document and finds the anatomy of little girls inside which confuses Hawks. "What in the world do the bodies of little girls have to do with Toshinori? Is Stain a secret pedophile?" Hawks jokingly says but Shigaraki ignores him and keeps reading the documents. He then realizes these girls are the artificial demons and remembers Nagant saying it the ADB vial was some kind of demon's blood. He continues reading through the document and his face was filled with worry when he finishes it. "What's wrong Shigaraki?" Chisaki asks. "Stain didn't grab these documents as information. He grabbed these documents as a warning to us." Shigaraki says. "What do you mean?" Lady Nagant asks. "These documents are about these little girls called "Artificial Demons" and since that vial is some kind of demon's blood, I'm guessing these girls could be the source of these vials." Shigaraki explains. "Makes sense. So these girls must be genetically enhanced to be able to produce blood that strengthens a human to the extent Toshinori was strengthened." Edgeshot says and Shigaraki nods in agreement. "How is this a warning exactly?" Hawks asks. "Included with these papers is a section that details these girl's abilities. They apparently have an artificial quirk." Shigaraki explains further which surprises everyone. "Artificial quirks. It seems Toshinori got himself on some seriously advanced tech to be able to invent something as ridiculous as an artificial quirk." Ryukyu replies. "They apparently have 3 hearts and the artificial quirk they have is...One For All." Shigaraki finishes which caused the entire room to go silent.

"That's why you said it was a warning." Edgeshot says. "How many of these girls are there?" Endeavor asks. "I'm not sure but in these papers, it seems to be 4 included with this special one which is labeled as A.D.E.W." Shigaraki says. "Looks like we have a serious problem on our hands." a voice says which makes everyone turn in the direction of the voice and they were surprised to see Dabi at the door. "Good to see you again." Dabi says and Endeavor looks away trying to avoid eye contact. "I heard everything. Looks like we are in a serious bind." Dabi says and Shigaraki nods in agreement. "We need all the help we can get so I appreciate you coming Dabi." Shigaraki says. "I was a bit excited when I heard we were teaming up to fight against One For All but I am not too thrilled to be teaming up with my father." Dabi says. "We need his strength. I'm sorry if this makes you uncomfortable but we need him in this fight." Shigaraki says. "Very well, so what's the plan?" Dabi asks. "I will try to get some assistance from a scientist and good friend of mine, meanwhile the rest of you stand by until I give my next order." Shigaraki says before leaving the room with all the documents and the ADB vial. "Who does that bastard think he is?" Hawks says. "He is the same 'bastard' that can kill every single one of you in an instant and while it might take longer for me, I too can take you all down easily which is why I am the Number Two Hero." Chisaki says. "Too bad the idiot has such a 'heart of gold' that he rarely kills anyone, with such a dangerous quirk he could easily make villains listen to him if he wasn't such a goody-two-shoes." Hawks replies. "Although he doesn't kill often, that doesn't mean he can't. If you remember the last person he killed, he left nothing left of him and he single-handedly erased an entire criminal organization off the face of the earth in under 5 seconds. He is a Demon among monsters. The only two people in the world that rivals his power are Toshinori and The One-Eyed Reaper but the former always runs away when Shigaraki attacks while the latter could only rival his power if he losses control of his own." Edgeshot replies which annoyed Hawks who said nothing and left the building. "It must hurt to know that the only reason you criminals are alive is because Shigaraki isn't a person who likes to kill people." Chisaki says. "That doesn't mean you are clear either Overhaul. If he wanted to he could end the world and control us all and make us his slaves. The only thing keeping us alive is also the only thing keeping you and your society alive." Endeavor replies before leaving the room and everyone else following behind him and with that finished Lady Nagant rushes to her car and drives back to the city hoping to find Stain.

Meanwhile, a man with long hair and wearing a mask walks over to Stain's corpse. He picks up Stain's blade before stabbing it into the ground. He takes off his jacket and places it on the sword. "You have served this world well, even sacrificing yourself for the greater good of the future. Thank you Akaguro, the world will miss a hero like you." the man says before walking away, and when the man was gone, Stain's blood-soaked mask was taken and disappears.