

Locked away in a cold, unforgiving mental hospital, Selina was branded as crazy by those who should have protected her. Betrayed by her father and tormented by her peers, her years of captivity have only fueled her desire for vengeance. Now, with a daring escape behind her, Selina is back, and she’s not the same innocent girl they once knew. In a city that once turned a blind eye, secrets will be exposed and justice will be served—her way.

FaridahLawani2311 · Teen
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7 Chs

No freedom


(Selina and her mother, Frances, are having a conversation.)

SELINA: Mom, I'm not a baby anymore.

FRANCES: You'll always be my baby, love.

SELINA: I know why the sweet talk. You're going to work again, aren't you?

FRANCES: Just for two days, sweetheart. You know your father doesn't have a job. I'm doing this to support our family. I'll get you the money you asked for.

(Frances exits.)

SELINA: (to herself) Mom keeps encouraging that womanizer...

(Richard enters.)

RICHARD: Why aren't you in school?

SELINA: Do you even care?

RICHARD: Have you started smoking? How dare you talk to me like that? You're such a brat.

SELINA: Actually, it's the other way around.

(Richard hits her.)

RICHARD: Some nerve you've got, huh?

SELINA: I'm sorry.

RICHARD: You'd better be, brat.

(Richard exits angrily.)

(Frances returns.)

FRANCES: Sorry for the delay, love. I got a call from work.

SELINA: No problem, Mom. Just take care. Bye.

Selina waves goodbye to her mother.



(Miss Lizzy is teaching her class.)

LIZZY: So, each element in a compound constitutes its own particular portion of the compound's mass. It means... Selina, what did I just say?

SELINA: Miss Lizzy, it's Sophia. She threw my book out the window.

LIZZY: Are you lying to cover up your mistakes, Selina?

SELINA: I am sorry, Miss Lizzy, but it's not my fault.

LIZZY: Out of my class.

SELINA: Please forgive me, Miss Lizzy.

SOPHIA: Are you deaf?

SELINA: But...

(Selina exits sadly.)

ANNE: Miss Lizzy, it was Sophia's fault.

MICHAEL: Who asked for your opinion?

ANNE: I wasn't talking to you either.

LIZZY: Enough, students. I am teaching.

ANNE: Sorry, Miss Lizzy.



(Selina enters, visibly upset)

SELINA: Mom, Mom!

RICHARD: Are you blind? She isn't home.

SELINA: I was sent out of class today, Dad, and I didn't do anything wrong.

RICHARD: Deal with it yourself.

(Helen enters abruptly)

HELEN: Rich, I came... What is this brat doing at home?

SELINA: I am not a brat.

RICHARD: Shut up and go to your room.

SELINA: Dad, instead of looking for a job, you're at home inviting your mistress...

HELEN: What did you say?

SELINA: ...while Mom goes out to work.

RICHARD: I won't say this again! (yells) Go to your room, brat!

SELINA: I am not a brat!

(Selina exits crying)

HELEN: She's got some nerve, huh?



(Selina tries calling her mom.)

SELINA: Please, Mom, pick up.

(Network message interrupts.)

NETWORK: The number you are trying to call is not reachable. Please try again later.

SELINA: Mom, I miss you



(Taylor and Diego rush in, clearly preoccupied.)

TAYLOR: Thank God you're home, honey. Take care of the house; we have an urgent meeting.

DIEGO: If anyone calls, we're in a meeting.

(They hurriedly exit.)

ANNE: (to herself) Guess I have to order pizza again. (sighs) I'm so tired of eating pizza.



(Selina enters, visibly distraught.)

SELINA: (crying) Sir, my father is hitting me.

KELVIN: Just get out of here.

SELINA: Please, my mom is not home.

JAMES: Who cares?

SELINA: The police should.

KELVIN: Are you trying to teach us our job? Who do you think you are, a ten-year-old dictating to us?

SELINA: I am fifteen, but I am sorry.

JAMES: Scram, brat.

SELINA: Please, please help me.

(Selina exits crying.)

KELVIN: Who cares about her and her father?

JAMES: Just came to disturb the peace of this place.




(Anne and Selina are seated together, discussing quietly.)

ANNE: Sorry about yesterday, Selina. I told the teacher, but she refused to listen.

SELINA: Thanks for trying.

ANNE: It's nothing. What are friends for?

(Suddenly, Michael and his friends enter, interrupting the moment. They mock Selina.)

MICHAEL: Hey Selina, did you eat well today? I'll have your food then.

SELINA: Give me back my food flask.

MICHAEL: Come get it.

(Sophia enters.)

SOPHIA: Don't trouble her today, Michael. She has no strength to fight. Here are the pads you ordered, Selina.

(The class bursts into laughter at Sophia's remark.)

SELINA: I didn't... I...

(Feeling embarrassed and upset, Selina rushes out of the classroom.)

ANNE: What's your problem? Aren't you ashamed of yourself?

SOPHIA: Scram, insignificant.

(Michael and his friends laugh loudly at the situation.)

ANNE: I can't believe you. Selina...

(Upset and hurt, Anne quickly follows Selin out of the room.)

MICHAEL: Such losers.

(Miss Lizzy enters, noticing the commotion.)

LIZZY: What happened? Why is the class so rowdy?

SOPHIA: Selina was trying to pick a fight with me because of yesterday.

MICHAEL: She is a mad girl.

LIZZY: I'll speak to the principal. (exits angrily)



(Frances is sitting on the couch, talking to Richard, who looks despondent.)

FRANCES: Richard, were you lucky today?

RICHARD: No job for me. They don't even want to give me a chance.

FRANCES: Don't worry, I'm trying my best to support us...

(Selina bursts into the room, crying, and hugs her mother.)


FRANCES: Love, what's wrong? Why are you crying?

SELINA: I don't ever want to go to school again. I graduated today.

FRANCES: Oh my God, did they expel you?

SELINA: No, Mom. Some of my classmates humiliated me.

FRANCES: What happened?

SELINA: I don't know how to tell you, but I don't want to ever go to school again. (crying)

FRANCES: Don't worry, love. I'll have a talk with the school head.

(Anne enters, looking concerned.)

ANNE: Good afternoon, Aunt.

FRANCES: Good afternoon, Anne. How are you doing?

ANNE: I am fine, Aunt.

FRANCES: And your parents?

ANNE: They are also fine.

(Anne turns to Selina.)

ANNE: Selina...

SELINA: I can't face anyone, Anne. Not even you.

ANNE: It was Sophia's fault, not yours. Don't let them get to you.

SELINA: It's too late because they already did. I'm never going to that school again.

FRANCES: Talk to her, Anne. Let's go, Richard.

(Frances and Richard exit, leaving Anne and Selina alone.)

ANNE: Selina, you are my best friend and the purest soul I've ever met. Always walk with your head held high.

SELINA: Thanks for the motivation, Anne, but I can't do as you say. They will make fun of me.

ANNE: That's their problem, not ours. I'm with you, Selina.

(Selina hugs Anne, feeling comforted.)

SELINA: Thank you, girlfriend.

(Anne wipes away Selina's tears)

ANNE: Do not cry anymore.

SELINA: I won't.

ANNE: Now I have to run. Take care.

(Frances enters as Anne leaves.)

FRANCES: How did it go? Do you still want to change schools?

SELINA: I'll miss Anne, Mom.


SELINA: I won't change schools.

FRANCES: That's my girl.

SELINA: Love you, Mom.

FRANCES: Love you too, sweetheart.

(Richard enters the room.)

RICHARD: I'll accompany my daughter to school tomorrow.

FRANCES: Really?

RICHARD: Yes, no one should bully my daughter.

FRANCES: Alright, if that's sorted, then I'll go make lunch.

(Frances exits.)

SELINA: Really, Dad?

RICHARD: Sure, I promise.

SELENA: (smiling) Thank you.

RICHARD: You're welcome.



(Anne enters the house where Taylor and Diego are waiting.)

TAYLOR: Where are you coming from?

ANNE: You mean, how was school today?

DIEGO: Don't try to act smart with us.

ANNE: Come on, Dad, Mom, I'm not a baby anymore. I'm fifteen and will be turning sixteen next year.

TAYLOR: That doesn't answer my question.

ANNE: I went to Selina's...

TAYLOR: That girl.

ANNE: She is my friend, Mom.

TAYLOR: Has she been teaching you to disrespect your parents?

ANNE: I've always done everything you asked. Please let me live my life in peace. (exits angrily)

TAYLOR: Anne, Anne, we aren't done talking. What rubbish?




(Selina and Anne are sitting together, talking.)

SELINA: Do you care for salad, Anne?

(Sophia enters and throws her food on the ground on purpose.)

SOPHIA: Oops, my bad. Didn't see you there.

(Everyone laughs)

ANNE: What's your problem, Sophia? What's your deal?

SOPHIA: Hey, watch your mouth.

SELINA: Let's go, Anne.

(Selina rushes out)

SOPHIA: Come on, run after your chicken friend.

ANNE: She's not a chicken. (exits angrily)



(Selina is sitting alone, crying.)

SELENA: Mom, please come save me.

(Anne enters and approaches Selina.)

ANNE: Don't let her get to you.

(Michael, Sophia, and their friends enter, smirking and ready to make Selina feel bad again.)

MICHAEL: Let me join the chit-chat.

ANNE: Why are you stalking us?

SOPHIA: Not you, Anne.

MICHAEL: Selina, how did the salad taste?

SELINA: Please, leave me alone.

MICHAEL: Crybaby. (Scoffs)

ANNE: Stop it.

MICHAEL: Hey, get lost.

(Michael pushes Selina into the mud)

MICHAEL: Look, you're dirty. (all laugh)

SELINA: Just leave me alone.

(Selina spots Miss Lizzy approaching)

SELINA: Miss Lizzy...

(Miss Lizzy enters, noticing the commotion.)

LIZZY: Causing trouble again, Selina?

ANNE: Miss Lizzy, Michael pushed her.

LIZZY: There must be a valid reason for that. She's a troublemaker.

ANNE: That's not true.

SELINA: (crying) I didn't do anything, Miss Lizzy.

LIZZY: Come with me.

(Lizzy drags Selina out)
