
Seven Deadly Sins transported to MHA

With The threat of the Demon King gone and chaos Caith being defeated the 7 deadly sins separate from each other. After a reunion party was stopped when strange men infiltrated the castle and attacked the sins but thanks to Meliodas's incredible strength they were taken down easily when one of them pulls out a purple orb which teleports Meliodas and Ban to a foreign place. Can they make it back home in this strange new world?

TrueCulture_io123 · Anime & Comics
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84 Chs

End and Beginning

Toshinori smiles with amusement from Stains determination. "This is what I like about you heroes, you always prioritize others over yourselves with a fearsome determination and acceptance of death. It almost makes me not want to kill you, almost." Toshinori says. As the wind blows past them and sweat begins to fall from Stain's head, Toshinori dashes at Stain and tries to punch him but Stain barely dodges before throwing knives at him but Toshinori blocks it with his arm. This barely blocks Toshinori's vision and gives Stain the opportunity to rush at him, he dashes his blade towards Toshinori's chest and Toshinori jumps back with a nervous look on his face. "Looks like the doctor was correct. You really can't regenerate your hearts now, can you?" Stain says with a smile seemingly of relief but this infuriated Toshinori who dashes at Stain while yelling "How dare you!!" and Stain quickly ducks to the ground and in an instant managed to kick Toshinori in the chest and stabs him with a hidden knife under his shoe which causes blood to spill everywhere but unfortunately he missed Toshinori's heart but Stain quickly licks the blood that spilled and Toshinori was again paralyzed and fell to the ground. Stain stands back up with a smile on his face. "You really are reckless Toshinori." He says while walking to Toshinori. "You bitch!" Toshinori says with an enraged expression. "I'll put you to rest Toshinori, for good." Stain says while preparing to stab Toshinori but as soon as the sword came down, Black Whip came out of Toshinori's mouth and grabbed his blade and Stains neck, choking him. He quickly pulls out a knife and cuts loose of Black Whip before trying to catch his breath but the whip came at him again and he jumps back. The sword was thrown away and more whips appeared all around his body like tentacles, holding him up. While still paralyzed he looks Stain in the eye with a gaze that was filled with rage. "I'll kill you Stain!!" Toshinori yells before sending some Black Whips in his direction. He dodges and rushes towards his sword, he grabs it and tries to rush Toshinori but there were so many tentacles in the way that it was too difficult to accomplish.

Suddenly a smokescreen appeared out of nowhere and it limited Stains vision and Black Whips came at him again but he managed to dodge them. "This is bad. It won't be long before Toshinori is released from paralysis, I need to end this now." Stain says to himself before rushing into the area of smoke and cutting down the whips that were coming his way. One of them missed him and he climbs onto them which threw him up into the air and the smoke began clearing up which allowed him to finally see where Toshinori was. He dives towards him with his sword and aims for his chest but was held by many whips which tied his arms and legs together, preventing him from stabbing Toshinori. "I will praise you for making me worry for my life but you are still no match for me." Stain says before one of the whips reaches into Stain's pocket and pulls out the ADB vial. "So this was what you were after?" Toshinori says while looking at it for a moment before smiling with a maniacal grin. "If you wanted me to share this with you then you could've asked." Toshinori says before shoving it into Stain's mouth and breaking it inside, and forcing him to swallow it all. Stain coughs up blood and Toshinori laughs maniacally before bringing Stain closer to his face. "I want to see that beautiful blood-filled face up close." Toshinori says before Stain spits out some of the blood in his mouth onto Toshinori's face. "You still got some fight in you I see. How about I pay you back for stabbing me in the heart. If you survive I'll let you live." Toshinori says with his maniacal grin growing wider as he uses black whip to move his hand slowly into Stain's chest and he made sure to move slowly, making Stain scream while he laughs loudly and pushes deeper inside him. He reaches Stains heart and grabs it. "What a beautiful heart you have Stain." Toshinori says before being able to move again and crushing it, killing Stain and he drops his body onto the ground. "I truly am grateful for our match Stain. You were a true hero." Toshinori says before dashing away and the rain begins to fall as more blood flowed out of his body and stains his fallen mask.

After a few minutes, the rain picks up and gets heavier and Toshinori reaches back to his home. He walks in and Mab was there waiting for him. "Have you dealt with them?" Mab asks. "Unfortunately one of them escaped but I managed to kill one of them." Toshinori says which upsets Mab but he was somewhat relieved as well. "Did you managed to gain any information as to what they were looking for?" Mab asks. "It's likely they were searching for some weakness against me but I didn't get any information from the Villain Slayer." Toshinori says. "I tried looking through the burned lab for anything they may have taken but with the lab being completely destroyed, I am unable to find anything aside from burned documents and destroyed equipment." Mab says which reminds Toshinori of the vial in Stain's pocket. "I think I might know one of the items they took from the lab. It was a vial of some kind, something he seemingly took from your lab." Toshinori says. "Did you see the label on it?! There were three vials that were similar to it but the labels of the ones in the lab are gone. If you could tell me the label I could figure out which vial they took!" Mab says but Toshinori shakes his head. "I was in a fight so I didn't bother reading the label." Toshinori says which angers Mab. "Dammit!" he yells before storming away and into the elevator. "I suppose he would be upset, seeing as his life work has been destroyed." Toshinori says to himself before walking away.

Meanwhile, Lady Nagant drives the car deeper into the city and after a 2-hour long drive, she reaches an abandoned building which she enters. She walks into the living room and sees government officials along with different heroes in the room. When she entered the other people looks at her. "Welcome, Lady Nagant. We've been waiting for you." one of the government officials says and she nods her head, acknowledging what he said. "Where's Stain?" Mirko asks which surprises her. "Why is a villain inside this meeting?!" Nagant yells when she suddenly hears a voice behind her. "It's not just her sweetheart." the voice say which makes her turn around only to see other villains such as Ryukyu, Edgeshot, Cruel Jeanist, and Endeavor. She quickly activates her quirk but then a feather blade came across her neck. "Stand down." a man says behind her. She turns her head to see 1 more villain she didn't see. "Hawks. Why are all of you here?!" Lady Nagant asks. "Put down your weapon and we can talk." Hawks said with an evil smile. "Both of you stand down." A man says and walks forward revealing to be Chisaki. "Don't tell me what to do, Overhaul." Hawks says. "I think you are all forgetting that you are standing in the room with the world's strongest heroes including myself. We have all fought each other before and you are all aware of the power differences between us. I suggest you all stand down before we put you back where you belong." Chisaki says.

"Enough, all of you sit down. We are all here for a common goal, not to fight amongst ourselves." A man says from the shadows. "If you don't want us fighting amongst ourselves then keep your fellow heroes in check, Shigaraki." Hawk replies in anger. Shigaraki stands up and walks out of the shadows revealing himself fully. "Very well. I apologize for her misconduct, she was just unaware we were teaming up with you all." he apologizes and Hawks lets her go and Nagant deactivates her quirk. "The current Number 1 Hero. The Disintegration Hero, Shigaraki." Lady Nagant thinks to herself and Shigaraki grabs her shoulder.

"Let's get back to why we are here."